Worst things to burn

Arborist Forum

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My dad used to do A/C work on cars. I don't know about the new freon. But the old R-12 and the like when passed though a flame makes phosgene gas (spelling may be wrong) Which is a nerve gas the the Germans used in WW2. In fact if R-12 is leaking inside of the car and is inhaled though a cigarette it will turn it into a poison gas too


The newer refrigerants are still pretty nasty to burn. Instead of being a CFC they are usually an HFC, simply replacing the Chlorine atom in the molecule with a hydrogen atom. The Florine is still there, which makes it pretty nasty to burn too.

Ammonia will burn if there is enough of it, now THAT is nasty to smell.
semi tires

buddy of mine's dad was a trucker. He had filled in a ravine with about 20 years worth of old semi tires. some new to the country, suburbinites complained bout skeeters so he fired it up one night with 20-50 gallons of diesel. Look like an oil derrick on fire for bout a week. Local volunteer fire department wasn't none to happy. :givebeer:
I just saw an add in a local buy/sell guide for old carpet that they said had sat outside all winter but somebody was welcome to take it because they said it would make "good free fuel to burn" To cheap/lazy to take it to the dump I guess.