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Breckinridge Elkins

Breckinridge Elkins

ArboristSite Operative
AS Supporting Member
Jul 4, 2023
all ya'll are saying the same thing I'm saying, only you think your trying to tell me something I didn't already tell you?
Difference is one of us thinks its "bad" because ??? redacted I couldn't even begin to unwrap them mental gymnastics.
Honestly I think you are arguing just for the sake of arguing at this point. And I never said mining was bad, my point was that Lithium mining has the potential for serious pollution. I'll give you the last word if you like.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
Honestly I think you are arguing just for the sake of arguing at this point. And I never said mining was bad, my point was that Lithium mining has the potential for serious pollution. I'll give you the last word if you like
Yes, however, other folks seem to think that its the worst thing ever, yet Oil, and its associated issues is far more dangerous then lithium.
I'm not arguing with you, per se, its just a different point of view.


Happy curmudgeon, mostly
AS Supporting Member
Dec 23, 2019
All energy extraction has its environmental issues as does its final use. It is easy to find internet sites to back ones opinion and sites to disparage issues one doesn't agree with. Pick the energy source that fits your environmental and political views and live with it, but don't criticize others choices - you will not change any minds. But we can all make an effort to use less energy, no matter the source.


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Nov 20, 2011
mountains of nc
The cheapest, cleanest, electricity we can make is not wasting what is already being produced. Like a lot of people, I have replaced every light bulb in my house with LED;s. How much it saves I dont know, I havent been in this house long enough to judge what I would have used if I hadnt replaced those bulbs. In my other house, I rigged a hot water heater to my wood stove that worked off convection and I was saving around $50 a month and never ran out of hot water. Of course this system didnt work in the summertime since I didnt have a fire going. I helped a buddy build and install a solar water heater on his roof and he ended up having to remove half the system because his water was getting to hot. He was able to heat water year round and actually turned off his propane tank so he wasnt burning any fossel fuels. My wood water heater cost me about $60 to build and it pretty much paid for itself the first month. I dont know what my buddy spent on his solar water heater, but it couldnt of been much since it was made out of 2x4's and aluminum flashing and some copper pipe. There are numerous ways to generate electricity, you can make enough power to charge your cell phone with a copper rod and a zinc rod driven into the soil about 3ft apart. Its called a dirt battery. This has been around since 1830. Not much research has been put into developing this method of generating power, probably because nobody can make money and anybody can do it. No pollution, no CO2 emmissions, no ground water contamination. Research is now being done on using microbes while composting to make electricity. You lay down a graphite cloth, pile on your compost material and cover in chicken wire and just let it decompose. The microbes are already present in the compost so you are not messing with some corona viruse escapeing that could kill off the entire population. You are not wating for the wind to blow your great big windmill that was built using tons of concrete, fossil fuels and knocking eagles out of the air. You are not building great big solar panels in China and shipping them across the big pond, polluting the ground where the material is mined, or burning tons of very dirty crude oil to make those big boats move. Anyways, why not instead of pushing some ineffective, very dirty, electrical producing fossil fuel replaceing grand plan, why not spend a little time and money researching and developing things that are much safer and dont poison our air, water and food supply.


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Nov 20, 2011
mountains of nc
Somehow I don't think the graphite compost chicken wire battery is all that practical, on a grid replacement level. I used to power a clock with a couple potatoes when I was in grade school, but you couldn't run a house off of it.
You are wanting to fix the world. I am suggesting we fix ourselfs first. I cant make you conserve electricity, I can only control what I do. If enough of these bleeding heart liberals would stop trying to fix the world and would fix themselfs first, we wouldnt need to produce the power that we currently produce. They can start with the simple things like reducing their own demands on the power grid instead of trying to produce more electricity just so they can consume more. Less consumption equals less demand, less demand, equals less production and less production equals less pollution. As I said in my first sentence.
The cheapest, cleanest, electricity we can make is not wasting what is already being produced.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
You are wanting to fix the world. I am suggesting we fix ourselfs first. I cant make you conserve electricity, I can only control what I do. If enough of these bleeding heart liberals would stop trying to fix the world and would fix themselfs first, we wouldnt need to produce the power that we currently produce. They can start with the simple things like reducing their own demands on the power grid instead of trying to produce more electricity just so they can consume more. Less consumption equals less demand, less demand, equals less production and less production equals less pollution. As I said in my first sentence.
Maybe you shouldn't make baseless accusations?
Liberals mandated getting rid of incandescent bulbs TO CONSERVE POWER
Liberals mandated better fuel economy TO CONSERVE FUEL
Liberals are funding wind and solar TO GET AWAY FROM FOSSIL FUEL
but sure changing out a few light bulbs is going to save the world all by yourself


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 20, 2020
You are wanting to fix the world. I am suggesting we fix ourselfs first. I cant make you conserve electricity, I can only control what I do. If enough of these bleeding heart liberals would stop trying to fix the world and would fix themselfs first, we wouldnt need to produce the power that we currently produce. They can start with the simple things like reducing their own demands on the power grid instead of trying to produce more electricity just so they can consume more. Less consumption equals less demand, less demand, equals less production and less production equals less pollution. As I said in my first sentence.

