Dances With Flying Squirrels-new nickname

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Dec 15, 2006
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I dropped a tree today. Turned out it was pretty hollow and I ended up with a barberchair. And flying squirrels running everywhere. There must have been 15 of them in that tree. There was 6 alone still on the barberchair. I brought my brother Joel over to take a closer look at them. They are kind of neat to watch when they glide through the air. I was standing there by the stump and lo and behold one of them landed on my left leg. I started dancing and shaking my leg and the little bugger jumped onto the right leg. That lead to a bunch more jumping and dancing and Joel cheering me on as he laughed. The little squirrel was probably as surprised as I was , as he was probably trying to figure out why the tree was jumping around so much. He finally bailed off for another tree that wasn't quite so active.
I was just glad he didn't run up my jacket and try to hide. That wouldn't have turned out to good.
Still managed to get three loads of logs out of the woods too!
Nifty little buggers.....they do bite hard not try to catch them. Poor bastards like to nest in mistletoed doug fir around here. Not a good place to be - Sam
Man, where was the video camera at today! Wish I could have seen that. Thats alright I have a pretty good mental picture of it right now. Woulda made a funny as hell video though! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Did you say flying squirrels....I had some I raised on a bottle....
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you and me both i would have killed over right there on the spot when he started danceing around trying to get that little sucker off his leg :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
You don't want those buggers in your house. They infested a friend of mine's attic and did a ton of damage. There were so many that he had to hire an exterminator to get rid of them.
Why did I instantly think of this?

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I'll have to check with Joel and see if the squirrel dance is anything like the San-Fran two step from a few weeks ago:msp_rolleyes: He still claims you were the cute one of the bunch-musta been the dance moves!!!
I used to be an exterminator and would get calls for them in attics. I caught many of them with a gloved hand. I found them to be tamer than hamsters and had my kids raise and release quite a few of them. They will tear up an attic and I've shoveled buckets of poop out of attics before. So if you got em in the house, get rid of them quick. My buddy has them at his camp in a hollow tree near the fire pit. They glide all over and drive the dogs nuts. We'll try and be still just to see how close they'll get.

The funny thing about them are they are total cannibals. If you catch one in a rat trap the only thing left will be head.