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Yeah, I watched it, and I don't think any of its funny anymore.

Too bad he doesn't do anything technical enough to really get himself in trouble, and hurt really bad. That would just be so awesome!

Finished up down in Bethel and got the trucks back saftely today. Everyone is happy as usual. Got a few nice takedown bids out down there still. We'll see. I could really care less at this point though. Lots of big tree damage down there still though. Hangers and busted up 90 footers everwhere.. just on the one street we were on. Amazing amount of treework that still needs doing out there. It's everywhere really. Should be a good year (hoping anyway).

I have neighborhoods here were every other house has just had work done and the ones in between still have crap that needs to be done... I just bid a house with 3 small removals and one pretty decent size storm damage clean up. Its not the 90 footer but its a good 70 feet and such a tangled mess I really cant tell how many limbs will have to go. The pic below is of the tree but its looks small in the pic. I am bouncing between doing the clean up and telling them to remove the tree because I really dont see there being a ton of leaf production left in the tree. The problem is even just cutting storm damage back to first junction most of the remaining limbs will be branch and leafless. I already told them to remove the smaller ones because all three will be just stick when the damage is removed but I think this one will also be limited charlie browns christmas tree when its done.

Watch that video again, watch the other climber only.

I watched, darn it!!!
I like when Dougie hit his hardhat with the clip on his flip-line. You can hear it. Hahaha! Count how mant time's he look's at the camera.
Last one I watch, he is too ridiculous and I can't believe it is in this forum.
He need's his own circus site, not here.
I guess it was much about nothing, at least they got PPM on the climbers, and he is flipping in when he cuts...

Notice how he has so much difficulty climbing, and he seems to be on a LockJack?

Good demo for why you should isolate the climbing line first, good sales vid for the Wraptor "look how much effort..."

Nother day at the office type job furshur.

I do agree that the hillbilly in mismatched cammo does look out of place, IMO it just preserves the public impression that we are a step above the trash pickers. Professionals should look and act like professionals.

I want my 8 minutes back :laugh:
JPS, On the garden, we grew Beef Steak and Roma's, forgot to tell ya the other day. Gotta go get about 20tons black dirt for our garden, dug out nasty crap, have a huge hole in my back yard. Going to cut out all the crazy stuff and focus on big numbers of the good stuff, like greanbeans!

We'll be doing a bunch of beans and peas to, I may put some pol beans on the back fence, but I like bush var's better.

I like a little crazy stuff, I've done a vew good things with egplant; there's an Italian place near here that does a real good roll-up fried and stuffed with spinach nom-nom-nom
Here's some cllips of a fir culling last week: Back leaning Fir removal - YouTube Switch your youtube setting to HD (bottom right corner).

Another climber had perviously stripped it to 80ft, leaving the top 40 before going home, I got to it about 3 in the afternoon which is why the light looks a little faded on the falling cut. The tree was a mere beanpole really, but still had a back-lean....hence my efforts to shift the favor by taking out the back-weight only.

the view from the new camera looks a little squashed but at least you get to see more of whats happening. The sound is crappy but I just picked up an external mic which outa solve that problem now.

this coming week I might have as much as 3 days work (all being well):msp_smile: Nothing like a dry spell to bring you down to earth.
Here's some cllips of a fir culling last week: Back leaning Fir removal - YouTube Switch your youtube setting to HD (bottom right corner).

Another climber had perviously stripped it to 80ft, leaving the top 40 before going home, I got to it about 3 in the afternoon which is why the light looks a little faded on the falling cut. The tree was a mere beanpole really, but still had a back-lean....hence my efforts to shift the favor by taking out the back-weight only.

the view from the new camera looks a little squashed but at least you get to see more of whats happening. The sound is crappy but I just picked up an external mic which outa solve that problem now.

this coming week I might have as much as 3 days work (all being well):msp_smile: Nothing like a dry spell to bring you down to earth.

Reg, what camera are you using?
Reg, what camera are you using?

Thats the Drift HD, just got it. You know working with new guys that I know nothing about, sometimes having it rolling puts me at ease from a liability point of view....I always worry that someones going to walk underneath without thinking. There's a lot of Bull$hitters out there with nice websites.
I got the Roam HD. Just haven't really done anything interesting to film with it since I've got it. I forgot to bring it on my last large prune. I might bring it tomorrow for a large removal but I'm pretty much dropping that one.

Just wondered, it appears to have the same sound quality (or lack thereof) as mine.
That actually wasn't to bad. At least he had the thought to cut that lateral off before he dropped it and use a back up on the trunk pull. I guess he now knows he ain't gonna hinge a big lateral piece of cherry without a tip tie... much less anything else.
The old man put a pretty decent notch in it too. He is a go getter, there is no stopping him.
Whoever did this work musta learned it from watching AA's vids. I about drove off the road when I saw this. Looks like they had that wrecking ball rigged up just perfect but maybe ran out of bar oil or something? Either way I'm driving by tomorrow morning to see the progress. The second shot is pretty dark but you can kinda see the house they were aiming for.

That actually wasn't to bad. At least he had the thought to cut that lateral off before he dropped it and use a back up on the trunk pull. I guess he now knows he ain't gonna hinge a big lateral piece of cherry without a tip tie... much less anything else.
The old man put a pretty decent notch in it too. He is a go getter, there is no stopping him.

No, I liked your post the other day better.. you know, the one where you were hoping he killed himself with his next cut already.. That one! just saying.
That actually wasn't to bad. At least he had the thought to cut that lateral off before he dropped it and use a back up on the trunk pull. I guess he now knows he ain't gonna hinge a big lateral piece of cherry without a tip tie... much less anything else.
The old man put a pretty decent notch in it too. He is a go getter, there is no stopping him.

You have got to be kidding me.. he is a fraud, hack, and a lier. Don't Support. Him