Famous Annual "How Much Wood Heat Do I Use" Poll

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Lol. No meth lab here. Brewing BD and filtering oil is pretty mild. That Meth stuff's downright dangerous in too many ways. But I did have to file papers when I bought my Lye and Methanol promising I wasn't a terrorist or drug dealer intent on illegal activities. I'll stick to workaholism, anyway. It's a socially acceptable condition.

EXCEPT,,meth alcohol not to be breathed..it WILL kill you!!
I would say #1.5

We have a 1500sf house and heat almost exclusively with wood, the only time the natural gas boiler comes on is if we go away for a weekend and that is set to 55. Burn around 3 full cords a year up from about 2 because we burn a lot more Pine than hard wood now(it's free and very plentiful), we scrounge and or cut all of our own wood this actually makes a nice family activity as my wife and three kids all help. Right now when we are finished splitting and stacking all the downed wood from Irene and the freak snow storm we had a couple of weeks ago we will have two seasons supply of fire wood ready to go not including the wood for this winter. I got to give it to you guys that burn 6 to 10 cords a year that is a lot of work, a friend of mine burns 8 cords a year and the size of his wood piles just baffles me.
Been going through about 8 cords of maple/birch/ash yearly with central wood furnace and high-efficiency propane furnace backup. Forced air system.

Because our businesses have gotten pretty darn busy and I haven't had much time for woodmaking, we're reversing that this year, so only put up about 3 cords of wood.