Draining fuel - when is it worth it?

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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 7, 2008
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How long would you have to store a saw to have to drain fuel? I know gas can go bad in a month but I usually add Stabil to all gas I intend to use in generators and saws so that I reduce the potential for problems. But still, its better to get rid of it and use fresh... so, drain if storing for 2 months? 3 months?
I think you can run into more problems leaving an engine dry for a period of time. I have certainly left fuel in saws over the winter and they started right up and ran just fine come spring.
ive only had problems with machines by draining the fuel, floats sticking and needle seat drying out and cracking, not major pains, but for the last 12 years when something sits, i just add stabilizer and run it a least once a month, to refresh the carb bowl...every two cycle oil i buy now has stabilizer in it, so thats convienient, my saws really dont c any use for 4 months of winter, unless i get an emergency takedown which rarely happens, but i havent had any carb probs. doing things this way for the past 12 years..before then yeah at least 1-2 carbs needed some b.s. to get them runnen again.Sitten 1 year or more is a total different ballgame though, then u have to drain the fuel cause it gums everything up.
well i do the opposite of most here. anytime im not using a saw i fiull it to the top with gas and oil. ive never had aproblem doing that. i konw alot of guys my dad included who run stuff dry it store. hes run into problems doing that so i tell him what i do and he looks at me like :dizzy: it works for me and as long as it still does im not gonna change.
I just smell it before I run it. After a while you can tell bad gas right away.
I've had experience both ways.

On the farm, we always let fuel sit in the saw. Sometimes all summer. Nary a problem.

Since having my owns stuff, I always ran the fuel out if it would be sitting for more than a few weeks. Have an 026 that sat multiple times for a year or more. I always drained it and have never had any trouble with it starting or running.
For what it's worth, the Stihl owners manual recommends draining the gas (and, I think, running it dry) when you're not using the saw for a while.
I use Stabil in all my engines, seems good for about a year. Last summer my cousin complained that her (one year old) mower would not start. I dumped the petrol, which looked like tea (4-stroke engine), put in fresh stuff with a little Xylene, and it started on the third pull. Now I have a rule - unless you are going to empty the petrol can totally, you put Stabil in it.
After her spending half the day trying to get the mower started and then my new petrol getting it started right away, I think she got the message.
For what it's worth, the Stihl owners manual recommends draining the gas (and, I think, running it dry) when you're not using the saw for a while.

I usually do that to my bass boat ohhhhhhhhh no **** too cold
to get out the ears tonight can't remember if I ran it dry on the river:monkey:
What I am doing now is I set up a 5 gal jug of gas and add Stabil to it, and use it when I need to fill up a generator or make saw mixture. If the can sits a few months before I need it I dump it into a car and get new gas + Stabil into it. But I wondered if I better drain them. Guess don't have to, many people don't.

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