Does your Wife help out?

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Mine stacks, splits and I just taught her to run the saw this weekend. I got a keeper. She can do a lot of stuff, weld, solder and even wrenches on her own car and she's not happy unless she's getting dirty, lol.
Mine helps all the time. She doesn't like to stack but will push the wheely allay long. She does the perrenial gardens also. She got as story on them in the Cleveland paper a couple pf years ago. Now a garden club is going to do a tour of them this summer. She will help sometimes too much. i have to tell her to take it easy. She loves being outside doin g something. I'm very proud of her
Slowp: Sounds like you have to teach him the command "Repeat" with a drop zone "on" the porch instead of "under" the porch. :)


He's a keeper. He keeps an eye on me when I'm running the saw. Once, when I took him to work and I was brushing out a road, a man drove up and stopped. It was a guy who had creeped me out in the past.

My Used Dog quietly and politely walked over next to me and sat down. The guy said something about a big dog and left. There was no growling or scary dog body language. My dog just had to sit there.
So, I don't worry too much about making him carry firewood to the house.
Wow didn't know Id get such a response. Sounds like you all have great helpful families however I doubt that someone with a poor work ethic would even be on this site. I am lucky to have a wife that is willing to get out and help. She likes loading the trailer and driving the 4 wheeler to the woodshed. Just as long as I keep the wood small enough for her. Yall keep up the good work charish your families and keep stackin'!
yep, she is my pilot, she drags brush and piles it.. she's my wood chucker, she chucks the wood in the truck.. then helps stackit when we get home...
heck just today hauled three loads home, thought we where done on the job, the farmer showed up and tells me the other four guys wont come back so i have the other three feilds to clear what they dropped ,but only have a month to get it out before he burns it all.. i took a look at it and see over eight truck loads to get yet.. the wife say's heck yes get it we waded out through the water to cut some tonight loaded and hauled home in eight ft. length's,broke the reese winch today loading the trailer so she helped roll logs on the trailer....
I told mine we could have the thermostat at 65 on propane or we could burn wood and be comfortable, she quickly chose the second option. She runs the handle on the splitter pretty good, we're still working on stacking. She has no interest in running the saw which is fine for me, cutting is my alone time.
Her answer would be, "why would I want to do that when I can push that button on the wall when I want heat"?
My wife and I are newly wed's coming up on 6 months we bought our house a year before we got married it came with a woodstove insert that at the time she HATED!!! this winter after I ran out of wood and our power bill went from $85 to $250 a month now she is all about it. I'd love to have a OWB but the insert is already here and it works great.
Mine stacks wood in the basement and loads the stove. I very seldom touch the stove and when I do the sheet hits the fan pretty quick. I get it too hot.
I do all the rest of the work, she is capable but it usually ends bady so she does her thing and I do mine. Last time she split wood with me I had to drop several splits on her foot, she wasn't happy with that. I told her to pay attntion to what she was doing, I only have 1 set of hands. She was running the valve.
Her answer would be, "why would I want to do that when I can push that button on the wall when I want heat"?
you could do like me and disconnect the thermostats... our electric bill went from $75 a month to $375 a month.. its all wood heat now!
she hated it at first then when she was toasty, instead of cool, she likes it a lot now...
Just wondering if anyone elses wife came out to help load and stack wood while you were spliting and then get mad start yelling at you and then storm off back into the house....Lucky for my I had my ear pro on and the splitter was runnin haha. Don't get me wrong I love her and was more than thrilled when she came out with her work boots on but turns out I wasn't splitting the wood small enough.

What.... does she have a problem with big wood???? :censored:
Been married over 30 years.

And my wife does whatever I tell her to do. :msp_wink::msp_rolleyes::msp_scared::hmm3grin2orange:
yep, those newly weds....:bang:
it takes a while for a woman to learn her place in a marriage..
i have one up on mine... if she gives me crap i tell her i will have her deported..:D. she was born in germany the whole green card thing..
no, really she knows to let me do my thing, and if i screw it up she's always there to say i told you so!!!
Mine likes to help when she can. Works full time as a Med Tech and gives a lot of time to charity, but loves to get outside and help me, as I said, when she can. She loves the wood stove too.
Being a nice day today and she had off, she helped me start the spring clean up after winter dropped a lot of branchs in the yard.

Here she is helping me bring some wood back from the cutting spot about 3/8 ths of a mile from the house. Of course she rode the newer Simplicity. My son took this pic cause he thought we looked cool.


Not afraid to stack either and enjoys the exercise.


Up at the "Beaver dam woods" where I have permission from a neighbor to cut. It was logged and a lot of tops were left there. That black cherry she is sitting on made some nice heat.


And a good sense of humor helps a lot. It was silly pic day at her work so she had me take this one.
She's quite a gal.;)


My wife gets POed if I don't ask her to help. She runs saws, splitter, loads, stacks, runs the skidsteer and tractor, pulls trailers, whatever. She has a tendency to burn the stove to hot so I have to watch her on that. Otherwise, she is great. I think she is a pyromaniac.:msp_thumbup: