Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I guess it is foolish and juvenile of me to argue with someone who has loaded 100s of thousands of rounds and was teaching reloading before I was born. We have been assured these statements are based on his vast knowledge and experience and not on his personal preferences, or simply based on what he has or does not have. So, if he says my statements were inaccurate, they must be!

So, let's recap what we have learned so that we can all take in the logic of his statements.

First, if you believe in neck sizing your brass to improve accuracy and extend the life of your brass, you are a dang fool, because it may not work in the double barrel Elephant Gun you need for Bear hunting. Of course, we don't have a double barrel Elephant Gun to determine if this is true or not, but we must believe him.

Secondly, if you purchased one of those 416 or 375 Ruger's, you are also a dang fool, because you don't need a caliber that large or a rifle that powerful to kill a charging Grizzly Bear. A well-placed shot with a standard caliber rifle is all that is needed ... those guys with those big powerful guns wasted their money! What kind of fools would do that?

Of course, the exception to that rule is if you happen to live in Zig Zag Bear Country ... then you need the most powerful large bore double barrel Elephant Gun known to man to hunt those Bears! The reason being if he Zigs to the left you use the right-hand barrel, and if he Zags to the right you use the left-hand barrel.

There, I hope everyone understands the logic and importance of today's lessons! I'm sure we will all be blessed with more of his logic in the future!
That's awesome!

Also as I referenced, us amateurs are not allowed to quote subject matter experts to reinforce our statements. Or we then are cast off as groupies.
We have lost Colorado. More states r getting overrun. To many people from commie states running from the shite holes they created, but bring the same thinking that caused it. I want to leave MN too, but it is too late for me to move.
Slowly starting to happen up here too. It really upsets me and makes no sense. A lot of newbie residents want to shut down Off-road vehicle recreation trails on the "Road System" that were established 40, 50 years ago or longer! While the rest of the Island (all 95% of it) is National Wildlife Refuge and has been off limits to any land based motorized vehicle since the beginning. Yet trapping on the road System continues with little regulation causing a lot of dog and cat deaths. Usually due to laziness. People dont want to hike 100 yards off a well used hiking traiI to set a snare when they can just set one on a trail that the fox share with humans. They are usually out of state non residents. I'm by no means against trapping! Quite the opposite. I just personally feel it should be done on the Refuge only and off limits on the road system. too many pets are caught and killed by traps around here!
Here you go lady, show us how it's done...oh that's too hard of work for you? GTFOH
You hear about and read about stories of crazy, fragile people like this...but it's baffling to meet someone like this in person. I think this sorta behaviour develops in some people when their lives become too easy and they don't face any real adversity. Those of us on here face real world problems like doing the hours of manual labor(on top of a normal job) required to heat our houses...we don't have time to develop anxiety about fairy tale problems.
We are still fairly insulated from those wanting to change things but Minneapolis/St Paul metro is sure feeling it.

The only issues we have up really (besides resident drug problems in the larger towns) are the weekend warriors who come up here and think that this is their private playground to act obnoxiously.
You hear about and read about stories of crazy, fragile people like this...but it's baffling to meet someone like this in person. I think this sorta behaviour develops in some people when their lives become too easy and they don't face any real adversity. Those of us on here face real world problems like doing the hours of manual labor(on top of a normal job) required to heat our houses...we don't have time to develop anxiety about fairy tale problems.
Exactly...this happens to most anyone who no longer has a fire to their feet. Within a generation or two of "easy living" they have forgotten what it takes to actually survive.

Same thing happens to multigenerational family owned the third generation of family you are lucky if one in ten is worth their weight. Sales managers too....once they get two promotions out of sales they start to forget.
You hear about and read about stories of crazy, fragile people like this...but it's baffling to meet someone like this in person. I think this sorta behaviour develops in some people when their lives become too easy and they don't face any real adversity. Those of us on here face real world problems like doing the hours of manual labor(on top of a normal job) required to heat our houses...we don't have time to develop anxiety about fairy tale problems.
IMOP, all it takes is someone without
or little consiences getting something handed to them by taking advantage of a stupid law. Inturn using it the wrong way to beat the system. Once they figure out how easy it is. They are ruined and try to get their way by changing everything around them for their benefit! Makes me sick! Like sewing a restaurant because the coffee was too hot and the ice-cream was to cold! 🤬
IMOP, all it takes is someone without
or little consiences getting something handed to them by taking advantage of a stupid law. Inturn using it the wrong way to beat the system. Once they figure out how easy it is. They are ruined and try to get their way by changing everything around them for their benefit! Makes me sick! Like sewing a restaurant because the coffee was too hot and the ice-cream was to cold! 🤬
That stuff happens more often then I'd like to admit around here. I think I shared the out of state yuppies moving in next to a farm then complaining to the township about the smell? They more or less got told to pound sand, but it's become pretty common. Even seen a pig farm shut down in another township because the owner couldn't afford to treat the pig shite in the holding pit so the new development didn't have to smell it. Whoever there first should be able to live their life in peace how they always have.
They were powerhouses compared to the 6.9l they replaced, or even the smogged out 460's. I remember the day my dad got his 1990 f350. We thought we were in heaven with all the power it had. Which was just great till the power strokes came out. The Dodge boys definatly had the edge with the Cummins though.
Cummins was King back then and I think still is today.