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We were hunkered down in a dry spot under a group of pitch pine and the mechanic says to me " hey man you think we're wasting our time it's raining out beavers prolly waiting it out " I had no words for that ..... He was serious !
Rained all day. Good day for deep root fertilization. Get back to the office, ready for the holiday to start and the boss says everyone needs to come in tonight to spread salt on our HOA properties. Potential for freezing. Not happy.
Lol. No, I'm translating some stuff I did for an old school project. Same concept though, a spinning load being cut loose under different variables including a throw guard and fixed objects behind the thrown load.

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Funny story .........Home News In The News Husband Convicted Of Manslaughter After Dutch Oven Goes "Horribly Wrong"
Husband Convicted Of Manslaughter After Dutch Oven Goes "Horribly Wrong"
Written by Nick Houldsworth

Mr Brian Flannery was convicted of 2nd Degree Manslaughter today at Peckham Crown Court, receiving a 5 year suspended sentence for the accidental death of his wife, Gloria Flannery, by toxic suffocation, after he gave her a 'Dutch Oven' that went, as the Judge described it, 'horribly, horribly wrong'.
The case for the prosecution argued for the charge of Murder, putting it to the court that, late one weekday evening as Mrs Flannery was reading a Jackie Collins novel in bed and unwinding for sleep, she was suddenly and forcibly pinned under the duvet by Mr Flannery, who sealed the edges with his weight while simultaneously releasing an enormous bolus of flatulence, which displaced all the available oxygen so that Mrs Flannery passed out nearly instantly, and was dead within 30 seconds.

Arguing for the defence, Mr Cavendish QC, stated that Mr Flannery was deeply upset and regretful. The incident was intended as a light-hearted practical joke, indeed it was the first time Mr Flannery had even tried what is commonly known on the street as a 'Dutch Oven', and even then only after hearing some friends talking one evening in the pub after five-a-side football, about 'doing it' to their wives 'all the time'.

They argued that Mr Flannery had miscalculated two crucial factors which led to the tragic outcome. The first being Mrs Flannery's military tucking in of the 600 weight cotton sheets when she made the bed that morning, which created a near airtight seal . Secondly, Mr Flannery had neglected to remember that he had attended a long business lunch at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane that day, at which he had consumed a dozen onion Bajees, eight Poppadom, six Samosas, and an extra large beef Vindaloo with garlic naan, all washed down with 8 pints of Guinness beer. The resulting trapped wind, which he released within a 6 inch proximity of Mrs Flannery's face, came in at around 6 litres gas of 95% methane by volume.

During sentencing, the judge, The Hon Dame Roberts, said, "I accept that you did not intend that your wife should die in this manner, and I note both your grief and regret, which is why I will suspend your sentence on the grounds of time already served. Nonetheless, the conviction remains, in the hope that you will be an example to other husbands and boyfriends across the UK, and a ray of light to their long suffering wives and girlfriends, that this frankly gross, and often dangerous practice can no longer be taken lightly, or risk facing such tragic consequences as you have."

Outside the court, an emotional and weary Mr Flannery said, "I am truly very sorry for what I did to my wife, and living with the guilt of what I done is punishment enough. I just hope that others will learn from my mistake. I swear, I will never, ever fart in a woman's face again. At least, not in private."
-3 with windchill this AM, was up at the top of a small around 7:15. Atlas sticky gloves suck in the cold. Fingers where frozen. Finished pretty early, came home and was going to go back out, decided it was nice and warm in here, so I am done! In-laws bought my youngest a set of drums for his B-day today (17) This will be interesting.
You have no idea.... lol.

I won't deny my nerd tendencies. I cut trees during the day and modify android devices and make rocket fuel and useless machines at night.
Many of my customers are confused as to how I decided to take this job instead of getting a job as a computer tech or engineer. But I like being outside, playing with chainsaws and heavy equipment and that crazy feeling when you just cut the top out of a nice tall pine and watch the floor move way down there.

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-3 with windchill this AM, was up at the top of a small around 7:15. Atlas sticky gloves suck in the cold. Fingers where frozen. Finished pretty early, came home and was going to go back out, decided it was nice and warm in here, so I am done! In-laws bought my youngest a set of drums for his B-day today (17) This will be interesting.
So your in laws hate you ! I would tell my son that memaw and paaaaapaaaa would much rather hear your progress at there house !
Rained all day. Good day for deep root fertilization. Get back to the office, ready for the holiday to start and the boss says everyone needs to come in tonight to spread salt on our HOA properties. Potential for freezing. Not happy.

Would love to see how they word that contract. I haven't been able to convince any of mine to do preventative applications yet! Everything is almost dry already and going to be windy all night, not much chance of icy spots I don't think.

Was up and checking radar at 4:30 yesterday and driving around checking properties. ahhh the start of the season, once again we were right on the edge of the freezing zone. Oh well, should be a good snow/ice season.
-3 with windchill this AM, was up at the top of a small around 7:15. Atlas sticky gloves suck in the cold. Fingers where frozen. Finished pretty early, came home and was going to go back out, decided it was nice and warm in here, so I am done! In-laws bought my youngest a set of drums for his B-day today (17) This will be interesting.

That's tough with the drums. Good drummers are the hardest to come by, therefore the most valuable out of all musicians. But it takes a ton of ear shattering practice. And some never get the hang of it.
That's tough with the drums. Good drummers are the hardest to come by, therefore the most valuable out of all musicians. But it takes a ton of ear shattering practice. And some never get the hang of it.
Many of the drummers in the local scene are in 2-4 bands because it's so hard to find a good one. I don't know how those guys do it, I'd die. I'll stick to my guitar tyvm.

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Many of the drummers in the local scene are in 2-4 bands because it's so hard to find a good one. I don't know how those guys do it, I'd die. I'll stick to my guitar tyvm.

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What do you call someone with no talent that likes to hang out with musicians? A drummer.

How many drummers does it take to screw in a light bulb? 10. 1 to hold the bulb and 9 to drink until the room spins.
A sad truth about most of them, no doubt.

My friends Joe, Jason and Kevin are exceptions. Great drummers, and great guys.

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Had a short while of no rain so I took the bucket for a lift...

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It's 5 acres, all the trees are spread around the place.

Yeah. We need a bit more to fix the damage some idiot did in the field across the street. Genius somehow managed to blow an insane amount of powdered fertilizer into the air. It killed the whole field, messed up the grass and burnt a couple trees. We got back to the shop and used one of those floor blowers that plumbers blow swatter out of doors with to get as much off the trees as possible and soaked them all with a firehose. The grass just burnt up and is finally growing again.

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