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Go to a Comminist nation, I am sure you will learn to love your "restrictive" American Freedoms.

I happen to come from one.

If We dont have Laws to protect our people from themselves, we would be living in a State of Chaos.

And at the same time your preventing Social Darwinism. Forgive me, but I fail to see how that applies. If I don't buckle-up, get in a car accident and die, where does the chaos come in?

You misunderstood the point I was trying to convey, my previous statement was in regards to drug tests. It's not encroaching on your freedoms because you have a choice. If you fail or refuse, you simply are not hired. No legal ramifications.
How about doing a geneology search, to see what racial makeup?

A religon questionaire, to see if you might not be "kosher"?

That is not the point, but having to "prove" you are innocent "IS'.

This country is good, unique, something to treasure, for many reasons,
and this is one of the main ones.

Strap on a device to make sure you do not break any laws.

How bout that?

If you are not a criminal, you have nothing to worry about

Just taking the logic to its possible extreme....

Sorry about that Reagan ****, it just seemed to come in with his administration, but of course he was not aware of it..............

Giving him the credit for winning the cold war is quite a joke also.......

The free trade crapt, and the new world order, let's not go there.
Priviledge...exactly. You are ALLOWED by the state to drive on the roadways. You are given a group of rules to abide by to maintain the priviledge of driving.

Break the rules, lose you priviledge, Simple as that.

Drugs are AGAINST THE LAW, Being a Buddist isnt.

DUI on your way to work is AGAINST THE LAW, being black isnt.

You cant compare things that are legal with things that arent.

Drugs are against the law-some drugs are against the law, many are not, such as alcohol. This makes no sense at all. Alcohol is a drug which is implicated in far more deaths and violent crimes than all the illegal drugs combined, but it is legal. So, we can easily compare things that are legal with things that are not. I see in todays paper that police in the United Kingdom are trying to make DNA samples mandatory for such hienous crimes as littering and speeding. This from a country with over 4 million survaillance cameras manned by the police, gun bans, and warrantless searches, great, 1984 is here.
What is legal at the moment, drug wise, is politically driven, and not
really the point, invasion of rights and privacy is, however.

Coffee could be deemed by some of you to be criminal, as well Benadryl.

That is not what is important, personal freedom is. Do I want someone like you determining what I like to do on a Friday night????

red you are right,no one is forced to take any job,if they don't like the fact they must past a drug test,look for another job."want fries with that".
I got out of working for power equipment dealers because they don't pay around my parts,loved the work but when you get offered double the pay goodbye saw shops,and yes I happily took a drug test.
When the drug tests play out in the "corporate" level, of course the
playing field is not usually "even".

The white collar "employees" usually do not have to worry about their white powder habits, or liquid lunches, for whatever reasons.

The injustice of the drug tests on the "blue" collar force is still there,
and no matter what the social status, the drug tests are still wrong...
All I have to say on this is if I was tested for beer right now, I'd fail miserably... But come 10am tomorrow, I'll be opening the store with a big smile... Nothing like the smell of 2-smoke in the morning ;)
Sorry about that Reagan ****, it just seemed to come in with his administration, but of course he was not aware of it..............

Giving him the credit for winning the cold war is quite a joke also.......

I can only see your left side. The profile is not flattering. LOL

As with anything no one person or thing is ever at fault or should be given credit, but Ronnie did more than Carter................

Just answer me this.........................ARE YOU A POTHEAD FOCKER?

Of course I don't care and you could just as easy be stirring the "pot." I just want to here more about the recreation use of Benadryl. Sounds fun.:popcorn:

I guess it's just that I dont drink, at all, EVER, for ANY reason.

I dont do illegal drugs, At all, EVER, for ANY reason.

Im NOT saying I am totally agaisnt other folks drinking, thats their thing, not mine, but drinking till 10-12 at night results in a nice fat hangover the next morning. This means in most cases a non-productive worker. If you work for me, and you come in all strung out, wearing the same cloths as the day before, and smell like stale beer, you will be going home IMMEDIATLY, with your walking papers. There is no excuse for it.

