dont get married

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I have been married for 8 years and life is great. I have 2 wonderful kids.

I have found over the years that if it's not safe to use, I end up explaining the story and am told to get a new one.:clap:

It must of realy mad him mad, he hasn't told the story yet. Must of sold a saw for cheap without asking him!!!!!!!!!!!
Every relationship = 100%

First marriage- 19-23yr old and I gave "maybe" 50%...
Second marriage- 26-42yr old & I gave 100%

Sucks to lose not only posessions but a peice of your soul due to someone elses decision.

Next relationship I give what I get.... with no promises made.
I did keep my cainsaws though!

Cliff saved me a lot of typing! +10000000

Been married 29 years now, and we still have a LOT of fun, just like we did when we first met.

I beleive part of our success is that we have some common ground, but both of us have quite a few things that we do that the other isn't really interested in.

I'm into wood cutting/chainsaws, drag racing, raising Min-Pin's, some fishing/hunting. Deb is into gardening, gourmet cooking, shopping, making wine, etc.

We both LOVE travelling together, riding our Road King all over the country, taking the grand kids places, going out to nice dinners, movies, etc.

I fully respect the things she likes to do, and if I end up at a wine tasting, which I don't care all that much about, I make the best of it.

She ends up at a drag race a few times a year, and just sits in her lawn chair and gets some sun, but doesn't complain about the event.

Basically, it's about give and take, having your own time and space, and making the best of the times you are together.

I don't think there is any single human being that you are going to have complete 100 percent compatability with. I also believe that some women are a LOT better than others.

I've watched just about every single one of my friends from high school get married and divorced, some multiple times, and they always seem to have troubled relationships. Marraige isn't easy, it just doesn't happen, you have to work at it like anything else. Women require constant maintenence, and if you don't do it, rest assured someone else is going to do it for you!.....Cliff

Cliff saved me a lot of typing! +10000000


Why is she having the sale? Just to get rid of things? Or, is the bank account low and the rent/morgage and other bills need to be paid?

How many of those saws did you get without talking to her? Did you by chance use some $$$ that should have been used other areas in your household?

Remember, a saw is a saw to people who don't use them. If it cuts wood, why in the world would you need another one? Never mind that the bar only goes 1/3 the way through the log! So what if it takes 3-6 times longer to buck that tree up. You got it cut..........right?

It doesn't matter who it is in the world. You can find 10 things about them that will bug you to death! I'm sure even good "old" Cliff would agree with me that his wife has some things like this that he has come to accept as being part of Deb. He knows what makes her happy and what will get her going/angry/upset.

Take in the whole picture. We love our wife. The good, the bad, and the ugly parts of their personality of what makes them who they are.

Marriage is a team effort.

Cliff cost me a lot of typing! -10000000!!!!!! :cry::cry::spam::greenchainsaw:


my guess is that it is the chainsaws in the house, on the kitchen table, in the dishwasher. then he is always "having" to take care of the kids. i know my sweet, wonderful wife would not put up with any of that. then again, neither would i. one of the reasons that i have a stack of project saws is that i refuse to put my son second. one night or so every couple of weeks i will go to the shop after we have supper, the kitchen is cleaned and the kid is bathed. when he is ready to go to bed the wife turns the back porch light and i know it is time to come in for prayers. starting in july i will work 4x10's. that will leave me fridays to tinker and my son can sleep late and hang with dad when he gets up.
15 yrs of being married and 5 children later that drive us both comlpetely nuts I would not trade it for the world or a roadking. She does'nt agree with all of my saws by any means but, I always pay my bills before I even think about spending a dime on my hobbies and I can't always put my hobbies in front of hers and the kids hobbies. Thats the key right there is to keep them happy not just yourself. on the other hand there are some women that just won't meet in the middle. I've got a couple of buddies that married hores and their lives were living he11. One guy even had a wife that moved her ''buddy'' in she slept in the living room with her ''buddy'' while my friend slept in bed by himself. Dumb :censored: ruined my good friends head for a long time! So, honestly man we really can't comment on your woman because we have no idea what is going on.
women suck

thats all i gota say

sure they do on apples and oranges dont know if you know the term women means every one on the planet be better to use the term woman which means only one

sure im not married never been still single at 40 but that dont take away the desire to have a family my heart dream still lives inside me to have a Christian wife that dont care about outside appearance but internal appearance but so far have not found one yet that fits that description

shes out there somewhere its just not time yet for me to find her
hope this makes sense
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Mine ain't bad unless I...

Try to get on the computer.
Try to work on saws.
Try to sharpen saws.
Not hear her the first time she says something.
Don't gladly repeat myself EVERTIME I say something.
Reject an evening of vertical monkey love.
Get pissy when I get rejected for an evening of vertical monkey love.
Oh yeah and not mention pizza for dinner.
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my wife asked me last night how many saws i have. i just looked at her and said "i don't know, but i haven't bought my last one yet." she laughed...........i'm sure there will be some more shoes in her closet tonight.........
Ahem! (polite throat clearing and coughing time)

Well, she could get rid of you and get a dog. Dogs don't spend a lot of money, and look out for their people, and are loyal. Except they don't have thumbs so can't drive the car, or vacuum the house. That latter part would be a good thing. They shed a bit but generally take less care than a man. They can whine a bit, but also not as much as a human, and it usually is reserved to whining about a basic need. Dogs still fart and burp but they don't make a production about their basic bodily functions. :cheers:

Just like any other addiction, I sure saws can ruin a marriage. It is fun to joke about "CAD," but it may be a serious problem for this guy. I wonder if he has ever come home from selling a saw with a pocket full of cash, and given it to his wife just to see her smile. :clap:I have alot of saws to sell, and only one wife to keep. I always make sure the chores are done, and the kids dealt with before I head to the shop. Even then, I "ask" her if I can head down for a while (she has never said NO.) Sometimes I get "I thought we were going to watch ___________ <- insert any chick flick here" to which I respond, "Oh yeah, I forgot." Then I stay upstairs, and watch it. Small price to pay to see my grandkids play together in 25 years.
For 1/3 the price of a scrap chineese piston, a guy could go buy a bunch of flowers once in a while. I know, it sounds g@y. It works for me. That's coming from the idiot that traded his nice Dodge 4x4 for a minivan. :greenchainsaw:
my wife asked me last night how many saws i have. i just looked at her and said "i don't know, but i haven't bought my last one yet." she laughed...........i'm sure there will be some more shoes in her closet tonight.........

Tried to rep ya. Mine has alot of shoes too. I'm catching up with saws, though.......
I occasionally joke with the wife that we stayed together for the children...............because neither one of us wanted sole custody!

Been married 22 years, 4 kids. Too many people marry for all the wrong reasons and then wonder why it went bad. Great sex with a good looking babe can make a guy overlook a lot of glaring character flaws. Maybe waiting until after you marry has a purpose AFTER ALL! Those 'wisdom of the ages' things are hard to defend with words, but they sure seem to prove themselves in the long run.
july will be 8 years for me and my wife. we got married young i was 20 and she was 18 fresh outta high school. we got 2 girls 7&4. life is good, i agree you get out of it what you put into it. on the otherhand ive seen woman my buddies have dated or married that are just either insane or so damn stubborn theres never gonna meet you half way on anything.
i bet he's out of the house and not able to log-on.

I'll bet he's hovering over a couple of saws at the yard sale, right now telling everyone that inquires that they are a thousand dollars a piece. :cry: