Do you throw it down or set it down?

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I drop them from time to time.

If it's me or the saw, me trumps every time.
theres a difference of having to throw the saw to get out of harms way or just chucking it down after a cut ........
Never watched it. I don't get it on TV as I don't have cable. So, how much more do I need to watch? :hmm3grin2orange: Besides, they use Axes. What does that have to do with chainsaws? :biggrin:

Any would be more than none...but I wouldn't recommend more than 15 minutes in one go.
I always set mine down, but most of the time, after I set it down, it just falls over.:hmm3grin2orange:

I mean, I could see throwing a saw on the ground if it was Husqvarna, but why abuse the Stihl? Lol. Some people just don't take care of their equipment. Not this guy. I baby my stuff. My buddy was laughing at me the other day cause it started sprinkling and our saws were outside. I went running to get mine inside. I guess I'm just anal like that.
I mean, I could see throwing a saw on the ground if it was Husqvarna, but why abuse the Stihl? Lol. Some people just don't take care of their equipment. Not this guy. I baby my stuff. My buddy was laughing at me the other day cause it started sprinkling and our saws were outside. I went running to get mine inside. I guess I'm just anal like that.

Anal:msp_unsure:I let a Stihl touch the ground once and well I had to clean it:msp_w00t:

I used to work for a landscaping company during summers in high school and don't worry, its not prejudice to just chainsaws, its all tools, no matter how expensive lol. Who knows, maybe their boss is always on their butts to move faster. :msp_tongue:.
I never drop my saw so's not to dull the chain, those guys don't realize they are just making their jobs harder.
I trained a guy once that was old enough to be my father. As I was teaching him how to check his parts, I watched him toss a 8" Mitutoyo dial caliper onto a surface plate. (granite slab)... Guys like that are really hard to train, they just don't care...
I tried to train a guy once that was old enough to be my father. As I was teaching him how to check his parts, I watched him toss a 8" Mitutoyo dial caliper onto a surface plate. (granite slab)... Guys like that are really hard to train, they just don't care...

I'd understand if it was only a 6" caliper. But an 8"! I hope he was using his own tools!

OH. I fixed it for you!
I consider tools to be an investment and try to treat them as such. I have had to pitch one on a few occasions while escaping but generally I try to set them down. When they drop bad things tend to happen....


Now I have this vision in my head of a faller with things going gunnysack on a tree he's falling, and he very gently does a curtsy, not a bend, places the saw gently on the ground, and then takes off to get out of the way. Perhaps wearing a pink tutu over the rigging pants.... Oh, and be sure to dust off the saw before running to get out of harm's way. A swiffer duster can easily be carried for that job....


Point taken. I have dropped/thrown saws when it's called for, but that has been rare in my experience. If a tree goes all wobbly legs on me and starts to go the wrong way, I'll definitely toss a saw out of harm's way and toss myself as well. I can count on the fingers of one hand the times that's happened in nearly 30 years.

But that's not the way I interpreted the OP. There are plenty of folks who feed on drama and think sawing is a reality TV show. They'll toss a saw as far as they can if they think it's cool. But if it's their saw and they depend on it to make money, whooooooooole different story.

Often, it's the young punks who do that ####. But not always. I've seen older drama llamas, and young guys who are steady and true. You take 'em as they come, and if you can't teach 'em, you dump 'em with the rest of the culls and move on. Life's too short to spend that much time with culls.
I consider tools to be an investment and try to treat them as such. I have had to pitch one on a few occasions while escaping but generally I try to set them down. When they drop bad things tend to happen....


Isn't that the saw that fell off of the cart/shelf? (or am I mistaken)