Tom Dunlop, Buzz Tyrant?

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 21, 2007
The Nati, Oh Hi, Yo
Commercial tree care and climbing forum, the Buzz is moderated by its owner. I know it is not within rules to discuss moderating of ASite but it seems such a big part of this business is its forums, some discussion of this subject is prudent and even productive. Owners of TB, TH and the late TW all are/were moderated by their owners, who develop an inner circle of posters and if ideas and opinions do not suit the owners then the zombie like followers are put upon the posters that offend the owner. Then the owner bans them and sometimes washes out all their posts. Where is free speech?

If you are an American your free speech is supposed to be protected but in some countries speech that offends the rulers can make a person subject to imprisonment or even injury or death. You would think that an unbound entity such as the internet would promote free speech since imprisonment etc. is next to impossible given the vague rules and origin of posters. But when the owners of the forums can shut the mouth offending their sensitive self rightious ears by banning them and their thoughts. why frequent such forums ? Very sad state of affairs that has regressed significantly lately in my opinion.,


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 24, 2008


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 21, 2007
The Nati, Oh Hi, Yo
I am currently banned on 3 out of 4 forums so my percent is 75% banned. But since one of the forums is out of biz that percent has gone down significantly. What is WRONG with all these forums lol.?

PS...I gotta go out and do some tree work now while Dunlop sits in his basement on his computer with his bedroom slippers on in his bathrobe running I must know more than him....Don't I (dammit)!


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 29, 2006
Telemark, Norway
Strange how all these american forums makes you feel like you were in China or North Korea. Make sure you don't type anything offensive, or break a rule, or they will come and get you. Did anyone besides me notice how the morderator on the "A Safer More Efficient Tree Industry Future?" recieved 3 disslikes on his last post (I gave him one). The next day all the negatives were gone and he had 4 likes... Guess I'd better be checking out some european forums now :-D
Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Strange how all these american forums makes you feel like you were in China or North Korea. Make sure you don't type anything offensive, or break a rule, or they will come and get you. Did anyone besides me notice how the morderator on the "A Safer More Efficient Tree Industry Future?" recieved 3 disslikes on his last post (I gave him one). The next day all the negatives were gone and he had 4 likes... Guess I'd better be checking out some european forums now :-D

That'd be me. I was playing with the new software, and figured out I could edit likes. I could probably put em back if it made you feel better.

Generally, I ain't too worried if someone "dislikes" what I've done or said. Can't please everyone, you know.

To the subject at hand, and the "Freedom of Speech" issue, if you want to voice your views over the internet, so be it. Start your own site, you can do it for free in any number of places. If you want to spread your views on someone else's site, you abide by their rules. It's really that simple.
Grace Tree

Grace Tree

Impossible Access
Jan 18, 2006
Middlefield, OH 44062
I always had the impression that he wanted to be thought of as renaissance man and that TB reflected a lot of that arsegrabbing arrogance. I probably was wrong but since I'm banned over there I'll never know. I'm probably headed in the same direction on this site.


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 29, 2006
Telemark, Norway
That'd be me. I was playing with the new software, and figured out I could edit likes. I could probably put em back if it made you feel better.
Yea, that would make me feel better. I generally dislike it when people with power tries to change history :-D
As for starting my own forum, I belive thats been done before. I'm to lazy, so I prefer just to voice my opinion.


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 29, 2006
Telemark, Norway
Of course you can complain about moderators. There might be some forum rule that states that you cant, but the forum (at least comercial ones like AS) are dependant on users. So banning to many users is kind of like peeing in your pants to stay warm. Not good in the long term. Smarter listening to what the users have to say...
Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Guess I can't put em back. You'll just have to go dislike me again, if it ain't too much work for you.

While we're at it, complaining about moderation in the open forum is frowned upon. If you've got problems with how me or any of the other moderators do their job, send us a message, or if you'd rather, Darin.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 21, 2007
The Nati, Oh Hi, Yo
Banned from 3 out 4 forums? Crikey. Out of curiosity do you consider yourself entirely blameless?

Maybe I should state my case...TWorld...what can you say...everyone got banned, THouse...not even sure what I did there, didn't log in enough time there to bloom into my complete mature obnoxiousness...maybe a hun posts or so, but on this guy's Tbzz I activated some deep seated protective mechanism maybe between his mom and him with a simple truthful statement of facts. It was on the thread "Bad Wood" which y'all know what that is about. In his rennaissance arse grabbing arrogance he and the rest of the posters were hating big time on the new reality show. I on the other hand, kind of enjoy it for what it is. One of his pet posters, a girl that fancies herself a high echelon tree uh person relayed how she felt the show stunk not meeting ANY of her criteria or standards. Well, me being me, made a statement that the day to day job of lead climber on urban tree removals is quite difficult. So difficult that I had never (never) seen a woman hold that job anywhere or anytime. Many replies of female groundies, occassional td woman and pruners but I countered with I am talking of a lead urban td climber person on a salty every day city td crew 6 days a week doing the most difficult removals and then getting up and doing one just as hard or harder the day after and after and after. Planning and doing the whole job while others waited on the ground for material to get rid of. Thousands of em across the country...but not one (1)...that I know of...anywhere...period...that is a woman.'d think I had burned the Quoran and they were all Muslims. I was skewered, belittled, admonished and then kicked in the shins. How could I abuse women like that Mr. Dunlop said to me. Abuser he called me. Then he banned me, and sent me emails with links of inspirational movies to watch, that would lead to betterment of my pathetic self if I watched them and followed his detailed instructions to better myself.. I think he is from Austin which is a liberal cesspool deep in the heart of Texas, but come on...I think I just made a simple truthful statement. Is there no room for the truth anymore?
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