just a few from Saturday's work.

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Apr 11, 2007
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huntsville al
The victim.



Gasing up the saws.


My climber headed up.



Almost there.


at the top hanging the lowering rope.


How I use the whoopie sling for the porta wrap.



Out on the lead that was slightly over the house.



The last of the top.


The drop zone.


Working his way back down.

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what's the deal with the nubs are you new to climbing that's a no no tom trees:popcorn:
You must have not read the captions for each picture or you'd known that's not me climbing it's my climber and he does what he pleases unless I feel that it is unsafe. I started climbing in 1988 so by no means am new to climbing.
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Great pics Rftreeman. I know you would of had to been there but from what I could tell, looked like your climber was up plenty high enough in pic 5 to top out that tree.

That pic were he's hanging on the bottom side out on the end looked a little farther out than necessary from here behind the computer but like you said it's his rodeo.
Great pics Rftreeman. I know you would of had to been there but from what I could tell, looked like your climber was up plenty high enough in pic 5 to top out that tree.

That pic were he's hanging on the bottom side out on the end looked a little farther out than necessary from here behind the computer but like you said it's his rodeo.
yeah he does a little extra work and works harder than he should sometimes but he's safe, he's been climbing for a couple years but has never really had anyone to teach him the best & easiest ways but I'm trying to change that.
yeah he does a little extra work and works harder than he should sometimes but he's safe, he's been climbing for a couple years but has never really had anyone to teach him the best & easiest ways but I'm trying to change that.
You definitely have a good climber that's willing to go out on a limbs like that. I'd put him to work part time in a heart beat. I've tried like 5 or 6 climbers in the last couple years. They're either to reckless or slow or wanna talk about stupid stuff instead of what we're doing that day.
Good climbers that you can work with are hard to come across.

I'm wanting a climber for large oak clean outs, when I get them. They laugh when I say I'm getting to old to be running through an oak tree for half the day.
So I put them to work on one and they just wanna run up the center only and burn out not going through the whole tree, not going to the top and getting it good.

I'm thinking well S:censored:T I could do that all day too.
Safety first

Well if your really boss. You would make you climber wear sum safety gear. You problemly don't have any Insurance and if you do it should be cacnle. I bet you don't have workman comp. Well do the right thing before you have sum go up in the tree and do tack down as boss you should thing Safety first. Not last
My climber?

What does that mean? You own him?

No, not picking a fight here but I just can't stand when people say that. Nope, I can't.I can't can't can't can't... and I won't.

everybody says it, ceptin me. They call and say " Hey Dan! my climber can't make it or my climber is in jail or my climber can't do it"
I ask them if they expect that I should become thier climber which usually ends the conversation but if it don't a " well maybe then you should do your own climbing huh?" usually does.
I understand that I am probably making more of this than it is but I always thought if one were to speak his words should be imppeccable and this is not the case here. He is not your climber, he is A climber.

By the way; does your climber have a name?

What really ticks me off is when the guy saying " my climber this" and "my climber that" can't climb.
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I was thinking it might be a term for New Be.
Whatever the hell those stupid terms mean, instead of the words.
Get a little worked up there ain't we Treemandan?
It's like My son, my wife, my friend right? Is that not good is it?

And 26newtreeguy, Coming in pretty early and giving a respectable member a hard time ain't we? Don't get me wrong..It's kinda fun to flip a little #### here and there but you can take it over board as you did.

Now tell'em you're sorry :buttkick:.
Well if your really boss. You would make you climber wear sum safety gear. You problemly don't have any Insurance and if you do it should be cacnle. I bet you don't have workman comp. Well do the right thing before you have sum go up in the tree and do tack down as boss you should thing Safety first. Not last
Talking about gear newguy, you should get your spell check working and use it. I'm by no means the one that should be criticizing anybodies spelling but if I feel the need to flip someone s:censored:t I do double check my spelling myself.
What really ticks me off is when the guy saying " my climber this" and "my climber that" can't climb.
well well........I'm sorry you are so offended, what should he be called and yes I can climb but chose not to but if he got hurt and I had to go get him then I'd be on it like stink on you know what........I guess I shouldn't say things like my mom, my children or my wife either, sorry but I just don't see your point.

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