Im a really nice guy, Ill bend over backwards for you, but I expect a certain amount of professionalism in return. I understand that some people have family issues, financial issues, whatever type of personal problems...I can be very understanding and flexible. AGAIN, this is the advantage of running a good shop where the emplyoees dont come in half drunk and pizzed the hell off at that chainsaw buzzing across the shop...and that saw buzzing away in their head.

My freinds shop is run this way, and everyone loves working there. He hasnt had to fire anyone, for any reason, in over a decade.
The white collar "employees" usually do not have to worry about their white powder habits, or liquid lunches, for whatever reasons.

The injustice of the drug tests on the "blue" collar force is still there,
and no matter what the social status, the drug tests are still wrong...
The politics do indeed play a big roll in things.A little example is in order.

One of the first articles I read in the local newspaper when I got out of the Navy in '71 concerned two individuals.One was convicted of stealing over 100 dollars worth of recapped tires and sentenced to 1 to 7 in the Ohio State pen.The other of embezzeling 30 grand from a local bank,two years probation,white collar guy,ya know.

Justice is not blind and never has been.It seems that anybody that speaks out against the partiality shown towards some must be a rebel or something.Well,I must be one then.

Now then,anybody that thinks this is going away has their head in the sand.The laws recently went from the wording of just cause to reasonable suspition.So all of you that agree with this type of tactics,beware of driving at night after 10 pm.Why for heavens sakes why would anybody be out at time of night if they weren't boozed up,eh.

So then,if some rookie highway patrol officer pulls you over for no apperent reason,remember,you agreed to it.You gave up your rights to unlawfull search by not speaking out for individual freedoms.Be sure your'e clean shaven have nice clothes on and don't drive an old pick-em -truck. If you do,have an FOPA sticker on the bumper.
Just answer me this.........................ARE YOU A POTHEAD FOCKER?


I have taken a few drug tests, but have never failed one.

If I had failed one, would it haunt me? Would those results follow me?

I am just curious, does anyone here know?

In response to the quote, I have smoked in the past, but I didn't inhale........................................................................................
I just have to ask...

I guess it's just that I dont drink, at all, EVER, for ANY reason.

I dont do illegal drugs, At all, EVER, for ANY reason.

Im NOT saying I am totally agaisnt other folks drinking, thats their thing, not mine, but drinking till 10-12 at night results in a nice fat hangover the next morning.

--- How do you know? Do you know what a hangover is, or better yet what causes one? I don't drink to excess, but when I was on a ship, some of my best shipmates sure did. It all about choice and responsibility. It was their responsibility not to drink so much that they were in trouble in the morning. The guy in the crane swinging a 12,500 pound buoy over peoples heads was always straight as an arrow, but he drank when he wanted to.

In my current job I see the effects of excessive drinking every single shift that I work. It doesn't mean that I would never hire someone because they drink too much on a Friday night. If they don't have to work with me in the morning, don't have to drive an emergency vehicle (or any vehicle), don't have to strap on a gun, then why do you care what they do in their off time?

Lighten up a little, there is a really big world out there with a lot of really great people in it, some with records, some without. Life's too short, and it took a few people dying in my arms to really have that old saying sink in.

Priviledge...exactly. You are ALLOWED by the state to drive on the roadways. You are given a group of rules to abide by to maintain the priviledge of driving.

Break the rules, lose you priviledge, Simple as that.

Drugs are AGAINST THE LAW, Being a Buddist isnt.

DUI on your way to work is AGAINST THE LAW, being black isnt.

You cant compare things that are legal with things that arent.

