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Feel Lucky
Feb 12, 2007
Hot Springs Arkansas
You are right about the individual tax number system, some illegals do pay taxes based on an assigned number and I guess if some sort of amnesty program were to be put into place they should be the ones to benefit from it. But the thing about it is recent studies have shown that out of 13 million illegals here now only about 160,000 have ever, that's EVER at any time, paid any social security or income taxes. That looks like this:13,000,000 vs. 160,000. I guess the other 12,840,000 can go home.
+20000000000 Illegals go home we have had enough take
your greedy employers with ya and stay out until ya learn
English and come legal.


ArboristSite Lurker
Mar 20, 2007
oakland county, Michigan
I have been ready this post since it was started. I was going to stay away from it, but since it's start a fairly big tree company in this area has been busted twice with illegals. I think that we as AMERICAN people should demand stiffer penalities for those people who hire them PERIOD!!!!

It is based out of greed and nothing more. For all of those who say they work harder and show up every day to work. B.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are all kinds of us small time tree guys out there who do it every day. So think up another excuse to tell your future generations why they are stuck working for peanuts..
John Paul Sanborn

John Paul Sanborn

Above average climber
Apr 25, 2001
South Eastern WI
There are all kinds of us small time tree guys out there who do it every day.

There in lies the rub. As I mentioned above, many of the good workers go off and start their own buisness after a few years.

We've heard it lamented on this site on many occasions, "I'm sick of training my competition!" The ones with excellent work ethic, but a disinterest in actual Arboriculture drift off to other industries that pay better, construction, concrete, trucking.

The only companies that have a high tenure of production employees are the ones with enough crews to work them regularly at a high wage.

How can the little guy, who does everything; sales, production, repair, collections, bookkeeping... expect to keep good people if he will not pay more then other industries.

The bigger company that needs to winnow the chaff for entry level employees has to lower the bar, the small guy laments the dirth of willing applicants because he does not have the resources to mine for that diamond in the rough.

Yes there are qualified people out there, but the reported unemployment rate is still less than 95:5. If five out of 100, or 1/20th of the population is not working, how many applicants are;
  • with violent felony convictions
  • suspended/revoked DL
  • truely mentally challenged
  • LSoB's
  • carrying anger management issues
  • think they are worth more then their demonstrable abilites
  • quit after 2 days because the work is too hard

The above list is compiled from conversations with my clients who advertise with starting wages above industry standard.

A couple have gone with Hispanics who will work their buts off for $10/hr just dragging brush

Many of the ones where they say they can climb, insist on a high industry wage, often show a meager, if not scary level of skill.

I do not condone the hire of undocumented work, but our society perpetuates it as much as much as the industry.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
JPS, I know were you are coming from, I go through it every year!!! BUT I dont lower myself to hire Illegals, This industry is ruthless as far as competitive wages go & those that HIRE the hispanics/latinos for $10.00hr & claim they work their butts off should re-read my post responding to Ryan.

This industry doesnt perpetuate this type of hiring behavior, greedy, wantin to make more profit, lawbreaking Bum Employers!!! are who perpetuate this, as you say!!

I guess they would work hard(not harder), hell if a good wage where I came from was $6.00hr & someone offers me $12.00 Ill work hard too!!! that would be like me paying my climber over $60.00 hr( hes worth it) but I cant incorporate that kinda wage in my price.

Jeeezz Im going about this wrong, dont pay the men you have any more, ask them to take a pay cut by atleast 1/2 & if not I get Illegals & pay them double what they would normally make at 1/2 what I pay my men now!!!! yepper this will jump start any economy!!! LMFAO Well should I make them this offer? cause thats what the hack bum Employers who hire em are doing!!


John Paul Sanborn

John Paul Sanborn

Above average climber
Apr 25, 2001
South Eastern WI
This industry doesnt perpetuate this type of hiring behavior, greedy, wantin to make more profit, lawbreaking Bum Employers!!! are who perpetuate this, as you say!!

Well, in a way the industry does at least exacerbate the situation; so many of the good climbers break off to do it on their own, lawn companies see more profit and go into trees. For whatever reason the only limiting factor to competition is working at heights, or getting people to do it. More people competing for a limited number of clients (people with trees who will pay to have them worked on) drives prices down yada yada yada...

Some of the companies are cheapskates, but many are just trying to make do with what comes through the door. Then they hire Juan, who works out. They need another, Juan knows Jesus...

The one good thing about the housing crash is that less people are coming across the border.


No Longer Here
Mar 29, 2001
Littleton, Colorado, United States
I have been ready this post since it was started. I was going to stay away from it, but since it's start a fairly big tree company in this area has been busted twice with illegals. I think that we as AMERICAN people should demand stiffer penalities for those people who hire them PERIOD!!!!

Well unfortunately you don't know the governments stupid laws. I hire hispanic people all the time. As a company I check the legality of each individual hired. Unfortunately, I have to break the law everytime I hire somebody. You cannot check the validity of a person's social security number without hiring them. If you call social security without them as a hired worker, it is called profiling. So since you can't actually hire somebody that is illegal and it is illegal to profile them as a possible illegal. Then what is a company to do? This is a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. At one time I had 80 laborors (all hispanic) working for me. I had to let many of them go after implementing my policy of checking each one. Several had illegal info as the social security office will tell you who the number belongs too (as long as they are actual employees). I had many of them with women's ss#'s. So thought you guys should know that you need to break the law one way or the other to find out if they are legal or not. They figure you have rules to fire them if they give you false info. But for a certain period of time you will be running illegal at any rate if they are illegal.