Starting with a nasty straw man, right off the bat.

I largely agree with you, conserve all we can. A graphite/compost/chicken wire sandwich battery still isn't going to power society. How many acres of compost sandwich do you need to power a heat pump for an hour? Do you have any idea how much electricity it takes to manufacture aluminum?


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 20, 2020
Maybe you shouldn't make baseless accusations?
Liberals mandated getting rid of incandescent bulbs TO CONSERVE POWER
Liberals mandated better fuel economy TO CONSERVE FUEL
Liberals are funding wind and solar TO GET AWAY FROM FOSSIL FUEL
but sure changing out a few light bulbs is going to save the world all by yourself

Liberals mandate these things because it furthers their narcissistic agenda. Lets them enforce their will on others and gives them narcissistic supply, while also looking down on others for not being as "enlightened" as they themselves are - another source of narcissistic supply for them.

They don't care about the environment in the slightest. You can see this in their multiple mansions and twice weekly trips on private jets. These private jets burn more fuel per trip than the average Joe will burn in 100 years of normal existence - yet somehow us average Joes are the bad guy? Actions are a language, and they're screaming about their true views loud and clear. Only some of us are listening.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
Liberals mandate these things because it furthers their narcissistic agenda. Lets them enforce their will on others and gives them narcissistic supply, while also looking down on others for not being as "enlightened" as they themselves are - another source of narcissistic supply for them.

They don't care about the environment in the slightest. You can see this in their multiple mansions and twice weekly trips on private jets. These private jets burn more fuel per trip than the average Joe will burn in 100 years of normal existence - yet somehow us average Joes are the bad guy? Actions are a language, and they're screaming about their true views loud and clear. Only some of us are listening.
I mean, thats an opinion
but like much of your arguments, based entirely on fear and false information.
Or maybe we can keep this thread about Electric equipment, and keep your fraidy cat fear mongering politics out of it?


You bought a WHAT???!!
May 12, 2014
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Liberals mandate these things because it furthers their narcissistic agenda. Lets them enforce their will on others and gives them narcissistic supply, while also looking down on others for not being as "enlightened" as they themselves are - another source of narcissistic supply for them.

They don't care about the environment in the slightest. You can see this in their multiple mansions and twice weekly trips on private jets. These private jets burn more fuel per trip than the average Joe will burn in 100 years of normal existence - yet somehow us average Joes are the bad guy? Actions are a language, and they're screaming about their true views loud and clear. Only some of us are listening.
I dislike having to agree with this (and prefer to avoid politics), however the reality of things has forced this to the forefront and you are quite correct.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 20, 2020
irony is lost on you isn't it
Oh no, I'm quite aware. Also hypocrisy. You're immensely amusing, thank you for the chuckle.

I dislike having to agree with this (and prefer to avoid politics), however the reality of things has forced this to the forefront and you are quite correct.

My thought as well. Pretty sure narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder is going to be what ends civilization.
Jan 17, 2012
western washington
Oh no, I'm quite aware. Also hypocrisy. You're immensely amusing, thank you for the chuckle.

My thought as well. Pretty sure narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder is going to be what ends civilization.
you specifically, like to think you are "refuting" when in reality you are simply contradicting or using ad hominems, if you had a valid argument with you know real facts and numbers, I'd let them stand or address them directly as a counterargument, hence the irony, since you've now resorted to name calling
But I'll give you credit, you're not responding to tone, which is frankly un unforgivable sin in my book.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 20, 2020
you specifically, like to think you are "refuting" when in reality you are simply contradicting or using ad hominems, if you had a valid argument with you know real facts and numbers, I'd let them stand or address them directly as a counterargument, hence the irony, since you've now resorted to name calling
But I'll give you credit, you're not responding to tone, which is frankly un unforgivable sin in my book.

You didn't refute my claims about private jets and fuel usage. When discussing electric excavators, as soon as we got into the nuts and bolts calculations based on YOUR usage, you started straw manning me and calling names. I've never seen you refute a single thing in any of these discussions, only resort to name calling when someone disagrees with you.

Ain't me who has the issue here. I'll also point out that projection is a classic NPD behavior. Once again, I'm done with you.