1st time homeowner in need of help

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New Member
Aug 19, 2011
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I recently purchased a new home and the builder included 4 live oak trees. 3 of the trees look great, but one of them is having issues. The tree trunk is changing to a darker brown color at the base, and today I noticed that there were a few small ants crawling around the tree. Also, I noticed that there is a hole about a foot away from the tree that looks like something burrowed under the mulch. I have been following the instructions from the builders and slowly water the trees at the trunk for about 10 minutes every night. I have never had to manage or care for a yard so I come to you all hoping for some help. I have attached a picture of the tree trunk.
I attached a few more images. I'm hoping that the spot is not really an issue, but I just want to be cautious.
Ok ta much easier to see whats going on. Check the soil below the mulch, is it wet a dank smell, if so back off the water till is drys to just moist. test this against the other good one.
That brown mark I think is a handling bruise by the landscaper install, not good but not much can be done. New home landscape are plagued by poor quality tree stock as its easy to dump profit and run leaving the owner the issues.
All else seems OK semi advanced stock often suffers transplant shock for a while up to 2 years before they er hmm die or with hope recover.

In time back off the stakes and ties to allow the tree to move and develop their own strengths
I agree with derwoodii

I dont like the way the tree is tied up


Keep the wound dry

stressed trees get attacked by insects and diseases.
this tree will need to be watched carefully.

Use your finger and poke it an inch into the soil to work out how wet the soil is, not your eye's.
''noticed that there is a hole about a foot away from the tree that looks like something burrowed under the mulch.''

Sounds like a possible rodent problem also.Voles are members of the rodent family and are extremely destructive to plants. By burrowing under plants, they gain access to the plant's roots where they feast. The result is the death of the plant.

too deep. Excavate buttress. Trees Are Good - Tree Care Information

Tree and grass roots share the same space under the soil line. Trees do not react well to all the fertilizers and chemicals given to lawns. I would increase the mulch ring to delineate any lawn management from woody perennial. Also, exposure could mean sunburn from your Texas sun. I might also protect the trunk with a clever cover of some kind until the tree is large enough to shade itself.
Thanks for all the info. I feel better about the situation and will update this post in the future w/any changes. Thanks again everyone!
agreed, planted too deep, might want to look into replacing it, alot of people plant trees incorrectly either too deep or not properly unballing the roots, youre tree will do fine for several years till it starts choking itself out
also, mulch is good, holds moisture in but beware not to use too much and cover your root flare, this can kill a tree, that flared area at the base of the tree needs to stay dry, well, not constantly wet anyhow