Feel Lucky
Feb 12, 2007
Hot Springs Arkansas
Ok the amnesty thing may work if they pay their share,
but our human assistance off limits. This is the biggest
expense about them and also,illegals born here not a
citizen we are not going to raise you azz no more.
I got an idea since our government seems to be
representing illegals, make the illegals pay the taxes
and Americans be free of it! Works for me:laugh:
Last edited:
Bigus Termitius

Bigus Termitius

Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 13, 2007
Heyworth, IL.
Ok the amnesty thing may work if they pay their share,
but our human assistance off limits. This is the biggest
expense about them and also,illegals born here not a
citizen we are not going to raise you azz no more.
I got an idea since our government seems to be
representing illegals, make the illegals pay the taxes
and Americans be free of it! Works for me:laugh:

NO Taxation without representation ought to work both ways....

...no representation without taxation.
Sunrise Guy

Sunrise Guy

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 4, 2006
Well unfortunately you don't know the governments stupid laws. I hire hispanic people all the time. As a company I check the legality of each individual hired. Unfortunately, I have to break the law everytime I hire somebody. You cannot check the validity of a person's social security number without hiring them. (snip)

There are web sites that let you enter SSN's to check validity. They do not identify the person but do give the city where the number was issued. Those sites have helped me weed out blatant fake numbers, and if the city is different from mine, I ask the person where they got their SSN. If they say they don't know, or give an incorrect answer, it's a good bet that they're illegal.


No Longer Here
Mar 29, 2001
Littleton, Colorado, United States
There are web sites that let you enter SSN's to check validity. They do not identify the person but do give the city where the number was issued. Those sites have helped me weed out blatant fake numbers, and if the city is different from mine, I ask the person where they got their SSN. If they say they don't know, or give an incorrect answer, it's a good bet that they're illegal.

Cool. Didn't know about the websites. Do you have any links? That would be helpful for everyone here including me. They never told me about any website. Go figure!!
Thanks for the info.

It looks like you are going above and beyond the call of duty on investigating. That is great, but where do we have to say enough is enough on our end. The gov needs to set a guideline up on what to ask, how to ask it and maybe an online form. This way it is consistent for every business. I can see it now, there wouldn't be any proof that you asked extra questions. One illegal does his homework and he is working for you. Good 'ol uncle same says you aren't doing enough. The guidelines are pretty week or non existant at the moment. That is where we as businesses need something that is consistent. That is why I started with the phone (this was about 3 years ago). This is all the info I got. I called several dozen times. I haven't hired anyone since then. I use only subs now. Only check the main guy now and make him sign on of those forms that says he has validated his employees. The rest are his problem. Thanks again for the info. I will go that route the next time I need to check.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
Exactly!! & these people grew America!!! they entered Legally & provided their skills for top dollar!! not to undercut those already here!! Better yet Im glad I dont have to speak all those languages!!



Addicted to ArboristSite
May 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Exactly!! & these people grew America!!! they entered Legally & provided their skills for top dollar!! not to undercut those already here!! Better yet Im glad I dont have to speak all those languages!!


Exactly times two, those were the folks that came here and built America, not come here and tear it down.


ArboristSite Guru
Jan 27, 2006
S.E. Georgia 31404
One thing annoys me picking up the phone , then, press one for English or press two for Spanish . I have yet to pick it up & then press 2 for French, German, Polish or any other language. Most foreign countries teach English as a secondary language. Let the USA remain strong & everlasting. Just an old tree guy venting frustration.
Shaun Bowler

Shaun Bowler

ArboristSite Operative
Jul 24, 2002

If only the state and local goverments would enforce the laws that have been accepted by the people, this would not be an issue.

I am sure most of us at one time or another have worked at places that have the "employee handbook". Or even written "the book". It does not become enforced because of lots of things.
Due to P&L the book gets thrown out the window to make payroll-etc.
If the power to make laws does not enforce the laws then everyother thing becomes a peronel intepreratation, depending on individual concerns.
BC WetCoast

BC WetCoast

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Oct 30, 2007
One thing annoys me picking up the phone , then, press one for English or press two for Spanish . I have yet to pick it up & then press 2 for French, German, Polish or any other language. Most foreign countries teach English as a secondary language. Let the USA remain strong & everlasting. Just an old tree guy venting frustration.

Phone the Canadian federal government you get a bilingual greeting. And you have no chance of becoming Prime Minister or a senior cabinet member if you can't speak both languages (French and English).

Just for giggles, I looked it up and there are 28 - 30 million Spanish speaking people in the US (10% and growing). In 2004, 120 million people voted. A 12 million person block vote could significantly change the election landscape. I'm surprised that the major candidates don't begin doing some of their speeches in Spanish to cater to that block vote.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
Already happening, some of the public relations people are speaking spanish while campaigning for em!

Whats sad is these people get used by everyone who want /have something to gain, first corporate america uses them for cheap labor, now the politically wealthy use them for their vote. Only in America!!



ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 30, 2007
Illegal Unions

Unions pretty much are just a big load. The majority of union reps" not all" are employees of the workers companies they represent. If you don't play ball neither do the companies. I've seen unions in govt.(feds & state) that are nothing but a joke. A lot of the throw a dog a bone c??p. Some locals like teamsters and longshoreman still have good reps and some civil service but there are only a handful.
As for illegals. Enter our country legally,get a ssn,pay taxes,pay for your own medical expenses,if not you should be gone. Put marines on the border. Challenge the Mexican prez's bank account . Found out which of our politicians are making the dirty deals and nuke'm. This is a different time. Tree trimming has evolved why not our policies on a "free for a reason":chainsaw: USA.


ArboristSite Guru
Apr 1, 2007
If you are to stupid or to lazy to learn English , please leave.
If you do not love or respect my country enough to learn our language, please leave.

I resent your kind because the emt’s and doctors are having to waste their time to
learn you language instead of spending time reading medical journals. Knowledge that
Could help 100% of their patients not just the 4% who don’t love my country.