A really bad day.

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Old enough to know better.
. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Right in the middle, USA
My mechanic called me this morning, indicating that the gates were left open last night. I said, "No they weren't. John locked the gate while I watched" Upon closer inspection, it was found that our Honda welder and our 4x4 Kawasaki ATV were gone. THIEVES!

Now it really goes bad. From my house, I try to log onto our surveillance system. Oh no! BOTH computers were off-line at 4:45am. That means the phone lines were cut!

Not only were the phone lines cut, but they cut the cable to one of the cameras. Not that it made any difference, because I had negligently left the video system off the day before. Bummer. No video of my equipment being stolen.

Now it really goes downhill...I have a cellular phone backup to prevent theives from cutting the phone lines. It wasn't working! I called the security company and raised hell, but they said there was nothing they could do. (this was at 11:00 am). Yet...they called me at 2:00 pm to report the system was reporting a front hall motion alarm...while I am calmly sitting at my desk waiting for the police. I asked her how that could be happening, since the phone lines were still cut and the cellular backup wasn't working this morning when we got robbed. It seems that despite not being able to respond to my call on a weekend, the security company tweaked some setting, and now the cellular backup is working. After the cat is out of the bag, of course. Don't you know some ignorant bastard decided to flip a switch and reduce their liability for the balance of the weekend.

THEN...there is a wreck outside my shop. Some dam-fool idiot runs a red light, and scares another dam-fool idiot driving a UHaul truck into running off the road and hitting one of my employee's parked truck. The two moving vehicles never hit each other, and the stupid woman driving the UHaul didn't even hit her brakes until she was 50' past hitting my guy's pickup. How do I know? Because I had turned the video system back on. She did the whole thing in slow motion, at about 15 miles per hour. It took her about 100' before she ever hit the brakes. The offending driver stopped in the intersection, and calmly drove away. But I have it ALL on the video!

Incidental notes: the phone company (AT&T!) won't come to my business to fix the phones until tuesday.(It was Saturday morning when I called them) (I will read them the riot act tomorrow.) In the meanwhile, I have fixed the wires myself, despite the fact that my phone system was only using 4 little wires out of about 20 in the line that came into my building. It didn't help that there were about 8 identical white wires and two identical blues. Yep. That's right. My two phone lines were hooked up using one of the blues and just one of the white wires. Hey! The red and green wires were easy!

I have everything working now but one camera, but I still don't have my missing equipment.
Dang man, sorry to hear it. :( Go play the lotto tonight, cause it's gotta be all uphill from here. :)
Gee, shouldn't the security company be responsible for the phone backup working? Also, when the phone lines were cut that should have set off some type of alarm at the security company. My sister's home system had that feature in it.

Sorry about what happened. It truly sucks that those of us who would work for what we have must put up with those who would steal it.

This is what insurance is for.

Well, hey,don't sweat it.
It clearly shows you have taken every precaution necessary to thwart off theft.
This is what insurance is for.
Smile and be happy,as it get's replaced.
Your guy will be smiling when he gets his truck fixed or replaced for more than it was worth anyway.
Well, hey,don't sweat it.
It clearly shows you have taken every precaution necessary to thwart off theft.
This is what insurance is for.
Smile and be happy,as it get's replaced.
Your guy will be smiling when he gets his truck fixed or replaced for more than it was worth anyway.

If he is lucky, thing is; he may be like me the only insured for loss is financed items. Fortunately for me my equipment is always parked withing bow range of my window and I an a light sleeper lol.
phone feller here.

yeah..in 20 pairs..there is more than one blue..that is why we get the big bucks..we run in groups of 5..white blue, white orange, white green, white brown, white slate( or grey to common folk)..then it goes to red blue, red orange.. there is a national electric code to that. sorry about your equipment..but in my local..anything out of service has to be restored within 24 hours. business account is 8 hours..anything past that they issue you a service credit and pay the public utilities commission. We can't help malicious damage but when you report they should have been there within 8 hours. Don't blame the phone fellers for a bunch of thieves..Thanks.
Sorry to hear that. I think I read where you were out of Peculiar. I've got a friend down there who is little on the shady side. He's is definatly not the thief type (he has other issues) but he's an ex-convict and I know he works with and hangs out with a bunch of guys that are. He wouldn't tell me if I asked him about thieves because he wouldn't want to be a rat, but next time I talk to him, I'll tell him I'm looking to buy a ATV and see if he says anything.
I doubt it will lead to anything, but you never know. Good luck and hope it turns out ok.
Gee, shouldn't the security company be responsible for the phone backup working? Also, when the phone lines were cut that should have set off some type of alarm at the security company. ...


Yes. That is what the cellular backup system is for. Apparently, it only works after you have been robbed.
Originally Posted by arborist View Post
Well, hey,don't sweat it.
It clearly shows you have taken every precaution necessary to thwart off theft.
This is what insurance is for.
Smile and be happy,as it get's replaced.
Your guy will be smiling when he gets his truck fixed or replaced for more than it was worth anyway.
If he is lucky, thing is; he may be like me the only insured for loss is financed items. Fortunately for me my equipment is always parked withing bow range of my window and I an a light sleeper lol.
If he is lucky, thing is; he may be like me the only insured for loss is financed items. Fortunately for me my equipment is always parked withing bow range of my window and I an a light sleeper lol.

