Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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i stole his idea and do the same thing

008-1.jpg the cribbing:msp_smile:, LOVE the tractor :hmm3grin2orange: .....
i wish i could say that the tractor (kubota about 43 hp ) was mine or i was going to burn the wood, but neither is true. that belongs to the lady who's farm i hunt. she doesn't charge my anything to hunt and i help out around the farm. in this case cuttng trees and turning them into firewood, but i do get to play with the tractor occasionally
In regards to cribbing, I've tried a few ways, and have borrowed Hedgerow's technique. Taking his advice, 2 (sometimes 3) half splits make nice columns. They go up quickly and are solid. Flat side down, curved side up, rinse and repeat.

I also used T-posts on the very ends, I don't mind cheating a bit if it saves me from re-stacking.

I started this year in a hurry (wanted to stack what I Fiskarized before the "huge" snowfall which was all of 4") and didn't have enough half splits, so I added a few more deadmen, and I'm think I'm solid for a couple years before it'll burn.

Yup, half rounds do stack nice and quick. I picked up on that pretty quickly yesterday and was wishing I had more +/-6" logs.

Better to cheat and use a post then to cheat yourself by having to re-stack...

Oh and everything you see there was Fiskarized. I do love that thing.
i wish i could say that the tractor (kubota about 43 hp ) was mine or i was going to burn the wood, but neither is true. that belongs to the lady who's farm i hunt. she doesn't charge my anything to hunt and i help out around the farm. in this case cuttng trees and turning them into firewood, but i do get to play with the tractor occasionally

That'll secure your hunting spot for years to come...:rock:
A couple sticks of summer sausage helps too...:msp_biggrin:

I hooked up the new splitter yesterday and headed out to see if I could break it...

I cheat on the ends, I slide a pallet over 2 t posts

That works, but not really needed unless you want to hold up 3 rows with 2 posts. A single post works well on the end for me.

Matt, just looking at the twist in the bark on that thing, I'd say you're going to get some good stress testing results from that one.
That works, but not really needed unless you want to hold up 3 rows with 2 posts. A single post works well on the end for me.

Matt, just looking at the twist in the bark on that thing, I'd say you're going to get some good stress testing results from that one.

That tree is safe... The old boy is still growing vertical and strong... Not bothering a thing, so it's on the "no touch" list... It even has a nice canopy for the cows to lounge under.
But there's more wood in that tree, than I could burn in 2 years...
That tree is safe... The old boy is still growing vertical and strong... Not bothering a thing, so it's on the "no touch" list... It even has a nice canopy for the cows to lounge under.
But there's more wood in that tree, than I could burn in 2 years...

+ 1 on the tree. There's a lotta btu's in that puppy, WHEN the time comes. I'd leave her standing too. How tall is that thing?
+ 1 on the tree. There's a lotta btu's in that puppy, WHEN the time comes. I'd leave her standing too. How tall is that thing?

I can only guess, but around 50'+... It has limbs that are 20+ inches and ~ sawmill straight...

This one's a "him" by the way... No Hedge apples... Very few thorns...
I don't a have "designated area".

Buck'em and burn the tops pretty much where they fall.

I have a big advantage over most of you guys, we have over 10 acres of the finest Hardwoods right out our front door.
cedar. stupid me bought a CSM AFTER i cut the cedar up. mmm does it smell good

Looks like Cedar?

Thanks for the reply. I was helping my son split some wood that his neighbor had given to him that was purple like that. It was the first time that I had seen it. We don't have much cedar around here.

Thanks for the reply. I was helping my son split some wood that his neighbor had given to him that was purple like that. It was the first time that I had seen it. We don't have much cedar around here.

Dries out pretty quick and is extremely rot resistant. Old timers around here have used it for fence posts for years! Splits easy too, you can split a 5' length of it for fence posts easy. If you do get lucky enough to score a 4'-6' piece with limbs, you can lop of the limbs leaving about 4"-6" stubs, make a base for it, sand it down, lacquer it up and make a great coat/hat rack.
My shop was good enough to give me a couple days off for the New Year holiday(Christmas too, but I didn't do anything but eat and nap ;) ), so with the weather being clear and cold, and with snow on the ground I figyahd I'd burn my "brush piles" and finish stacking my firewood.....:D's a "before" pic, day one.....

attachment.php is a day two pic before I restarted the fire, and before I started stacking wood.....


.....and, at last, a full woodshed :biggrinbounce2:.....


.....all Red Oak, except for the near half of this last row which is Ash.....


.....and this is the view in the opposite direction across the street(today)at the end of day two(did I say I had a day off?).....
