I good friend of mine said some years ago, with respect to making choices "You can do anything you want, you just can't do everything you want." I'm guessing for most of us that is probably pretty close to true, in which case we make big and little choices every day.
Yesterdays choice, was to post the TW-6 for sale. It was a rather big choice for me, as my wood source to keep it busy did not work out. It gets occasional use, but the SSHD is my splitter of choice for the smaller logs I now routinely get. When I get six to ten larger logs set aside I love to get the TW-6 out, use the log lift, and make quick work of splitting them up. However, in two years there is less than seventy hours run time, and probably 50% or less, if even that much, that is actual splitting time as I use by myself.
I hate to see it go, as it is a big beautiful machine to use. I chose a name brand machine, then picking it over the TW-5 for the long haul, with its bigger, key start, twin Honda, huge hydraulic tank, large separate fuel tank, truly impressive 5" x 24" x 3 1/2" cylinder, dump valve, and respectable speed. Modifying the four-way wedge only a few weeks after getting the splitter was an indescribable improvement for resplitting and single handed use.
The trade off is, selling the TW-6 will let me shift my attention to a larger delivery truck much sooner rather than much later. Delivery up till now has been with a flatbed, which has been a great deal of time and effort hand unloading. And, as my son with a Masters in Business pointed out, the TW-6 isn't making any money, or reducing the work load, if I'm not using it. I countered that I stand to loose I fair amount from what I paid, but he suggested that may not be the best way to look at it.
I'm picturing a bit more noodles in my future. I've been dragging my feet, but I think it's a good choice to move on from, and to something else.
What similar choices have you made?
Yesterdays choice, was to post the TW-6 for sale. It was a rather big choice for me, as my wood source to keep it busy did not work out. It gets occasional use, but the SSHD is my splitter of choice for the smaller logs I now routinely get. When I get six to ten larger logs set aside I love to get the TW-6 out, use the log lift, and make quick work of splitting them up. However, in two years there is less than seventy hours run time, and probably 50% or less, if even that much, that is actual splitting time as I use by myself.
I hate to see it go, as it is a big beautiful machine to use. I chose a name brand machine, then picking it over the TW-5 for the long haul, with its bigger, key start, twin Honda, huge hydraulic tank, large separate fuel tank, truly impressive 5" x 24" x 3 1/2" cylinder, dump valve, and respectable speed. Modifying the four-way wedge only a few weeks after getting the splitter was an indescribable improvement for resplitting and single handed use.
The trade off is, selling the TW-6 will let me shift my attention to a larger delivery truck much sooner rather than much later. Delivery up till now has been with a flatbed, which has been a great deal of time and effort hand unloading. And, as my son with a Masters in Business pointed out, the TW-6 isn't making any money, or reducing the work load, if I'm not using it. I countered that I stand to loose I fair amount from what I paid, but he suggested that may not be the best way to look at it.
I'm picturing a bit more noodles in my future. I've been dragging my feet, but I think it's a good choice to move on from, and to something else.
What similar choices have you made?