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I am still gimping around with this knee thing. It has been out since sunday when I woke up with it out of nowhere. It was about 60% better yesterday than the day before.. then I decided to do way too much, so now I'm back to where I was! Grr.. it was almost gone!

Hey bro check out them scooter chairs.
You guys got some nice looking sites there. I bought a domain name and have been trying to get my site together but it's a little tougher then I thought, at least the one I bought. Like you said MD I'm more of a tree guy and don't know my way around computers that well. I may have to hire someone to help me out

I may eventually pay someone to help me optimize mine for search engines. That's a big part of it. Having a website is great. Making it where people can find it is greater... ;)

Whatever you do, if your domain name is the same as your company name do not let it expire and loose it. I did that 10 years ago and just got mine back this year. Someone stole it out from under me when I let it expire. I used to get all kinds of work off of my old webpage and was really pissed when I let someone steal it out from under me. Ha, I am still getting email from Sherrill Tree that I have missed for 10 years on my old domain addy.
Hey bro check out them scooter chairs.

Lol. Don't laugh, I wouldn't mind one about now! It took me like two minutes to get up from my office chair just now. it turns out the leg dont like being bent too much! Looks like I will have to do my ass busting on you ####s from the recliner with my laptop today! Lol. I am waiting for a friend to drop off a vicodin.. I hate those things these days, but WTF, at least I'll be able to do a little something maybe.
Lol. Don't laugh, I wouldn't mind one about now! It took me like two minutes to get up from my office chair just now. it turns out the leg dont like being bent too much! Looks like I will have to do my ass busting on you ####s from the recliner with my laptop today! Lol. I am waiting for a friend to drop off a vicodin.. I hate those things these days, but WTF, at least I'll be able to do a little something maybe.

Just suck it up, pain killers make you think your ok. I take tylenall sure the pain still there but it keeps you from being stupid! Anyway is it the left knee ,right knee or we knee :hmm3grin2orange:
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I have been taking 800 Milligram I B Profane pills that I had from an old script for my knee this week. I used all of them up and now I'm taking Aleve when I need to. But I am feeling much better. Maybe not well enough to dance with my stumper on the edge of a 15' retaining wall in a half inch of snow but better none the less. ;)
I have been taking 800 Milligram I B Profane pills that I had from an old script for my knee this week. I used all of them up and now I'm taking Aleve when I need to. But I am feeling much better. Maybe not well enough to dance with my stumper on the edge of a 15' retaining wall in a half inch of snow but better none the less. ;)

Yes it reduces swelling so good choice :cheers:

I have been using extract I made from willow bark for years but i'm out so decided to use tylenall because i can't take n-saids with my blood pressure meds.
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Willow bark is what the Indians used. It's where aspirin derived from.

Be careful with Tylenol, a good friend of mine died young from taking it on a regular basis. His family owned a sausage company back in GA. He processed deer and butchered all of my deer for me back in the day, His hands and joints would ache from working in his refrigerated butcher shop all day and he would take Tylenol constantly. His kidneys and liver finally failed on him. He was on dialysis for the last two years of his life and died in his mid 40's.
I have been taking 800 Milligram I B Profane pills that I had from an old script for my knee this week. I used all of them up and now I'm taking Aleve when I need to. But I am feeling much better. Maybe not well enough to dance with my stumper on the edge of a 15' retaining wall in a half inch of snow but better none the less. ;)

I was just on it way too much yesterday, or I'm pretty sure it would've been better by now. This one old bag was like a friggin billy goat, took me on quite the hike, climbing horse fences, etc. Turned into a $2400 job that we should be able to do in a day, anyhow.. oh, and we had to dump the trucks and remove all the junk wood from over by my white trashy neighbor's roached out 80's ford collection! Lol. :msp_tongue:
Well I thought I was gonna go to physical therapy for the tentinitus in my shoulder but then I talked to my insurance company. They want me to pay so much outa pocket before the 80/20 even kicks in that when you figure it all out it's..it's...FCKN BS. According to my calculations, I would be ATLEAST 2/3 into the cost of a wraptor by spring. I found a list of 4 excersises I can do at home or the gym by myself anyway. I think the main problem is, per my wife, I have an income,and insurance, and i am not a female with a couple of kids and no man around (that anyone knows about). So with those things in mind...ya, its gona be expensive :msp_unsure:

Sometimes I can't believe what some of you will say. That goes for the actual tree logic around here too. That I don't mean in a bad way. But a guy like MDS....a flying, gimpy kneed, bat out of hell.....I know the rest of you decent breeds know what I'm talking about. :hmm3grin2orange:

Oh well, so I'm the wittle rat of the day, ay? Watn't that because I didn't get more cheese for the Euc, or was that just a shot in the dark, Squad? :msp_mellow:
Problem with winning the rat race......

You're still a rat. :msp_rolleyes:

Just an expression some of us use up here.

Thought it was appropriate for the situation. Your bidding against low ballers and you get the job with a bid that you think is too low for the job.

If I have to point it out: You have become the lowballer.

Not slagging just looking at the obvious.
Guess when things get tough, we all have a point when we compromise our values.
Yeah probably, but you ain't ever been this low, and it can't get any lower in this country unless I go out of the country. How low you can go??? Well until you burn out your inside in anger and despise. Luckily that just makes my brains turn on full stream. I'm finding the ropes which is what's upposed to happen. Basically I'm getting in to where I'm replacing all of the peanut jobs with better paydays. They could obviously be better even yet, and they will. It's a tricky thing. Danm tricky thig,
Yeah probably, but you ain't ever been this low, and it can't get any lower in this country unless I go out of the country. How low you can go??? Well until you burn out your inside in anger and despise. Luckily that just makes my brains turn on full stream. I'm finding the ropes which is what's upposed to happen. Basically I'm getting in to where I'm replacing all of the peanut jobs with better paydays. They could obviously be better even yet, and they will. It's a tricky thing. Danm tricky thig,

If the tree thing turns out to be too much for you, I'm sure there are other more appropriate jobs out there for ya.. maybe you could be the guy that collects the shopping carts.. perhaps selling girl scout cookies.. I mean there's a lot of good jobs out there man, you just gotta get out there and hunt them down!!
Yeh, maybe I could sell the trucks, get an econo sports car, and turn some pizzas around town. Turn n burn, baby. :msp_thumbup: