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I'd surmize that Jessica also thinks that her steaks come from the steak fairy angle and her gucci purse is made from little gucci's?

Maybe a trip to the slaughter house would be an eye opener.
I could just see her as you walked out into the pasture with .22 in hand.
Then I'd love to see her as you hoisted up the carcuss on the front end loader and pulled out the gutting knife.
Maybe she'd enjoy cutting out the azz hole?

Oh then tell her when doing a hog ....I take everything except the squeal! LOL
Man, what an awesome story!! That guy got a taste of what it's like to me a MAN--and not a metrosexual city boy. . . The testosterone overcame his urge to be a puss.

Great job on bringing another one back from the dark side! :clap::clap::clap:
I enjoy aggravating women like that. I wouldn't have a problem asking her WTF her problem was and then when she started in, promptly telling her to shut her soup cooler. I had a run in like that with one of my wife's friends once. I asked her when her docs were going to have her meds figured out. It went downhill from there.

It took several looks from Jennifer for her to realize what Gregg was doing,what he was doing it with, and who had put him up to it. My wife heard the screech from our room, and the dog scurried under the couch for cover.

Who's Jennifer?

For the full effect, you should've told him to look for yellow saws or big red ones made of magnesium. Orange ones are good, but the old Homies and Macs give the full chainsaw massacre effect soundwise. :)

Congrats on the chipper. Up here, we hit the yard sales on Saturday (buy directly from source) and flea markets on Sunday (peruse what the dealers beat me to the previous day).

Fun story. Be sure to do a follow up after you take him deer hunting the first time. Click a pic of Jessica/Jennifer when she sees you've killed bambis mother. :)
Idk why you would lie to him like that.

I'm really surprised it took so long for someone to mention that. Must be the stihl guys reading comprehension is not quite up to snuff?

I noticed that right off...but actually forgot about it as I finished that great read! Mind you, I'm not into the 'brand' thing.

Got my first good laugh for the day...good stuff Avalancher! I would have loved to be a fly-on-the-wall.

Who's Jennifer?

For the full effect, you should've told him to look for yellow saws or big red ones made of magnesium. Orange ones are good, but the old Homies and Macs give the full chainsaw massacre effect soundwise. :)

Congrats on the chipper. Up here, we hit the yard sales on Saturday (buy directly from source) and flea markets on Sunday (peruse what the dealers beat me to the previous day).

Fun story. Be sure to do a follow up after you take him deer hunting the first time. Click a pic of Jessica/Jennifer when she sees you've killed bambis mother. :)

Thanks for the proofing, I shoulda done that before I hit the submit fingers were getting sore.
In fact,she reminded me of my cousin Jenny that lives in Seattle.Married a redneck, and regretted it ever since.She was convinced she was going to "change him for the better"
Reckon we have all heard that one from time to time.
Fun story. Be sure to do a follow up after you take him deer hunting the first time. Click a pic of Jessica/Jennifer when she sees you've killed bambis mother. :)

I agree.. great story... and I too want to see the pics from Greg's first hunt! :givebeer: :cheers:
Thanks for the proofing, I shoulda done that before I hit the submit fingers were getting sore.
In fact,she reminded me of my cousin Jenny that lives in Seattle.Married a redneck, and regretted it ever since.She was convinced she was going to "change him for the better"
Reckon we have all heard that one from time to time.

Easy boo-boo to make - even beyond the freudian slip. I'm of the generation where every other girl in my high school class was named either Jennifer or Jessica.

They have rednecks in Seattle? I thought it was all brooding introspective folks wearing flannel or latte drinking prigs like Frasier Crane's brother Miles. (I also thought it was too overcast and rainy up there - this year excepting -to get a sunburnt neck or a good farmers tan).
Man, what an awesome story!! That guy got a taste of what it's like to me a MAN--and not a metrosexual city boy. . . The testosterone overcame his urge to be a puss.

Great job on bringing another one back from the dark side! :clap::clap::clap:

:agree2: Funny what a cameltoe does to a guy!
Easy boo-boo to make - even beyond the freudian slip. I'm of the generation where every other girl in my high school class was named either Jennifer or Jessica.

They have rednecks in Seattle? I thought it was all brooding introspective folks wearing flannel or latte drinking prigs like Frasier Crane's brother Miles. (I also thought it was too overcast and rainy up there - this year excepting -to get a sunburnt neck or a good farmers tan).

Nope, you will find rednecks in just about any part of the country.I grew up in the southern part of washington, and if I dont fit the defintion of redneck, i dont know who would.
Although we really had our own version of hot, when it hit 90 we all thought we were going to die.I about did when I moved to Alabama.
Hey Avlancher You sound like you would fit in with us Madison County boys. I have a similiar story with my wifes downtown Asheville friends- she didnt like chainsaws or guns... go figure