Bulk firewood cleaner

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more saws than I need
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
eau claire, wi
I built a firewood cleaner for a customer over the last month. It is to be used to get rid of the extra dirt, loose bark, and small slivers before the firewood is delivered to his customers. I am in the process of looking for another customer to build another one for also. I sent an email to arboristsite about being a sponsor or advertising. Just thought I would put this on here also. There are many options as far as conveyors but this is a very universal setup as it was built. It can be used to stockpile clean wood on pavement, or to load trucks. It is on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFKHur1Y7JE
If that link doens't work search for firewood cleaner, acbrepair
Very nice I really like it. There is a processor that has on on it also. right now we have been very dry around here. When I load my firewood with the skid steer it's hard to keep heavy dust off of it. I have actually thought about power washing it. I know some guys that do. That would be a great option to think about with that machine. Do you mind if I ask the ballpark price on that setup. Thanks Scott
Looks good. One suggestion I have would be a trash conveyor, so it's not necessary to move the machine or risk damage rooting around under the machine with a loader. I'm thinking of it being used in a mainly stationary application here.

Like STLfirewood said, I've seen other very similar setups. Might want to make sure you're not stepping on any patented toes before ya do much marketing.
Looks good I have seen alot of tumblers like that over the years, there is a guy in southern wisconson that built one that sits 30 feet in the air and the tumbler is 40 feet long, every 8 feet the slats on the tumbler are spaced a little farther apart, it is mounted above large concrete bins so when the wood passes thru it it actually sorts the wood by size, the first bin is trash the next very small wood the next a little larger and so on, then out the very end comes whatever wouldnt fit thru any of the slats, quite a site.
woodman, does it look anything like this?

This is a pic before the stairs and everything

Steve, this guy wanted it portable, we are thinking a long shallow bucket, kinda like a huge ash pan would work good for catching most of the dirt.

STL give me a pm if you want to know more
Originally Posted by woodman6666
Thats the one!! nice job I heard they are no longer in business.

That often happens when you invent a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

The guys that were doing the firewood are no longer doing business together. The cleaner was sold with the processor. I built the cleaner for them. There is a demand for clean firewood with customers in the larger cities who are not happy with deliveries containing debris.
I would need one if I did dump off deliveries. All my deliveries are stacked wood. The debris stays on the dump trailer. With a super splitter you don't really have a debris problem like you do with a processor. They make up for that problem with volume though.

Are you still around like to see one in action how does it work short thin split wood

Like to also know how many are out there I seen many types of cleaners just trying to find the wright one :msp_blink::bang::bang:
Put a big spiral ridge up through the whole thing. The wood gets pushed through like an auger. Then you can raise your out end and it works like a conveyor at the same time, one less piece of machinery you need on hand.

Still a nice piece of machinery.
This is a new one on me. First was complaints about dust from burning wood
in the house. Now clean firewood! Dang city folks :msp_rolleyes:

Guess I have lived out in the woods too long. :cheers:

PS, I almost forgot about the welding gloves to tend the fire. Learn that here too :D
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