What The "Pros" (fallers) Are Wearing To Work and Saw Choice

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Looks to me that he kind of got lucky in that previous video where the stem kicked up pretty good as he was standing near the stump watching it fall. Why not take a couple steps back...even on a hot day?
Hey Patty another fun thread. Hes dressed like half of Enumclaw minus the cuttin rig. Even the kids dress like that here.


Kids 'round these parts:

I was clear-felling the giant rainforests down here long before there was such a thing as greenies and well before you'd worn your first nappy, and just the slash and off-cuts we left on the hill make your biggest logs look like matchsticks :laugh:

Show me some pics Jack. . . otherwise, you aint GOT Jack, Jack...
Sure enough, peker poles indeed. Looks to be nothing more than wet trash. Show me something worth some money.

you ever priced out exotic hardwoods?

what, you know all about international timber prices now too?....

the last topic you said you "knew" about turned out be a little lacking
Yo 56..

Hey 056 Skid, you got some pics of your work. Want to see those big trees y'all cuttin out there. Or they keeping you too busy tending the rigging?:clap:
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YES!! That is the way I feel. All i really need on me is a wrench, and even that can stay with my gas. If I carry wedges, il carry 2 with the axe and its when there are no drivers around, otherwise,, #### a wedge. . . beat my brains out, HA, no sir, Im smart. . .

+1, that's all I ever carry, wrench in my front left pocket, wedge in each back pocket (maybe), and an axe...if I absolutely need it, otherwise a small tree with the one side cut flat makes a good hammer.
Now I'm no lumberjack, and don't need a bar over 24". Hell, I'm moved out of the wood burning house so my saw time is way done this year. I'd never run a chain that loose... unless I lost the oil cap like our photo op has, or is it in one of them pockets somewhere.

Maybe he needs a flippy.
Now I'm no lumberjack, and don't need a bar over 24". Hell, I'm moved out of the wood burning house so my saw time is way done this year. I'd never run a chain that loose... unless I lost the oil cap like our photo op has, or is it in one of them pockets somewhere.

Maybe he needs a flippy.
?? Looks like a flippy cap to me

Looks to me that he kind of got lucky in that previous video where the stem kicked up pretty good as he was standing near the stump watching it fall. Why not take a couple steps back...even on a hot day?

He does not run because he did not need to. Notice he never turns his back to what's going on once, and has a perfect line of sight to whole scenario. There is almost an illusion here, the tree went out, down, and away from him. He is looking for debris all the while as well. Looks like a 30 year log cutter.
You playing hooky today, Burvol? I though he was a lot farther away in that video than it looks.
You playing hooky today, Burvol? I though he was a lot farther away in that video than it looks.

I have a few days off, getting ready to go steelhead fishing. Gonna mix it up and do some trolling today. Will report back later :cheers:
I am desk riding computer geek that sometime has to drive for the "company". I am a self professed saw geek! LOL When I go out to cut. I take with me a axe or hatchet depending on the type of wood to be cut. Plus a few 5 1/2" wedges and sometimes a scrench. Lucky for me, I am always cut close my truck.

Load of bollocks, only lazy greenhorns run over-loose chains and don't have a scrench. The greenhorns run blunt chains and don't carry a file either, they're the ones always annoying the experienced guys, forever clambering around and asking to get cut out, needing all their hangups bowled over, or just generally making a f***g nuisance of themselves

Some sence in this post
what, a vid of PNW cutters with no cussing, throwing gear or slugging on the bottle???? oh, da dear!!!!!

I didn't record me today. I even came close to flinging my hat but refrained. I was lucid enough to realize I'd have to go retrieve it. I had no phone to shoot either. I won't go into it here.

No falling today. So, I took a few pictures of some of my stuff.

Here's my gear, minus my paint gun and hardhat and vest. Next to lunch and toilet paper, probably the most important stuff.


This is the view from the future landing, before cutting starts here. I head in and mark extra trees for cutting so lines can be run through the woods. It'll be downhill skyline logged.


I have to look up and see if any of the trees that turns of logs could get by, have tops leaning into the way of the lines. There's one in this picture. The carriage can get into problems if these don't come down.


Here is a wonderful plant called Devil's Club. The thorns get in and fester. Wunnerful stuff.


The unique experience of the day? I found this in one of my pockets. I believe it once was some baby carrots. Fun in the woods!


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