Yes Rope, you got that almost right. The only thing that is covered for theft are specific large ticket items like my larger equipment and a $2000 umbrella policy that is useless. It comes with a $1000 deductible. I hate insurance companies.
yeah..in 20 pairs..there is more than one blue..that is why we get the big bucks..we run in groups of 5..white blue, white orange, white green, white brown, white slate( or grey to common folk)..then it goes to red blue, red orange.. there is a national electric code to that. sorry about your equipment..but in my local..anything out of service has to be restored within 24 hours. business account is 8 hours..anything past that they issue you a service credit and pay the public utilities commission. We can't help malicious damage but when you report they should have been there within 8 hours. Don't blame the phone fellers for a bunch of thieves..Thanks.

I was expecting the multi-color strands too. But nope. Every single wire was solid, with no stripes. Let's see if I can remember: one red, one green, two blue, one brown, one gray, and the balance in solid white. There might have been another couple of colors I didn't pay attention to. I expected a yellow, but there was not one present. I think that would make it closer to 16 wires.

I'm not mad at the phone company, but I do expect that in the greater KC Metro area, they MUST have 24 hour servicemen available. Weekends off for everybody at the phone company? Nonsense! They just didn't want to dispatch anybody. I'll bet that if I was buying phone time for a hundred lines there would have been someone at my shop within the hour.

KodiakKen: You say you are a phone man? I have a question for you.
I am planning on stealing two unused strands of the phone line and putting them in series with one of the alarm zones on my system. I will find the two wires, splice them together way up high where the thieves won't cut. Next time they cut the phone wires, they will be slicing into a loop that will set off the alarm system. Comments?
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Yes Rope, you got that almost right. The only thing that is covered for theft are specific large ticket items like my larger equipment and a $2000 umbrella policy that is useless. It comes with a $1000 deductible. I hate insurance companies.

Man I hear that, greedy sobs I pay in full so far to not have another monthly bill. Then they stick me with an audit and try to raise this year they want 800.00 I don't have, so who knows they may cancel me. I paid them near 4k in June with the cheapskate's I am bidding for I may decide to run illegitimate, tell them I am not insured and because they would not use me when I had it lol. I am sick to death of hearing twice as high as last bidder and me saying well then, use your illegal's, of course that is if the phone rings:cry: I told my insurance lady that I had to come down on my prices like everyone except insurance, so they need to re-think their market, I have never had a claim. The only safe job is insurance and bankers government bails them out:rant:
pdqdl....couple suggestions.

first off..sounds to me like a 6 pair drop..12 wires..and yes they would all be solid colors..
1= white wire,blue wire
2= white wire, orange wire
3= white wire, green wire
4= white wire, brown wire
5= white wire, gray wire
6= red wire, blue wire

my suggestion..a metal conduit into the building and have the phone company bury your drop. keep one on the side of the building and hook it up to an electric fence..and giggle when they cut it and pee down their leg. you can set a dummy wire and if it gets cut your alarm should be able to send you an email or a text message. I don't know about AT&T schedules but at verizon we work monday-saturday 8-430. We have people on call but it takes a disaster to get them called. say a high priority circuit like 911 or a broken pole and lines down in the road. I have been there for 8 years and I work the saturday shift. Never fun being the low seniority guy. no matter what you do..things really should have never gone the way they did. I would really take it up with the alarm company. I have got into pissing matches with them for residential customers before. You are paying for security and they didn't provide it. as soon as your line is cut that should be an alarm. immediate action should have been taken. I know..I got jacked up working on the alarm line for a business and took it out of service to work on it..cops were there in minutes. I hope I helped..good luck
Man I hear that, greedy sobs I pay in full so far to not have another monthly bill. Then they stick me with an audit and try to raise this year they want 800.00 I don't have, so who knows they may cancel me. I paid them near 4k in June with the cheapskate's I am bidding for I may decide to run illegitimate, tell them I am not insured and because they would not use me when I had it lol. I am sick to death of hearing twice as high as last bidder and me saying well then, use your illegal's, of course that is if the phone rings:cry: I told my insurance lady that I had to come down on my prices like everyone except insurance, so they need to re-think their market, I have never had a claim. The only safe job is insurance and bankers government bails them out:rant:

I know what you mean rope.
Years ago,everybody wanted you to have the best ins.,now they just want the work done cheap.
If you were in Fl. I could have my wife help you out .She has been a commercial lines ins. CSR for 10 years now. First thing she did when we started dating 3 yrs ago was get me better ins. for less $$.

I to have been tempted in the past to go without it,but that will burn you bad if something was to go wrong.

This economy has things sucking around here too.
Summer time used to be about busting ass to get toys and vacations.

Now it's just do a job,pay a bill,,,do a job,pay a bill. And some of the bills get a bit dusty before a job comes along.

I'm like a lot of guys around here,hoping to hold on to what I got until things
get better.

