Happy Birthday THALL

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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Tommie, you’ve reached a big milestone,
Welcome to the club, you’re not alone,

Some will say you’re past your prime,
When you’ve spent five times the dime,

Have you noticed that your eyes are weak?
We hear you walking cause your bones creak,

You’re been left alone, no Demi Moore,
She’s with Woodie and you’re still sore,

You’re lost a step, and you’re slow to think,
Saying, where’d I leave that tepid drink?

Your Depends salesman said only this week,
That Husky 372 is not your biggest leak,

We’re saddened to learn you were amazed,
To discover the flag can no longer be raised,

So have a good day and enjoy the joke,
From your AS buddy, old man joat.

LOLOLOL, you first sucker,LOLOLOL

I awoke this morning and low and behold to my surpise,
A tall tee pee built under the covers, a sign of life for old eyes.

Even old and weak and at 50 what can I say,
I can still grease the doo and roll Demi in the hay.

Though an official ole geezer in body, mind and soul now,
I can still take Woodie on, that heathen, and slap him around.

Finally and foremost I must say with a huge sneaky grin,
Joat its good to reach the age of which you had been. (hehe)

Thanks for the poem Joat, as always you writem the best ole feller,:cheers: :cheers:


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
I'm going to talk to Kelly about making you some goodies?

Hopefully somebody staying out of your bubble today!!!!!

Ewwwwwwwww the bubble remark, that was low,LOLOLOLOL.

Tell your fine Mrs that my bubble has been violated and could surely use some of those fine pecans she made for me a Christmas, mymymymymy, they were somekind of yummy, so good to the taste,mmmm,awesome. Ok, so I'm begging, so what, a man has to do what a man has to do to get a fine lady make him some goodies,LOL

Good to have you and Kelly both not as customers but more importantly freinds,:cheers: :cheers:


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
'Bout time ya caught up, da 1/2 CC has been waiting!!


:D :clap: :clap:

Oh, CC, century club :D
LOL, haha, good one Spring. Just so you know ole chap, I've only been terrorising the world for 50 years, the site for a few years and guess what, I don't intend to stop anytime soon,LOLOL, :cheers: :cheers:

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