WHO Doesn't Have Snow On The Ground ???

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Here in the Lake Norman area of NC, we only get snow a few times a year. At the moment it is snowing and the ground is covered.
here in union county tennessee we don't have nothing on the ground and it's not snowing it just passed over us and hitting every where else
We've had more this year than we have had in the past 5-6 years combined.have more on the way this weekend..I'm really looking forward to the time of year when I can complain about the heat...
I think you guys got all our snow this year. We normally get tons - this year we have vitually none. Plowed my driveway 1 time this season. Still cold - perfect for cutting wood. (Southern Ontario)
same here in Blount Co., TN

here in union county tennessee we don't have nothing on the ground and it's not snowing it just passed over us and hitting every where else

Yup! I've been hoping and praying for snow, and we git nutin'! Snow in all directions a 100 miles from here though. I love the stuff. I don't understand why everybody seems to have a problem with it. When I was a kid, it always meant NO SCHOOL and time to go outside and play. As an adult, it means I abandon all other obligations and go outside and play with chainsaws or go sledding with my grandchildren. Why doesn't God like us folks here in East TN?
I thought this was the Bible belt....
No snow at my place on the north side of Johnson City, but you don't have to go far to find some. Expecting a little Sunday night into Monday. Just moved up from Sunny FL about a year and half ago, and I am loving it. Still though, looking forward to nice weather so I can get some things done outside.
It's 50 degrees* here and no snow (In the valleys that is. Plenty of snow up higher).

I mowed my lawn yesterday and tilled up the garden. Planted some bulbs.

*We got it earlier this winter with 9 degree temperatures. And the 3 past winters were extra cold. So I think mother nature is giving us a break...
This guy doesn't have snow. I'm at 1500', up the mountain behind the house at about 3500' we have snow. Where I go sledding at 8000' we have about 20-30' of snow.
No Snow Here

We had a snowfall earlier this week but it melted as soon as it hit the ground.
Another big one came through a few miles south of us and headed on to Arkansas and Louisiana.

Right now we have no snow on the ground.


Here in Pasadena, Maryland (20 miles south of Baltimore) we have PLENTY !!!!!!!!!

Kamloops B.C. Canada.
Have no snow and have not had any for a month. Warmest winter I can remember. There is no frost in the garden!!! Most days are above freezing and the nights just below. Normally the last few weeks mother nature beats us with cold and snow. I like it!!
We've got about 6" on the ground from last week. Prior to that we had none for quite a while, I here that we are 18" down from our average total at this time.
I've only had to plow twice so far this year. You guys down south are getting it. I believe northern MI is getting theirs for snowmobiling and this summer lake levels, which is good.
We have had more snow this year than in the past few years,but it doesnt last long.Snows to beat the band, all the tards run off to walmart and stock up on canned goods, and then its gone the next day.Repeat this cycle once a week.
Right now we dont have a drop on the ground except further up than where we are.
Sure was nice to see some Tennessee boys chime in around here!