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I've never measured it with a torque wrench but I think I have had some that probably took 100 pounds on a big saw that had been pulling against it for years.

Ah right.If i put an extension bar on for more leverage it should work. Just concerned i might cave the piston crown in but it must be strong enough.

Extension bar worked fine.Got the clutch off. Plenty of sludge behind although the pump and worm drive look fine, as does the pipe although i`ll replace it as i had to cut it to remove the pump. Oil pick up rubber looks ok but i`ll replace that as well to be on the safe side.

Bit of bling. Should look sharp.


While i wait for parts i`m going to take the jug off and polish up the ports. Maybe open up the transfers a little.
What do you recon to this

A bend in the handle base.If you can make it out. Theres a crease across it. Bit of localised heat maybe. Not broken or cracked and its only cosmetic but it would be nice to get it straight.Would a hairdryer do it? dont want to apply too much and burn it.

Any of the older 064's or 066's I pickup that don't have a handle bar stiffener.
I add one, you also have to add longer screws when using stiffener.
You can see stiffener in picture I posted in this thread.

This is a better pic. The rear handle. Bent up.Not a big issue but if it can be straightened easily i`ll do it.
All cleaned out and partially assembled.The bottom of the rear handle flattened out with a bit of heat from a hair dryer and some light force.

The cases are not too bad paintwise.

Flocking is threadbare here, but i doubt if i can get a replacement so i`ll take a tip from another thread and cut up a pair of wifeys tights.erm pantyhose.


Looking pretty sweet for the cost of a couple of minor bits.AV is shot front left,starter cord,oil pipe,badges, and it`ll be up and running.
Any of the older 064's or 066's I pickup that don't have a handle bar stiffener.
I add one, you also have to add longer screws when using stiffener.
You can see stiffener in picture I posted in this thread.


Hey TT,just noticed the handle on post #19 the handle looks out of alignment which is what you noticed.Is the stiffener a part i can source or is it something you fabricated?
So you are a Sun reader then. Certain pages under the saw could get you a short ban. :laugh:
So you are a Sun reader then. Certain pages under the saw could get you a short ban. :laugh:

Ha ha, no. We dont get a daily paper. I just take newspapers from work for lighting the fire.:msp_biggrin:
Well an update.Good and bad.

Firstly never underestimate the rescourcefulness of your dealer. Mine located all my spares including new air filters.Came within a week.
Hey,anyone else use those large sealable bags that stihl parts come in to keep their freshly tumbled brass cases?

The bad:

Finally found my flywheel puller and, simonuk, you were on the money. Sheared key.Shredded case seal where bits had trashed it. This provokes a question:

Do i need to split my cases and check the bearing for damage, and otherwise retrieve any pieces of woodruff key.At this point i think yes. Done it before but cant say i`m looking forward to it.
Any simple solutions involving magnets, flushing,thin wire etc. Greatfully recieved.

Cheers. Andy

Sorted. looks better in daylight. Thought there was a void last night.Recovered all the bits of key so just that and a new key.

Are keys a one size fits all. A standard Stihl size?
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Had the saw all back together, but it kept going out of timing. Snapping at the pull rope etc.It did run for a sort period of time.
Slipped the flywheel off, and the key is fine. Think that possibly when the first key went it allowed the flywheel to spin on the taper and enlarge it. Now it has a propensity to jump out the flywheel keyway altering the timing.
Difficult to say on examination as the keyway on the wheel looks ok and the taper doesnt look out of round but i suspect it doesnt take much wear and its toast.
Considering the symptoms i cant see it being anything else.Anyone else encountered similar? I`m just going to stump up for a replacement flywheel although i`ve no idea how much an OEM part will rush me.
Ah well parts budget hasnt been too great so far.
Don't you just love ebay saws that appear not too expensive to start with. I can't see how the flywheel and therefore timing can be moving if the key is still intact. It may be an idea to post the flywheel and ignition Part Nos as there are several different combinations some of which work and some which don't. JacobJ is one of the experts in this area. If he doesn't come across this maybe PM him.
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youll get there in the end. I knew i was right If thats not right I would look at your coil it might be the wrong one just a thought.
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Don't you just love ebay saws that appear not too expensive to start with. I can't see how the flywheel and therefore timing can be moving if the key is still intact. It may be an idea to post the flywheel and ignition Part Nos as there are several different combinations some of which work and some which don't. JacobJ is one of the experts in this area. If he doesn't come across this maybe PM him.

Dont you just! The coil has no serial numbers on it, but the flywheel carries1122 400 1204 part no.
The key doesnt stick out of the crankshaft more than a mil. so if the internal taper on the flywheel is too large and the keyway worn then it can slip out and timing is changed.
This fault is intermitent.It can run fine.Alternatively ignition snap can be heard and the pull cord snatched. This looks to me to be variable timing.

Fortunately i bought the saw as a project for me and my lad to do. I have an 046 which sorts my bigger jobs, so theres no burning need to get the saw running. Its just perplexing.

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landyboy how much have you got sunk in it too much to sell on ?
landyboy how much have you got sunk in it too much to sell on ?

About 250 tops including buying the saw etc.No biggie at the moment. Dont need to sell it, and i think i could get my money back on it if need be.
Alternatively ignition snap can be heard and the pull cord snatched.

064s are noted for jerking the handle out of your hand when trying to start them. I rebuilt one for my brother in law and he is afraid his life of starting it now but won't fork out for an Elastostart. You have to pull them like you mean it. Is it running normally other once you get it started?

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