Climber Christmas , How'd you do ?

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Bought myself a MS880, Bri-Mar dump trailer, and a Little Wonder leaf Vac setup. My mom gave me a new 24" bar and chain for the MS 460 mag. Other then that the 3 year old got a bunch of stuff.

IPOD and a treadmill.

I did get a kick out of buying my parents a 42 inch LCD HD TV. Nice to have some $$$$ and a great job unlike last year.

I bought myself some plane tickets out of Ft McMurray lest cabin fever set in mid winter. Portland OR 24-28 Jan, Philly 13-20 Feb, Orlando 12-23 Mar (via skiing at Sun Peaks Kamloops, BC, and Frankfurt 1-8 Apr for a friend's 45th birthday party. Total was about $2000 but a lot of those flights were reward trips, I really only paid for the Philly and Frankfurt ones.
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Great Christmas

This was my wife and i's 2nd Christmas and 1st with our 6mo old daughter. All i can say is wow Christmas is totally different with your own children. The wife got me a beautiful picture of our baby girl, so priceless, her dad got me some sherrill gift certificates very cool but it is so hard to decide what to get. Happy New Year to all !!!!
Got a new pair of Triple Thick T-Pads and new upper straps to go with them. Haven't got to try them out yet, been standing on the crane operating. Hope to get to use them after the 1st of the year working with one of the other op's doing removals. :givebeer: Happy New Year to All, climb high stay safe. :cheers:
Jeez some of you guys made out like bandits!

I had a good time with my wife and kids, got the three little ones a bunch of stuff and my wife a couple things. My boss screwed me on my "quarterly" bonus program($1000) at the last minute. I thought I was supposed to get one at the end of the year and I asked him about it and he basically just gave me this big shpeal about the frequency of the bonuses must have been a mis-communication.
Thats alright I just got my ISA cert arb package the other day so I'm thinking maybe I should decline to let him advertise me without a legitimate contract!

Happy New Year!
i got a sugoi, bf2 bridge to put on my master saddle, hrc thermal shield prussic line, ISC captive eye carabiner, new chain for 200t, FNJ filing guide. Made out pretty well in my book.

Oh and my first christmas as a married man with my wife. Maybe a house next christmas (please please please)