A little advice needed on a chainsaw!

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if it burns a gas oil mix it puts fumes out, it may have reduced emissions but that would be sad as I love the smell of 2 stroke smoke, it makes me smile

DUDE you have GOT TO QUIT running those things in the closet. I told you the fume was gonna get you and now the really have. Maybe next time youll listen wen i tell you something:spam:

No back to the OP.

Ms170. plenty light. sips fuel. kinda slow is the only problem i have with mine. I could put a 12 inch bar but the 14 is a much better all-terrain bar. (By terrain i mean more versatile size) Its original with .043 gauge but is easily swapped up im sure. I dont need to because its just fine with me as it comes.
depending on how easy you can start a saw i would go with an ms250 or an easyto start ms250 a two year old could start that saw.
Tat there is war.

Sonny go fetch my white rhinestone jump suit. Red get my hair jelly. Joe get my black shoe polish hair dye. Where'd the hell is the Colonel when ya need him, somebody get him on the horn, now, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I'm here. Cancha even dress yourself? I'll get Miss Demi to come right over. :)

colonel joat

Thats the Colonels job, dayumm his hide, gonna get me another manager one of these days, you would think at 50% he'd be around when ya need him, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

If I have to be on call on a Saturday night, I'm gonna need 60%. You gotsta pay sucker. :cry:

colonel joat
I'm here. Cancha even dress yourself? I'll get Miss Demi to come right over. :)

colonel joat

If I have to be on call on a Saturday night, I'm gonna need 60%. You gotsta pay sucker. :cry:

colonel joat

60% whatttttttttttttt, dayummm Colonel, Frank only charged Sammy 25%.

Makes no never mind. We got a cat down in Texas that has insulted da King. I'm sending the Lisa Marie for ya. When you get down there round up the boys and go pay that guy a visit. You tell him I know KRA ROT TIE, KUNGS FOO and Muhammad Ali. That should scare him. Call me in the evening around 5pm when I wake up and let me know how things went.
Now joat; just because I understand that ole Tom bribed ya into liking them thar stihls, don't go a thinkin I am elementary fiend:cheers:

You accusing da King of bribery, shames on ya. Now surely we can work this out, you like jewelry by chance, Caddy's, maybe a new airplane, oh I know, for you a new STIHL,
<a href="http://www.sweetim.com/s.asp?im=gen&lpver=3&ref=11" target="_blank"><img src="http://cdn.content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/0002006E.gif" border="0" title="Click to get more." ></a>
60% whatttttttttttttt, dayummm Colonel, Frank only charged Sammy 25%.

Makes no never mind. We got a cat down in Texas that has insulted da King. I'm sending the Lisa Marie for ya. When you get down there round up the boys and go pay that guy a visit. You tell him I know KRA ROT TIE, KUNGS FOO and Muhammad Ali. That should scare him. Call me in the evening around 5pm when I wake up and let me know how things went.

U talking about Mow ? Hey Tom we had a ole boy in our school that was like national champ in akita, he told me one day I know akita and I told him I know robuck, he said whats that, I said sears and robuck crowbar ya dummy lol:cheers:
U talking about Mow ? Hey Tom we had a ole boy in our school that was like national champ in akita, he told me one day I know akita and I told him I know robuck, he said whats that, I said sears and robuck crowbar ya dummy lol:cheers:

You accusing da King of bribery, shames on ya. Now surely we can work this out, you like jewelry by chance, Caddy's, maybe a new airplane, oh I know, for you a new STIHL,
<a href="http://www.sweetim.com/s.asp?im=gen&lpver=3&ref=11" target="_blank"><img src="http://cdn.content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/0002006E.gif" border="0" title="Click to get more." ></a>

Whats that gal ya tried to get me with that time called? If I were not a married man that may work but alas happy man with a ring lol:cheers:
Whats that gal ya tried to get me with that time called? If I were not a married man that may work but alas happy man with a ring lol:cheers:

Yeah I remember that, that gal let me down, had to let her go after that. Last I heard she took up house with Tom Jones, I tell ya man that really hurt,
<a href="http://www.sweetim.com/s.asp?im=gen&lpver=3&ref=11" target="_blank"><img src="http://cdn.content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/00020468.gif" border="0" title="Click to get more." ></a>
Yeah I remember that, that gal let me down, had to let her go after that. Last I heard she took up house with Tom Jones, I tell ya man that really hurt,
<a href="http://www.sweetim.com/s.asp?im=gen&lpver=3&ref=11" target="_blank"><img src="http://cdn.content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/00020468.gif" border="0" title="Click to get more." ></a>

Wow dumped ya for TJ I mean hell I could understand if it were Dean Martin but TJ I mean yuk lol.
60% whatttttttttttttt, dayummm Colonel, Frank only charged Sammy 25%.

Makes no never mind. We got a cat down in Texas that has insulted da King. I'm sending the Lisa Marie for ya. When you get down there round up the boys and go pay that guy a visit. You tell him I know KRA ROT TIE, KUNGS FOO and Muhammad Ali. That should scare him. Call me in the evening around 5pm when I wake up and let me know how things went.

Tell Joatman be very careful, this is Texas not Va. We make up our own gun laws:)
The only problem I can see with getting a lady a saw is that you can lose your chief brush piling person that way. As in "Pile brush??!! Pile your own damn brush! I'm running saw !!!" :greenchainsaw:

excellent point Bob, you thought that through
Brush Piling

Well it's imparative that the gal run the saw, cuz all that brush piling will ruin a good nail job and lordy I dont want to ruin my nails.. roflmao! Besides if he helps feed the top of the brush pile, he gets extra points and we all know what that gets him!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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