Are you tired of it yet.

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Mid 80's here today in Dallas. Rode the scooter to work. Yeah, I'm ready for spring.
Mid 80's!!! I would melt or become very cranky because of the heat. Spring? that is August weather, I hate the day's when it hit's the mid 80's F. (I sweat like a pig cutting wood or chasing elk or dear if it is above freezing :)okay I can stand temps up to 50f, if I don't have to move much or strain
I got married this year in the Mediterranean on Cyprus(well last year Dec12) the temp was in the high 60's low 70's and they were selling winter cloths!!because it was Dec, I told them back home it was -38c they never could believe people could live at such a low temp! and I live in a banana belt next to the ones on the West Coast.Ah the Chinook blows winter away but it ain't 80F outside!
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Yup got lazy about two weeks ago here at work and went to the box on the wall for heat...the shame. :)

Lucky I cut 2 years supply at once last October, I still have next years chunks ready to split and stack sitting here (if I can stomach it) yikes.

We are having spring like weather even my pond is up to 55 or so almost time to start feeding the fish.

Evil thing that box on the wall! The gas gas company hates me!
Yep lots of winter left here still glad I made the switch from the old wood stove to the new boiler only have to feed it half as much and love it!!!!

Got a little cabin fever setting in I have been nursing a broken femer OUCH from a snowmobile accident for about 4 weeks now all i can do is sit in the window and watch the wood pile dwindle away as my old man brings the wood in for me!!!!

On a good note I think he has convinced himself into buying a new boiler for his house since he has been using mine a little.
Yep lots of winter left here still glad I made the switch from the old wood stove to the new boiler only have to feed it half as much and love it!!!!

Got a little cabin fever setting in I have been nursing a broken femer OUCH from a snowmobile accident for about 4 weeks now all i can do is sit in the window and watch the wood pile dwindle away as my old man brings the wood in for me!!!!

On a good note I think he has convinced himself into buying a new boiler for his house since he has been using mine a little.
Yep, he's done got the itch now. Probably a new saw in the future too.
Yes, I must be tired, singed my hair this morning loading the stove, got a call from the Mrs. no heat, forgot to turn the fan back on to the wood stove. I am trying to get my wood cut and stacked before spring and the yard get all muddy, I do love to cut wood, stack wood and burn wood. It was my first year with a OWB, after ten years with two inside woodstoves to heat the house, I burn tons more wood but it alot cleaner in the house, and it heats the whole house and the hot water. I figure I burn twice as much wood then I did before.
Yah Rider!...go Steelers!'s everything going out there in the boondocks?
Haven't been to Queen City for awhile...'bout due for another beer run up there..
Yah Rider!...go Steelers!'s everything going out there in the boondocks?
Haven't been to Queen City for awhile...'bout due for another beer run up there..

Well, it has been cold up here, then muddy, then cold then muddy.......
Gotta love the Stillers !!!!! man C-land was rockin' that night :clap::clap:
Evil thing that box on the wall! The gas gas company hates me!

LOL yeah aint that the truth!

Our local gas company actually sent a guy I know out in 15degree weather few years ago to check on us at the house to see why we were not using any except the minimum! (still use gas there for hot water only)

He tried to tell them I use alternative methods to heat but they insisted he check the meter anyway, which they have since replaced with an electronic one so they dont have to actualy "read" it. (added charges on gas bill cant win no matter what you do) :)

You guys are talking about mud season, Is that when all the snow melts and it is extremely muddy. I know when we get some here it is always mushy and muddy when it melts which don't happen much.

Yup. Mud season is a 3-4 week transitional season between winter and spring. Last year in the hill country of NH we had no spring. Went from winter to mud to summer, owing largely to record snowfalls (I think it was like 15 feet) and cooler than average spring temps.

On the gravel roads, you best have 4wd and a good set of tires if you want to make getting from A to B a reality.

On the asphalt roads, frost heaves are a harbinger of the arrival of mud. Some of these pits and valleys are pretty severe and will test your alignment and the mettle of your axles. They form in late winter when moisture gathers under the asphalt, then re-freezes, expanding in the process.

I drover over a real doozy the other day. Quite skull jarring and reminded me I need some dental work done.
Somebody just had to say something about it. It was just starting to get warm enough for a hair-cut too. Dropped back into the teens here last night. Now just where did I put that stocking cap !
Yes, I must be tired, singed my hair this morning loading the stove, got a call from the Mrs. no heat, forgot to turn the fan back on to the wood stove. I am trying to get my wood cut and stacked before spring and the yard get all muddy, I do love to cut wood, stack wood and burn wood. It was my first year with a OWB, after ten years with two inside woodstoves to heat the house, I burn tons more wood but it alot cleaner in the house, and it heats the whole house and the hot water. I figure I burn twice as much wood then I did before.

Orion -

welcome to AS !
lot of interesting things going on here.
keep working on that wood pile, and stay out of the mud !

Man it is chilly here tonight. This morning was +2C now it is supposed to hit -17C tonight with a northeast wind. Feels like one of the coldest days of the winter.
Winter is my favorite time of year. I always hate to see it go.

I used to think the same. Then My knees gave out, back went... bye bye, Shoulder are not torturing me any more. I will take the summers of reaching 120 and my pool at 95 now. I do miss snowplowing (warm truck) and snowmobiling, but the cold STINKS for me:cry:
It's funny because at the beginning of the heating season we all can't wait to "light up" and start burning.

But this late in the season, it starts to become a bit of a chore to do it EVERY night. So, I start getting lazy now and then as I've done tonight, so my stove is out. But I know I'll be back to burning tomorrow again. The next few nights are going to be around 10 degrees around here, so the season is far from over. I'll still burn consistantly through March but as I head into April the fires become more infrequent. And lot of the late season fires are just the quick "take the chill out" kind, much the same as in October.

I hope it doesn't drag out like it did last year. Didn't it seem like we were all burning much later than usual?
I'm officially tired of it now but I've a ways to go till I'm done.
I managed to miscalculate necessary wood so now I have to cut EVERY weekend no matter what.
Tried to get to the woods early enough to be out by the time the frost left the ground but the sun came through the clouds and I went through the frost. Luckily Nick was there to pull me out but we only got about a half a truckload each.
I thought for sure I had enough wood to avoid HAVING to cut but that month long sub zero weather just ate it up bad.
I'd love to say that I'm gonna cut this summer and I'm not gonna get stuck like this next year, but I probably will do the same thing and complain the same complaints.;)
I'm still enjoying wood heat. My woodpile is so big, I'm trying to shrink it before old man winter packs his bags and takes off. Suckers.....;)

and yeh, the wood just keeps going down the hill out of the picture.
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I'm still enjoying wood heat. My woodpile is so big, I'm trying to shrink it before old man winter packs his bags and takes off. Suckers.....;)

and yeh, the wood just keeps going down the hill out of the picture.

I officially hate you.


BTW, any plans for selling any of that? I know you cut because you love to and have access to so much wood, but I can't remember if you've posted anything about selling at all...?