OK Aggie, here's the 9010

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peter nap

ArboristSite Member
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
You asked for a picture and here it is:clap:

I haven't even had a chance to get the bar on yet. I worked on the timber frame all day. Tomorrow it gets a workout in the mill. I can't wait.

Sweet looking saw Peter!!! Are you gonna get us some milling pics to go along with this one? Congratulations!!!!:cheers:
I absolutely will Dusty!

I want to get a little time in breaking it in and then it goes on the mill. I bucked some 8' Red Oak the other day for the first workout.

I can tell you that reading the old threads from you and Aggie and all the others, has been inspirational.

No sawing today. It was real windy at 4:eek:o AM when I went out to set the saw in the mill. At daybreak, I went in the woods and within 15 minutes, branches and a tree were falling everywhere. There's no place I hate worse than mature woods in a wind storm. So I came home.

There are some differences between the 6400 and the 9010 though. The 9010 doesn't have a compression release.

The oil volume screw doesn't have a stop on the 9010.

The choke does not set the half throttle on the 9010.

The chain tension screw is not on the side like the 6400.

These are pretty small things.

here's a look at the two side by side:


I'll cut some boards tomorrow right after I right my gazebo that blew over.
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No sawing today. It was real windy at 4:eek:o AM when I went out to set the saw in the mill. At daybreak, I went in the woods and within 15 minutes, branches and a tree were falling everywhere. There's no place I hate worse than mature woods in a wind storm. So I came home.

This wind SUCKS! been fighting it all day...drove my 8200 lb truck across the James River Bridge earlier...all over the place...tree down on someones house in Newport news...I almost offered, but it is one of those crappy silver maples that have been dying droves around here in recent years...dry as a bone and i hauled in about three cords of pecan yesterday...with any luck it will be neatly bucked and on the curb next weekend. :chainsaw:

nice saw! i got to play with my monster yesterday...I need to pick up a
20" bar for it...talk about bucking some wood kwicklike..
Man...I hate that bridge in good weather. I'd have a nervous breakdown today.

Where are you finding all the Pecan? Only a few around here that I know of.
Man...I hate that bridge in good weather. I'd have a nervous breakdown today.

Where are you finding all the Pecan? Only a few around here that I know of.

My wife is a girl scout leader for my middle daughters troop..one of her GS moms lives down the road..they had two huge pecans go down in a storm
(Isabelle) several years ago..and I mean HUGE! I took about 4 cords out of one, then went back yesterday and took about another three cords..and I am almost back to the trunk...'nuther half cord or so...the trunk and crotches will be milled entirely..just have to figure out how to get them out of that huge root ball..the lady has another big tree out back..haven't looked too close at it, but she wants it gone too..nice big straight trunk on it..no idea what species..prolly a pecan or oak..hoping it's an oak...daddy needs a new trailer deck...

I do not like the JRB either..particularly on the harley..stupid grate. It is
good for a quick 120 MPH run tho'...:greenchainsaw:
Is that 9010 wearing a husky bar?

My Dolmar dealer is also a husky dealer, and when I bought my 9010 it came with a Dolmar 24" and a husky 32" bar. He only stocks up to a 24 in the Dolmar bars. I wish they would just stock the Oregon bars instead, there all the same, seems like it would be cheaper not to mess with putting different names on the same bar.
they have one of them grate bridges in wisc i crossed--im fearless--but that thing was creepy!!!!!!!!!!

this bridge is pretty long...only the draw span is grate..got about three miles of perfectly straight cement...zzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzziiiiiiiiiiiippppp! Byee!
This wind is something, I went to Reagan National Airport today to pick up several fellows who were coming back from a weeks work in Nicaraguay today. The wind on the Bay Bridge really worked a a big old Dodge Van. I was gald to get home. Be careful while in the woods on a windy day.
I sawed my first log with the new saw today. It was a VERY Dense oak .

The saw has plenty of power, drinks gas and only has one problem.

The screw to tighten the chain is almost inaccessible. I'm going to have to remove the bark barbs and even then, it will be difficult to reach when it's in the mill.

Other than that and the log being like granite, all went fine:




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Nice smooth cut. Yes, a front mounted chain adjuster is a PIA when milling. I put up with it on the 3120, but love the power. But it really makes you appreciate the side adjusters like on my 066.

Oak is a tough pull, although that log looked pretty small, it is still a workout for the saw. I've run my 066 (same size saw) in 35" oak. It was slow, but that's a big cut. The 3120 deals with that stuff a lot better.

I guess misery loves company OldSaw. It's a relief to know the experienced folks have the same problem.
Yes the side mounted adjuster is nice. My 6400 has it. In a lot of ways, the 6400 is a better designed saw. Side adjuster, easier to get to the air filter, choke locks the throttle at half way point automatically and it has a compression release.

But the 9010 has a lot more power!:givebeer:

Oh well, I have them both so I guess it works out.

The oak is smallish. about 16" but that's about the largest I run across normally.

I do see big trees once in a while, but someone else always beats me to them.
I guess misery loves company OldSaw. It's a relief to know the experienced folks have the same problem.
Yes the side mounted adjuster is nice. My 6400 has it. In a lot of ways, the 6400 is a better designed saw. Side adjuster, easier to get to the air filter, choke locks the throttle at half way point automatically and it has a compression release.

But the 9010 has a lot more power!:givebeer:

Oh well, I have them both so I guess it works out.

The oak is smallish. about 16" but that's about the largest I run across normally.

I do see big trees once in a while, but someone else always beats me to them.

Nice saw! I bought the 7900 Dolmar and really like it. But, my first milling experience got me to thinking that I had this really nice new firewood laser stick...why not get a big old used saw to mill...and of course, one with more power. The 395XP ebay special should be here in a day or two. And, there's a digital camera. I soon as I figure out how to post pics, I have a few of my minuscule board pile. And, then I'm planning on...

You boys are expensive! :)

Zopi, Isabelle was a witch. I live on the Chesapeake and my whole town flooded., me included. Trees down everywhere. A friend who lives in Toano said he had about 100 trees down on a 20 acre farm.

Imbeachy, I cross the Bay Bridge all the time. One night after gunning geese I came across that thing in snow that was blowing at a diagonal upwards. My fingers hurt for three days from gripping that steering wheel. It gets rough up there. Right now they have steel plates on the Westbound span. How a motorcycle could get across is beyond me.

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