Charity cutting for Interfaith Caregivers-- April 17 2010

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Nice pics, Beefie!

Sure was nice just being a chainsaw guy that day for me. I still wanted to get the big posed group shot with all the guys and their saws on top the woodpile, but it seemed like nearly half the group drifted away unannounced, and then it was too late.

Oh well. Next time! :D :D

Woodyman, you're up! :) :)

After getting up at 3:30 a.m., getting through road trouble and to the GTG late, and cutting, cutting, cutting, then getting back here just short of 9 p.m., I was hoping these old bones could have a long spring nap followed by a day of rest. Ah, nope. Spent a fair bit of time today shinnying around a crawlspace on my back. Under the 12x24 addition some genius put in a bunch of years ago, I put in 4x4 beams and support jacks down the middle. Fools who built it used 2x6 on 16 inch centers with a run of 12 feet, and no support through the middle. We got so tired of bouncing that we picked up the beams and jacks over Christmas. Mrs. StihlyinEly got so sick of looking at those jacks and beams stacked down the basement since Christmas that she made a strong point today, so off to work I went. Wish I had pain meds stronger than Ibuprofen. I'd like to rest tomorrow, but there's a saw to ship off for porting, 7 cords of ash/birch to split and stack, two rooms to Sheetrock, a boat to prep for opener, a lake cabin to open next week, more land to clear/clean up behind our place . . . :dizzy: :dizzy:

I'm kinda thinking the charity woodcutting was the most fun and least work! When can we have another one? I need the break. Once again, good to spend time with you cool fellas. :D :D
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How to hang a husky,,,That's hilarious :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Looks like you guys had a really good time of it, you'll surely be blessed for your efforts. Thanks for sharing your pics.
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You got part of it right "limbing master" but that was not me,it was someone that looked like me.This is me on a pile of wood I cut,well maybe I had alittle help:hmm3grin2orange:
More pics coming.
I kept seeing this one guy with sususpenders all day and he was either riding around on some 6X6 thing or standing around BSing:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:Had to do it Beefie,"How to hang a husky":cheers:
First pic looks like break time-
Second pic is Stihlyinely and MR. glow in the dark Thor
Third pic is Thor
Forth pic is Thor and grampatractor getting some exercise
Fifth pic is Stihylinely and grampatractor
I kept seeing this one guy with sususpenders all day and he was either riding around on some 6X6 thing or standing around BSing:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:Had to do it Beefie,"How to hang a husky":cheers:[/QUOTE]

I figured something would come of this, I still think the hanging husky pic is funny:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

I still think the hanging husky pic is funny.

Best part was, it took a stock 50cc Stihl to rescue a Snellerized 50cc husky. What can overcome operator error? Hey, I had my share of op-err yesterday, too. But I think we better start calling Woodyman's Husky the "skinny." :D :D
First pic is grampatractor attacking a big one
Second pic is chow time
Third pic is Stihlyinely throwing some chips with his ported 038
Forth pic is grampatractor running one heck of a saw,my ported 371
Fifth pic is Thor working on his bar
That was just wierd that one got done with one cut then the chain wouldnt move (no the break wasnt on). Took the bar off and the sprocket was just about siezed worked it a bit and it freed up. I always grease them must have been a chip stuck in it but ive never had that happen before.
First pic is grampatractor and Stihlyinely getting ready to attack a big oak
Second pic is Thor Grizzlyadams86 and Beefie looking at a big oak
Third pic is Grizzlyadams86 getting a better view
Forth and fifth pic,trying to get the big one into smaller pieces
That was just wierd that one got done with one cut then the chain wouldnt move (no the break wasnt on). Took the bar off and the sprocket was just about siezed worked it a bit and it freed up. I always grease them must have been a chip stuck in it but ive never had that happen before.
Maybe you hit some squirrel poop with it.I hear that stuff is hell on bars and chains:hmm3grin2orange:
Keep the pics coming Woodyman. Boy you have a lot of pics of me just standing around. I did run my saws honest.

If you ran your saws, I never saw it. I even felt your saws and they felt cool all day, if you know what I mean. :D :D

I gotta say, you were a great partner when I was cutting those bigguns. You'd motion, I'd back off, we'd talk, and your points were always good points. You don't need a saw in your hand to give full meaning to the day. But you know the AS rule. If there are no pics, it NEVER HAPPENED! :dizzy:

I still have 16 vids to upload:dizzy:

Uh-oh. Guess it'll be my turn to take some #### when they are posted. Maybe my shaving the stump will keep the felling deficiencies from the hawk eyes of the AS Felling Police, but I doubt it. :D :D
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First,second and third pic is the skidder at work
Forth pic is HeavyFuel helping out Grizzlyadams86 with his 2100 chain latter Sat. over at grampatractors,I think thats Joel(correct me if I am wrong)HeavyFuel and grampatractors brother behind them
The last pic is grampatractor,I think he is saying a few choice words to that big oak:jawdrop:
Sounds like a heck of a good time! I'm sorry to have missed it. I'll do my best to get to the next one.

I AM starting to think that woodyman put the saws down and picked up the camera after the Husky hanging...but hey, we understand :D

Sent a little rep care package to those of you I could.

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