You really need to do some research. Whether something is illegal or not has little bearing on the relative safety of the substance.
Case in point. Did you hear about the billion dollar settlement here in the US regarding Oxycontin? Seems that the big drum companies understated the dangers of, and as a result encouraged the overprescription of a very addictive and very dangerous LEGAL substance.
Compare that to marijuana, which generally wears off in several hours, but persists in the bloodstream for a month.
Is that drug test going to tell you anything?
Maybe that employee went to Amsterdam four weeks ago on vacation, and god forbid, smoked a little, and now your blood test indicates him as a "druggie".
Next to him is your loyal employee who shows up every morning after sipping a half a bottle of Jack every night.
You tell me, who is going to be more impaired?
You have been brainwashed by propaganda, and you are making assumptions about drugs, as well as the validity of the tests.
The fact is, you should keep a close eye on ALL new employees.
If nothing else, those tests can give you a false sense of security.

I agree with earlier comments that perhaps you would consent to a monthly search of your dwelling by the police to attempt to uncover contraband?
Certainly if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?
You really need to do some research. Whether something is illegal or not has little bearing on the relative safety of the substance.
Case in point. Did you hear about the billion dollar settlement here in the US regarding Oxycontin? Seems that the big drum companies understated the dangers of, and as a result encouraged the overprescription of a very addictive and very dangerous LEGAL substance.
Compare that to marijuana, which generally wears off in several hours, but persists in the bloodstream for a month.
Is that drug test going to tell you anything?
Maybe that employee went to Amsterdam four weeks ago on vacation, and god forbid, smoked a little, and now your blood test indicates him as a "druggie".
Next to him is your loyal employee who shows up every morning after sipping a half a bottle of Jack every night.
You tell me, who is going to be more impaired?
You have been brainwashed by propaganda, and you are making assumptions about drugs, as well as the validity of the tests.
The fact is, you should keep a close eye on ALL new employees.
If nothing else, those tests can give you a false sense of security.

I agree with earlier comments that perhaps you would consent to a monthly search of your dwelling by the police to attempt to uncover contraband?
Certainly if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?

If the police want to come into my home every month and search it, with dogs even, in an attempt to uncover contraband, that would be fine by me, as long as they put things back where they found them. More than likely after a dozen clean searches with not so much as a hint of contraband, they would give up.

People who dont do wrong have nothing to worry about.

Ill be driving and have a passenger, a cop comes up over the hill and the passenger will yell "cop, cop, slow down" ...Ill look over..why would I want to go under the speed limit?

I dont speed when I have passengers, or when I am hauling customers equipment...

When I was in HS, The Resource officer was letting his Germy. sniff the cars in the parking lot, a Lime Green Civic was parked about 8 cars down from me. The dog didnt alert to the car all that much, just stopped a moment and sniffed, and went on. The kid got out of his car and half jokingly the cop asked him if he could pop the trunk...

The kid said "NO". That was enough...They found about 90K worth of various pills and other drugs hidden away in the car, but for whatever reason the dog didnt hit on it. If he had said "sure officer, no problem" the cop (whom I know very well) would probably have told him never mind. People who dont have anything to hide, dont have objections to having their property searched, same with drug tests. Ive had my car searched, I had my backpack searched, Locker searched...never bothered me at all, I had 0 to hide.
When I get my shop out in the open, and running full tilt, Im going to require a background check, drug test, 3 recc's and none can be family, Ill require them to have reliable transportation, and require them to NOT use tobacco products on the premises.

1. no felons
2. No druggies
3. If you cant find at least 3 people who think highly of you, gtfo
4. I need you to be able to get to work in a timely manner...hitching a ride from freinds isnt relaible.
5. No tobacco use. I dont want my shop smelling like smoke, its unsafe around gas fumes, and "smokeless" tobacco is just nasty, I dont want it on my stuff, or on my customers stuff.

I dont discriminate race or religion...but if you cant fulfill the above standards...I dont want you.

Also, if you promote Jeff Gordon...I will fire you on the spot, Im a Former Dale Sr. Fan, and a current member of the Jr. Nation.:rock: :rock:

3::::::::::...........8:::::::::::........... Amen!!!!! ( I do chew skoal)