NYS Thruway firewood checkpoints

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It seems silly, untill there ain't a standing Ash tree left anywhere for miles.

I wish there had been a zero tolerance quarantine on the east side of Michigan when EAB was first discovered.

Stay safe!
These quarantines are nice, feel good kind of things that, in reality, aren't going to do much to stop the spread. Slow it - yes, but certainly won't stop it.
I don't want to discount the fact that transporting firewood spreads bugs, however it seems NYS is more motivated by the tax revenue of their parks selling certified fire wood.

I have a friend who works for the local town department. He collects trees and brush and transports it to be ground up into mulch. He assures me that I should never take any of this free mulch they give away because the majority of it comes from diseased wood full of insects.

Wouldn't massive piles of wet diseased wood chips being distributed around a city cause more disease and pests to spread? Just about every local town around here offers this service.
Here is a page with some more info http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/44008.html

Here is a form taken from that page. Self certifies you to transport wood less than 50 miles for personal use. Im assuming state campgrounds would require this or take your wood.
www.dec.ny.gov/docs/lands_forests_pdf/selfisscert.pdfSuppose I'll print a few of these out. The last thing i need is a $350 ticket after loading my truck up from a nice craigslist score. Any law enforcement can enforce this law not just DEC.
"Violators can be charged with a misdemeanor and fined up to $250 or sentenced to 15 days in jail."

talk about having your priorities out of order...
how many days in jail did the last drunk driver get that they stopped? my guess would be ZERO , maybe 2 hours at the station till their friend bailed em out. what a joke

this also seems like a violation of our civil right to travel freely without unlawful stops/searches
I can see in now. The cell door slams behind you and the tatooed rapists ask you what your in for. "Firewood", you reply. I was driving around with firewood. Then the cell turns into the beast with 10 backs.
"Violators can be charged with a misdemeanor and fined up to $250 or sentenced to 15 days in jail."

talk about having your priorities out of order...
how many days in jail did the last drunk driver get that they stopped? my guess would be ZERO , maybe 2 hours at the station till their friend bailed em out. what a joke

this also seems like a violation of our civil right to travel freely without unlawful stops/searches

good point bo
It seems silly, untill there ain't a standing Ash tree left anywhere for miles.

I wish there had been a zero tolerance quarantine on the east side of Michigan when EAB was first discovered.

Stay safe!

in less than 10 years there won't be an ash tree standing in america.

wish i could find the link to that, i read about it some place.
This is the whole reason why I bought a kiln.


That might be the best retirement plan ever. American chestnut comes to mind.

My lone survivor is looking like it's gonna croak. Ticks me off to no end that there was no action on the EAB until it was too late, and then it was a sorry effort.

Stay safe!
new york state is on the verge of financial collapse....they're going to find any way possible to collect money.
That might be the best retirement plan ever. American chestnut comes to mind.

My lone survivor is looking like it's gonna croak. Ticks me off to no end that there was no action on the EAB until it was too late, and then it was a sorry effort.

Stay safe!

I don't know about retirement plan but I am hoping to make good money with it. The state parks around here are going to have to start in the next year or 2 banning any outside firewood. They always start with the parks. I'm going to try and get in on the bag wood with them. They don't allow you take wood out of the woods either. I'm going to try and get them into a good long term contract for bag wood. Wood cost around here has been the same for 15 plus years. If I can lock up the parks I would be siting pretty. My Kiln will heat treat (not kiln dry but bug treat) around 20 cords a month. That is 240 cords a year. If I max it out. That would be $120k a year in revenue from the kiln not counting other sales of non kiln dried wood. I really hope to corner the market. But it is a expensive gamble if it doesn't.

I don't know about retirement plan but I am hoping to make good money with it. The state parks around here are going to have to start in the next year or 2 banning any outside firewood. They always start with the parks. I'm going to try and get in on the bag wood with them. They don't allow you take wood out of the woods either. I'm going to try and get them into a good long term contract for bag wood. Wood cost around here has been the same for 15 plus years. If I can lock up the parks I would be siting pretty. My Kiln will heat treat (not kiln dry but bug treat) around 20 cords a month. That is 240 cords a year. If I max it out. That would be $120k a year in revenue from the kiln not counting other sales of non kiln dried wood. I really hope to corner the market. But it is a expensive gamble if it doesn't.


For a one man operation, that seems like quite an undertaking.
I would hire people to help me. I have a helper here and there now. To tell you the truth I'm trying to get out of cutting wood all together. I would rather buy it cut and split. I think it's cheaper overall. I can buy 2 cords for $210. To go to the woods and spend the time cutting,hauling,splitting,and dealing with saws the $210 is very well spent. Once I figure fuel and wear and tear I can make money having someone cut my wood then I can doing it myself. It frees me up to do other jobs. I'm getting oak hauled in right now for $90 a cord. It has been run through a processor and just split with a 4-way. I resplit the wood. I never even have to start my truck. It's hard to do it for that.
