Trees you like, Trees you dislike.

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Feb 16, 2008
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Across the bridge.
I'm talking about trees in your yard. I know most of you guys make a living with trees, so i imagine all trees are good to you. But what kind would you like and dislike on your property. I know different areas have different kind of trees. In arkansas the two trees that i would not have are the sweet gum and the pine tree. I have cut several of them down, :chainsaw: Pine trees have them darn pine cones and nothing will grow under one. the sweet gum has them stinkin gumballs that hurt when you step on one. Both the pine cones and the gumballs have to be raked up a few times every year.:angry2: The favorite tree here would be the White Oak, A beautifull tree:clap: , Leaves are nice and the bark looks good. Just curious what you guys like and don't like to look at on your property.:cheers:

sycamores :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: the massive amounts of leaves and "stinkin balls" would drive me to the loony bin to clean, but i think they are beautiful trees...

work wise- Hedge...... theres nothing like descending a tree looking like you just went 12 rounds with a siberian tiger!


Pin Oaks, are resiliant, semi fast growing, asthetic trees. Leaves can be a chore tho...

work wise- Pin Oaks..... Easy to climb, easy to chip, not to heavy on the big green two wheeled log moving machine
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My favorite trees on my place are Catabla (i think that's how you spell it) They are an excellent shade tree. Plus when they have worms on the leaves they make excellent fishing bait. However, I haven't had any worms on them in years.

The one I hate the most is chinese tallow. Of course everyone hates them.
My favorite trees on my place are Catabla (i think that's how you spell it) They are an excellent shade tree. Plus when they have worms on the leaves they make excellent fishing bait. However, I haven't had any worms on them in years.

The one I hate the most is chinese tallow. Of course everyone hates them.

catalpa. Excellent fishing bait, but the worms seem to be on decline the last few years... anyone know why?
back home in NC almost every tree on my land is pine. love them but not in my yard. too much clean up time
Hate is a strong word

And should not be use on this site. :heart: Trees you like or dislike. :greenchainsaw:

likes: white oak, all evergreens, fruit and flowering. I like something about all trees. but trees I dislike for a certain reason: mulberry for their softwood and fast growth, norway maple because they are sooo invasive.

>>>IF<<< you can find a bunch, get permission to take a 5 gallon bucket full home. we did this with night crawlers growing up in oklahoma, had bait for EVER. Im sure that if you had enough habitat and let them establish themselves for a couple of years without taking to many this would work for catalpa worms as well...

Happy Hunting
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Hopefully I can find some. I never would take many. When they came back for one year, I didn't touch them at all. Maybe they felt not wanted.:dizzy:
My favorite trees on my place are Catabla (i think that's how you spell it) They are an excellent shade tree. Plus when they have worms on the leaves they make excellent fishing bait. However, I haven't had any worms on them in years.

The one I hate the most is chinese tallow. Of course everyone hates them.
My daughter had a cataba tree in her yard and every year it would be loaded with the worms. They make a great catfish bait, caught a lot of cat off them worms, Now she's moved and no more worms.:cry:
Does anybody like cottonwoods or tree-of-heaven ? I thought those would come up in the conversation right away.

I dislike extremely the wild honeylocusts. Black locust are almost as bad, except in the spring when the flowers are on.
Does anybody like cottonwoods or tree-of-heaven ? I thought those would come up in the conversation right away.

I dislike extremely the wild honeylocusts. Black locust are almost as bad, except in the spring when the flowers are on.

dead locust are the absolute worst to chip.....

and as for cottonwoods being the tree-of-heaven....:monkey: anything that smells like wet dog and horse stables when you cut it should not be the official tree of eternal happiness lmao
Trees you dislike and trees you like!

Don't care for Basswood trees. I have quite a few in my woodlot. They blockout all the sun light and are overmature. With no market for the logs, I'm cutting them down and will let most rot. Heres a picture of a few on the ground.


My front yard trees are the biggest trees on my property. I have been up them a few times and the view is great. Of the three that were there when I bought the home, I'm down to two now. Now another one has taken a hit of lightining and will be coming down soon.

Ok like a lot: Paw Paw, Corkscrew willow, red maple, all oaks, Osage Orange for the bow wood! persimmon, wild plum,apple, peach, pear, kentucky coffee tree cause they are cool, sassafras,crape myrtle and many others
like not so much; locust,china berry, pine, ash, silver maple, catalpa , black gum hop horn beam and more that I forget.
Trees I really don't care for; Hackbury for weak unions, Sycamore because they are toxic, sweet gum because they are a weed, alanthias cause they stink,cottonwood because they are weak.
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dead locust are the absolute worst to chip.....

and as for cottonwoods being the tree-of-heaven....:monkey: anything that smells like wet dog and horse stables when you cut it should not be the official tree of eternal happiness lmao

Before you get it wrong the tree of heaven is not cottonwood!
It is alanthias spelling is most likely wrong :laugh:
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