Sure could have used a storm or 2 around here this year.Oct is usually when this area gets them.

I don't want anybody to lose their home or get hurt,but I am praying for
a little wind to come thru this month.

Hang in there man.A lot of us in the same boat.
I know what you mean rope.
Years ago,everybody wanted you to have the best ins.,now they just want the work done cheap.
If you were in Fl. I could have my wife help you out .She has been a commercial lines ins. CSR for 10 years now. First thing she did when we started dating 3 yrs ago was get me better ins. for less $$.

I to have been tempted in the past to go without it,but that will burn you bad if something was to go wrong.

This economy has things sucking around here too.
Summer time used to be about busting ass to get toys and vacations.

Now it's just do a job,pay a bill,,,do a job,pay a bill. And some of the bills get a bit dusty before a job comes along.

I'm like a lot of guys around here,hoping to hold on to what I got until things
get better.

Sure could have used a storm or 2 around here this year.Oct is usually when this area gets them.

I don't want anybody to lose their home or get hurt,but I am praying for
a little wind to come thru this month.

Hang in there man.A lot of us in the same boat.

Yeah but I am too friggin old to start over again and I am hoping for Ice, something I used to hate to think of ;lol maybe just enough that fema and their billionaires stay out of it!
Hey man just a suggestion but I would start thinking about employees, ex employees and friends who know your yard and security system. Thats a little too well done for just a chance job. Any professional thief would not spend the time casing your yard and security measures for what they got. Meaning someone that has been in your shop and wanted them items and was aware of your security set up came in there for that specific purpose. I guarentee you that if this ever gets solved it is someone you know and probably know well.

Either way sorry for your bad luck.
Hey man just a suggestion but I would start thinking about employees, ex employees and friends who know your yard and security system. Thats a little too well done for just a chance job. Any professional thief would not spend the time casing your yard and security measures for what they got. Meaning someone that has been in your shop and wanted them items and was aware of your security set up came in there for that specific purpose. I guarentee you that if this ever gets solved it is someone you know and probably know well.

Either way sorry for your bad luck.

I was thinkin the same
Hey man just a suggestion but I would start thinking about employees, ex employees and friends who know your yard and security system. Thats a little too well done for just a chance job. Any professional thief would not spend the time casing your yard and security measures for what they got. Meaning someone that has been in your shop and wanted them items and was aware of your security set up came in there for that specific purpose. I guarentee you that if this ever gets solved it is someone you know and probably know well.

Either way sorry for your bad luck.

I am in a pretty high crime area. And yes, I am distinctly looking at people familiar with my system. Several points to consider:

1. They cut the telephone wire, but they never broke into the building. If they were real familiar with my system, they would have known that a communication error SHOULD have raised some attention, and they would have known they wouldn't have set an alarm off anyway if they just ignored the phone line. They would also have known that cutting the phone line would not keep the signal from getting out (at least in theory).

2. I had a fairly professional thief check me out once. He walked up and down the sidewalks, attempting to avoid my camera systems. They he removed the glass from one of my windows without setting off the glass breakage detector. THEN he used a flashlight to peruse the interior of the building. When he spotted the interior cameras, he left! He was so careful, he even took the plate of glass with him when he left.

3. I'll buy into that guarantee. I have a darn good idea who is the likely candidate right now. I have them (father & son) on camera the day before, looking at the ATV they sold me themselves last spring. That's funny! This is the same guy that has been doing welding and repairs for me recently, and sold me the welder too.

4. I have been robbed by some pretty professional thieves in the past. The good ones know what they want, they get in & get out quickly, and they have a plan for what they take away. I don't see anything that indicates rank amateurs at work on this job.
I am in a pretty high crime area. And yes, I am distinctly looking at people familiar with my system. Several points to consider:

1. They cut the telephone wire, but they never broke into the building. If they were real familiar with my system, they would have known that a communication error SHOULD have raised some attention, and they would have known they wouldn't have set an alarm off anyway if they just ignored the phone line. They would also have known that cutting the phone line would not keep the signal from getting out (at least in theory).

2. I had a fairly professional thief check me out once. He walked up and down the sidewalks, attempting to avoid my camera systems. They he removed the glass from one of my windows without setting off the glass breakage detector. THEN he used a flashlight to peruse the interior of the building. When he spotted the interior cameras, he left! He was so careful, he even took the plate of glass with him when he left.

3. I'll buy into that guarantee. I have a darn good idea who is the likely candidate right now. I have them (father & son) on camera the day before, looking at the ATV they sold me themselves last spring. That's funny! This is the same guy that has been doing welding and repairs for me recently, and sold me the welder too.

4. I have been robbed by some pretty professional thieves in the past. The good ones know what they want, they get in & get out quickly, and they have a plan for what they take away. I don't see anything that indicates rank amateurs at work on this job.

I dont think they were ameteurs but someone who wanted just them two items and knew just enough aobut your security system to disable it. Your probably on the right track with them two. If it wasnt them they most likely supplied the info to someone to go in and get the items. Water boarding is the first thing that comes to mind as a way of getting the truth from them.