Crappy Stihl Cylinder - Looks like ChiCom Garbage!!!

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Nov 8, 2006
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Franklin, OH
So much for Stihl quality ehh? Check out this crap I found in a brand new MS260! The piston is marked Mahle and looks good. The cylinder is only marked Stihl. What are they doing? Outsourcing this crap to China?! Sure looks like it. So much for bashing the BB kits and hold up Stihl as an example. At least Husky is stihl using Mahle cylinders on their pro saws that I've seen.

Finish of the transfers.


And check out this chip!!

Nice big bulge in the intake.

And a big lip from the other side!

Nice casting line.

Check out the edge of the exhaust port. And more nice casting flaws.
Nice casting ehh?

The combustion chamber isn't any too pretty either.

I noticed that ALL the ports are more beveled on the left side than the right. The transfers are particularly pathetic. You have a HUGE bevel on one side, and NONE on the other.
Right Front

Right Rear

Left Front

Left Rear

Here this is supposed to be one of Stihls professional saws. They have majorly dropped the ball on cylinder quality!
Call Stihl and get another, you won't have a problem getting one. It doesn't look good but I'd take it over a chicom kit anyday.
holy heck. i havent seen one that bad on my old saws .

in all reality i havent been impressed with stihl quality. i realy think alot of theyre stuff is way overated. but still stihl does seem to have the best reputation already, so i guess they assume they can put out cheap crap and hang on to the rep.
I have heard that the chrome on these some times does not go all the way to the top. did you check that?
crap theyre chromeing these things now??? were can i get one:confused::greenchainsaw::cheers:

maybe thats what well see be the next fad, chromed cylinders like its a harley or something
I have heard that the chrome on these some times does not go all the way to the top. did you check that?

That looks ok. I read where Timberwolf found similiar problems on a new 460 and 660 I think it was. I've not seen any other quality problems with pro Stihl saws. Dropping the Mahle cylinders was a huge step in the wrong direction!
A drop in quality of casting finishes is nothing new and to be expected when a company starts doing something 'in-house' that was formerly outsourced.

If you want to see a crappy cylinder, check out some of the early Mahle 046 cylinders. They'd make you gag.

Some of the stuff you're pointing out is benign, like the beveling on the lower transfers. The piston doesn't contact that area and beveling there makes little difference. What really bothers me is that big chip in the Nikasil. That's ugly. The combustion chamber is ugly too.

One of the nicest saw cylinders I've seen in my life was a Gilardoni cylinder from an early 2100. The Gilardoni cylinders from the early Pioneers were works of art. It's pretty sad to see greed take the place of pride in workmanship.
Wonder if the orange dot on the top of the cylinder has any meaning? I'm not defending it, but is it possible a cylinder that didn't pass inspection got put on a saw? Have you opened up enough new MS260's to determine this is the norm vs the exception?
Wonder if the orange dot on the top of the cylinder has any meaning? I'm not defending it, but is it possible a cylinder that didn't pass inspection got put on a saw? Have you opened up enough new MS260's to determine this is the norm vs the exception?

Don't know. But it is in line with what Brian found on the 460 and 660 with Stihl brand cylinders.
Well, that's obviously a piece of garbage. But let's be careful not to condem every cylinder that Stihl sells, without some more info.

But if they have decided to get their cylinders from China, then that would be a serious issue. What's more, if they are selling stuff like that as OEM replacements, what are they putting on new saws at the factory?
Call Stihl and get another, you won't have a problem getting one. It doesn't look good but I'd take it over a chicom kit anyday.

STIHL #1!! STIHL #1!! It's the largest selling brand in the known universe!! There is nothing wrong with that cylinder, it was made by Stihl, and they're #1!!!

Stihl #1!

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