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Help identify tree

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  • FAYE
I need help identifying this tree. I'm not sure what it is and it's by my pool concrete and I'm worried it might break up the cement . Please see leaf pics.
The smaller leaves are very different shape than the more mature one
It's either a red (probably) or white Mulberry tree. I feel it is a rather invasive species because birds spread the seeds from its fruit. It also grows pretty rapidly, so it will probably ruin your poolside concreteI wood cut it off as flush to the concrete as possible and then poor some stump and brush killer on the root. To better assure against re-growth, pick a "barren sign" in a current Farmer's Almanac. Good Luck, Man of the Woods
MotW's is correct! I am constantly pulling saplings out under any tree not mowed around, flowerbeds and especially piles of soil. The deer, wild turkeys and songbirds love them and if you have berry bushes the robins usually prefer the mulberries. Makes good jam and wine though. The color of the wood is a beautiful golden color.

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