Should Oakwilt be banned?

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Should Oakwilt be banned

  • Get rid on the tinfoil hat wearing, ufo watching, backstepping, mental case.

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • No, don't get rid of him, just get him help and medication.

    Votes: 27 77.1%

  • Total voters
SO WHAT? That was also written off-topic, where it shoulda been. Freedom of speech lives, but best done in the proper place; not in commercial treecare and climbing.
Chill out man. Just because you don't agree with someone's political views doesn't mean you can't learn from them. Reed and I have had battles in the OT forum (which is where this thread should be IMO) but I still respect him and if we ever meet I will shake his hand and buy him a beer. Later, Roger.
First and foremost I'm not upset. I'm taking a poll. A great deal of you fail to realize this poll is ultimately meaningless. Regardless of how it turns out Reed will not be banned.

I like to stir the pot occassionally to see what peoples underlying feelings and opinions really are.

This thread not only tells me how Reed is viewed but also how I am viewed. It also demonstrates that people like controversy! Over 800 views in a couple of days. I applaud Reed for not lashing out. I wasn't sure how he would react.

Now if I could just find the ever elusive Llamabert and my disappearing 026.
Originally posted by Tree Machine
SO WHAT? That was also written off-topic, where it shoulda been. Freedom of speech lives, but best done in the proper place; not in commercial treecare and climbing.

Ya but this crap clutters up the good stuff!:(
Originally posted by xander9727
see what peoples underlying feelings and opinions really are.
You have no idea. I contacted Wiltie after I was diagnosed with cancer. He coached me through the lows and highs of that struggle, the intricacies of blood chemistry and the psychological peaks and chasms we danced through together. I don't know how or if I'd've made it without him.

And this most humane soul gets flack from some nut who shows raccoon slasher flicks for his jollies? You'll never know my feelings and opinions about that; beneath notice or contempt.

This thread demonstrates that people like controversy!
Like, or...what? This morning I sat through 15 minutes of stop&roll traffic. Not due to rush hour but to a broken-down truck on the side of the road--Gaper's Block, morons rubbernecking at someone else's misery. Did they like it? I don't think so. More like a morbid curiosity.

As for your feelings about his politics, here's The Boss:
"So if you can take a man's life for the thoughts that's in his head
Then sit back in that chair and think it over judge one more time
And let `em shave off my hair and put me on that killin' line."
Johnny 99
Very poignant. sharing there Guy!

Though paling by comparison; i just stopped back to say that i'm glad OakWilt still seems to stand calmly as the fog clears here. i watched Wulke and McQ bow out of here after being similarily 'called out'; and figuring their energies could thus be better spent. i don't think either has stopped thinking or evolving; jsut doing it without us. i think the average IQ here dropped, without them supporting their share of the higher end of such a scale.

This whole thing works on contributions, not in-fighting; and should be conducive to such i think.

hi spyder

some people just refuse to evolve. perhaps reed still has hope for them anyway.

as you point out, bob w and i have figured our energies need to be focused elsewhere. i'm blogging and taking a CAD course so i can change careers and move to a warm locale. every once in a while, as now, somebody sends me a message and tells me to go have a look at some thread or other here at arboristsite.

last i heard from bob, he was tending a relative who is in poor health - a huge job requiring his full time and attention. the two of us seem to have a finite amount of time/energy. reed, on the other hand, has boundless energy.

the author of this all-too-typical sentiment of exclusionary mob mentality apparently is too insecure in his own beliefs to simply have them. he needs to rally a validating group (i'm surprised and happy to see he hasn't been getting it here publicly at least). reed needs no such validation. he knows and is secure in his knowledge.

you guys are lucky recipients of reed's energies.

but some people are just determined to remain ignorant, too.
Priceless. Good to hear from you, m-sama. If the warmer locale is around here we'd love to have you as a neighbor.

O and if anyone named Moran feels dissed they shouldn't , because...O, never mind.
Buckin' the Flow

Some men spend their life force bucking the flow. They feel strong, resolute, brave, validated and many other positive words. They seek and find the admiration of others for their stance. If the flow they buck is the evolution of truth and change to new reality, they waste their lifeforce and have the admiration of fools. They might as well deny the tides and seasons. They ignorantly resist change.

There are other flows or forces based on the whim and fancy of man; often myth, misconception or outright lies, sometimes a thousand years out of date. Conventional thinking we call it. How many times have we heard "Go with the flow", "Don't make waves", Do what you're told". To me the ones who are willing to accept the ridicule of the popular and go on to breathe life into better ways of thinking are the real contributers to mans greatness.

Wisdom is sensing whether it is a law of man or a law of the Universe. We all feel different drives that align our life force. It would be nice when all is said and done to feel yours was not wasted bucking the wrong flow!
"Let Observation with extensive View,
Survey Mankind, from China to Peru;
Remark each anxious Toil, each eager Strife,
And watch the busy Scenes of crouded Life;
Then say how Hope and Fear, Desire and Hate,
O'er spread with Snares the clouded Maze of Fate,
Where wav'ring Man, betray'd by vent'rous Pride,
To tread the dreary Paths without a Guide;
As treach'rous Phantoms in the Mist delude,
Shuns fancied Ills, or chases airy Good.
How rarely Reason guides the stubborn Choice,
Rules the bold Hand, or prompts the suppliant Voice,
How Nations sink, by darling Schemes oppres'd,
When Vengeance listens to the Fool's Request.
Fate wings with ev'ry Wish th' afflictive Dart,
Each Gift of Nature, and each Grace of Art,
With fatal Heat impetuous Courage glows,
With fatal Sweetness Elocution flows,
Impeachment stops the Speaker's pow'rful Breath,
And restless Fire precipitates on Death."--Samuel Johnson
hey guy. thanks for thinking i would make a good neighbor. and i do like your neighborhood. much. but the warm locale i am aiming for is the mediterranean. if i don't keep myself broke by continuing to taking so many mini-vacations in galveston, i might be able to build up enough to make the move.

i don't check into arboristsite much any more - in fact, i can't be relied upon to do so, so send me news via personal messager thingy. catch me up on what you've been doing and how you're faring.

Hey, Rolla

Name the 00.01%!!! On second thought, don't.

Just kidding; I couldn't get the smileys to work???. Probably an operator error. I've had way too much coffee (kaawfeee here in Texas) & ginko biloba today, or maybe not enough.
You people are insane. Why would you question bumping one of our largest contributors?? When it comes to plants and pathology, he offers lots of solutions and important questions we should be asking ourselves.

Not all info is black and white, sometimes you have to find the answers yourself. Reed helps ask the right questions.

Sorry we didn't have time to meet up on this whorl wind tour of Texas. Time was eaten visiting family and assuring them I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, I just merely moved to Bavaria.

I would have enjoyed the meeting..............and the medication too.
You were close though and I've been thinking 'bout ya. Probably crossed paths - if not in close proximity then in spirit...was out sailing on Boerne lake with a couple of guys you've met here in the past doing the same thing we did when that happened before! As long as you're doing good there, had a chance to cruise some trippy roads while here, and the family won't cut you out of the legal rights for "going foreign".

Thanks for the supportive words - but the duct tape folks feel safer and I guess as long as "Morans" keep trying to find their brains the U.S.A. will indeed "go", go the road down and tumble face first. It's okay, it's a growing-up and lernin' thing. Got me own plans brewing.

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