So, this guy I know...

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Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
...calls me just before lunch time today and asks I I have any use for some firewood??
Well, heck yeah I do.
He asks If I go home for lunch??
Well, I sure can if ya' need me to.
He tells me he has a load of firewood and don't want to dump it in the wrong place.
I've known this guy for years and do business with him... he owns the shop that services our work vehicles, and I do his business-band two-way radio work.
So I head on home and find my gloves... 'cause I'm figgurin' he's wantin' help unloading.
And this is what pulls in my yard‼

load1.JPG load2.JPG load3.JPG

So he tells me the stuff was cut and piled spring of 2013... should be good to go this year if'n I get it split pretty soon. Says he has somewhere in he neighborhood of 1½ more loads if'n I'm interested (seems some guy took on the job of clearing some river property for the firewood, disappeared and never returned). He tells me he's just lookin' for a place to get rid of it.
Heck, I told him to bring it on‼

I gave it a quick look-over; appears to be mostly elm with maple, oak and walnut mixed in... I didn't see one stick of Box Elder (but I haven't sorted through it either).
All cut to length... ready to be split and burned‼
I offered him a beer... said he'd take a rain-check, smiled, and drove away.
Next time,

Be like everybody else, look the gift horse in the mouth and whine 'cause it's not split, stacking should be included as well.

I'm sure you'll return the kindness or pass it on.

Oh, and by the way, you do suck.

Take Care
Next time,
Be like everybody else, look the gift horse in the mouth and whine 'cause it's not split, stacking should be included as well.

Funny you should mention the splittin'...
He asked me if I had a splitter... I told him I did... then he says, "Oh, OK... I was gonna' say I could bring one for ya' to use."

As far as the stacking, if that stuff is as dry as it looks, most of it is gonna' be hauled to the house after splittin' and tossed directly down the old coal chute... minimal handling for sure.
Any worries I had about running short this coming winter (if it's another cold one) just totally disappeared... with the 7 cord of fully season oak I have stacked in the yard, and now this stuff (figure 3 cord just today? Just a guess)... I'm friggin' set (and likely to have a respectable chunk left over in the spring).

Yeah... I suck... and I'm dancing a jig because of my suckage :D
Heck, I almost forgot about the PI ‼
I hope you are tormented by your PI for months! Nice score!
Yup! ^^^ and a you suck X 23,794!
Best part about this is gon b hearin ya whine cuz they weren't cut with a laser guided saw like your usual, gon screw up them purdy stacks! ;) :D :laugh: Prolly STIll haven't cut any wood for your ownself either, have ya?!
Prolly STIll haven't cut any wood for your ownself either, have ya?!

Only that one ½-a-oak that fell on the shootin' bench about a month ago... ended up with about a cord, maybe a touch over, and no way it would be dry enough to burn this year.
I was plannin' to start cuttin' standing dead elm sometime end-of-September/first-of-October, whenever the weather cooled off, to supplement what I had.
I'll likely still do that... but now without the urgency, and just stack it up for next year. Hopefully we won't get buried in snow again this year and I can take down a couple-three big oaks around the New Year... start replenishing the supply and get two or three years ahead again (so I can get lazy again).

Last winter put a big hurtin' dent in the supply, especially when the snow kept me out'a the woodlot... lesson learned (I hope).
Only that one ½-a-oak that fell on the shootin' bench about a month ago... ended up with about a cord, maybe a touch over, and no way it would be dry enough to burn this year.
I was plannin' to start cuttin' standing dead elm sometime end-of-September/first-of-October, whenever the weather cooled off, to supplement what I had.
I'll likely still do that... but now without the urgency, and just stack it up for next year. Hopefully we won't get buried in snow again this year and I can take down a couple-three big oaks around the New Year... start replenishing the supply and get two or three years ahead again (so I can get lazy again).

Last winter put a big hurtin' dent in the supply, especially when the snow kept me out'a the woodlot... lesson learned (I hope).
me thinks,,i ought to hook the trailer,,and make a 1 hr trip.................................................:D:D:D and yes,,,that pegged your suck meter,,and blew the needle.......
Only that one ½-a-oak that fell on the shootin' bench about a month ago... ended up with about a cord, maybe a touch over, and no way it would be dry enough to burn this year.
I was plannin' to start cuttin' standing dead elm sometime end-of-September/first-of-October, whenever the weather cooled off, to supplement what I had.
I'll likely still do that... but now without the urgency, and just stack it up for next year. Hopefully we won't get buried in snow again this year and I can take down a couple-three big oaks around the New Year... start replenishing the supply and get two or three years ahead again (so I can get lazy again).

Last winter put a big hurtin' dent in the supply, especially when the snow kept me out'a the woodlot... lesson learned (I hope).

get lazy again! You have been saying how lazy you have been, gunna run out of wood and it falls in your lap. hopefully you don't forget how to use that chainsaw by the time you actually go and get wood again.
You do suck, a great bid giant___________.
You have been saying how lazy you have been, gunna run out of wood and it falls in your lap.

It's been said... the Lord watches over fools, drunks and children.
Depending on the thread you read... :D ...I've been accused of falling into all three categories.
It's been said... the Lord watches over fools, drunks and children.
Depending on the thread you read... :D ...I've been accused of falling into all three categories.

That certainly rings true around me. I think I will have a couple more drinks and say a prayer. Will that do it.
I think I will have a couple more drinks and say a prayer. Will that do it.

I won't pretend to be an expert on prayer... but my ma' always says it certainly can't make things worse.
Long odds usually pay-off the largest, and if'n it can't possibly make things worse or cost you anything... well... why not play the odds??
So yeah, I pray... but I ain't a religious man, ain't seen the inside of a church in decades. (well... couple'a weddings and a funeral or two)
At the same time... I figure... where else can I play the long odds for free??

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