Dontcha just hate it when the day starts out wrong!

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No longer addicted to AS
. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
Beautiful day here - forecast is for a max of 84F and I have finally escaped the family duties of Xmas so have a day of milling planned. Bought gas and sharpened a set of chains yesterday, all set for an early start by when I went to start my diesel van - flat battery. Get my spare battery pack out - also too flat to start it! , SWMBO has already left for horseriding with the other car! Right now I have my charger on both and have to wait for an hour or so - DANG!
So much for the early start.
I know what you mean ....

I hated to hear that for you Bob....Heck,,it's been raining here so much the last few days now stuck inside...I'm about to go nuts.....LOL!! I hate a day when it begains bad like that...Hope it turned out ok for you...
BobL, I am trying to be sympathetic to your plight. But it ain't gonna happen.
We have been stacking our water here. 20 inches of it now. And yes it is colder than a dead witch.

Maybe I need to go on a warmer climate.

Besides, it ain't nice to brag........

Keep up your great posts.

Cheers guys!, nah no sympathy needed, all in all the day turned out better than I thought.

Finally got to the milling yard by 9:30 am. By 12:30 I was drinking beer after slabbing this baby. It's a 13 ft long 18" diameter marri. The other one of the pair of big marri branches, the other of which I slabbed last week.



Although it was a small log I must have all my planets aligned because cutting speed in the thickest part of the trunk was around 2 ft per minute

Lots of fiddle in this baby too.

This one looks like it has "fiddle on fiddle" but that's just the washboard effect interacting with the fiddle.



More pics in the next post.
No room in the sheds so have to stack outside.


An cover with pieces of shadecloth I scored from a recent dumpster dive. 50 yards of shade cloth, perfect for shading piles of slabs.


Overall a good day really!

Like I said before Bob... when it looks this good rough and right from the saw, it's going to be some drop dead beautiful curl once you get it do S4S. I've sliced many a board that you just couldn't see any curl or figure at all until I ran it through the planer a pass or two, and then it popped out. Glad your milling day turned out not to be a bust.

For me this is the time of year when shows are done, thus shop time is spent re-organizing, upgrading equipment, maybe tearing something major apart to refurbish that has been neglected for last 6 months. Still have almost 1000ft of osage orange logs in the driveway waiting for the mill, going to have to dig into them this winter as weather permits.
Christmas Milling??

Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing. I was going to mill up some logs over the Christmas vacation but the entire PNW has been buried in the white stuff. However I will share some pictures.
Merry Christmas to all and thanks for all of the generosity, ideas, pics and skills that you have all provided on this wonderful forum.
Happy Milling in the New Year!!
Like I said before Bob... when it looks this good rough and right from the saw, it's going to be some drop dead beautiful curl once you get it do S4S. I've sliced many a board that you just couldn't see any curl or figure at all until I ran it through the planer a pass or two, and then it popped out. Glad your milling day turned out not to be a bust.
Cheers WS. I'm really looking forward to working with this timber.

For me this is the time of year when shows are done, thus shop time is spent re-organizing, upgrading equipment, maybe tearing something major apart to refurbish that has been neglected for last 6 months.
That sounds very productive and reminds me of all those similar things I need to do!

Still have almost 1000ft of osage orange logs in the driveway waiting for the mill, going to have to dig into them this winter as weather permits.
Sounds good - do you really mill in your drive way? What do the neighbors day?
Sounds good - do you really mill in your drive way? What do the neighbors day?
Although I live in a residential neighborhood, I have VERY good neighbors. The homes are far enough apart where only the immediate neighbors would get any serious noise. To the left of me is a handyman type like most of us on AS here and he makes enough of his own noise from his garage shop which we all gladly tolerate as part of living your life. The other side are very tolerant folks who use my woodshop (and my help) from time to time and don't mind me making some noise once in a while. I'm respectful in that I don't mill when anyone close has company over, and I don't wake anybody up early in the morning or keep them from enjoying a peaceful dinner. Point being if I'm careful about times and duration and keep communication going, I can mill wood in my driveway with no problems. We all know each other and help each other out. As the guy with all the chainsaws, I've done light (and sometimes more than light) tree work for most of them over the years. However, the key is having good understanding neighbors. Having lived in places where I didn't have that, I can tell you that that can make or break a place as far as having the ability to live your life the way you want (within reason). In that respect I guess I'm kinda spoiled.
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Great pics..Thank you..

Glad the day went good for ya...Sometimes with my luck it usally gets worse as the day goes by......:cheers:

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