Firewood cutting accidents

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i'm a lefty but cut,shoot,golf,bat right handed.

I'm a righty, but bat and golf left handed. I vote both ways, but I do not, repeat DO NOT bat for the other team.

Worst I did was cut a notch out of my kneecap about 10 years ago. $10,000 later and I was fine. Nowadays, it probably would put me in bankruptcy. I would bet it costs closer to $50,000 for what they did.
Well I have done a lot of stupid things but haven't had to pay up yet. I bought a 2171 earlier this year with a 24" bar. I hit a branch stub and could not believe how fast and hard that thing kicked back. Had to have at least twice the energy of anything I have run before including my 2156 with 20" bar.

My brother was cutting limbs out of a hung up blown over beach. He was up in it cut one branch and rolled on him and he ended up hanging 10+ feet in the air with a branch under each arm and a running saw in one hand.

I am a lefty saw right handed shoot a rifle right handed and a pistol left handed. Unless I am shooting two at a time:chainsaw:

I was dropping trees for the BLM one year on a cut. I was cutting by myself (first mistake) and cut a tree. The tree was one of those ones that is almost perfectly balanced. I cut one side and the tree started leaning that way. I cut the other side and the tree leaned the other way. Hmmmm, I thought. I backed away and watched the tree for a few minutes to see if it was going to fall. The wind was blowing softly and I figured a strong gust would cause the tree to fall on its own. I left that tree alone and went to cut some others. I cut until I ran out of gas and started walking back toward the truck to gas and oil up. I was walking past the still standing tree and started feeling like I hadn't finished the job. I decided to walk over and push the tree over. (second mistake) As I was walking toward the tree, I heard a loud crack and saw the tree coming straight for me. I ran sideways, trying to duck under the main branches and the next thing I know, I am waking up and the sun is much lower in the sky. I untangeld myself from the broken tree branches, retrieved my saw and finished walking back to the truck. I decided that was enough for the day and went home.

My wife caught me getting out of the shower a couple days later and saw the bruising on my shoulders and back. I admitted what happened to her. She gave me a pretty good tongue lashing and I had to promise to never cut alone again. I am a lot more cautious around those big trees now.
I was dropping trees for the BLM one year on a cut. I was cutting by myself (first mistake) and cut a tree. The tree was one of those ones that is almost perfectly balanced. I cut one side and the tree started leaning that way. I cut the other side and the tree leaned the other way. Hmmmm, I thought. I backed away and watched the tree for a few minutes to see if it was going to fall. The wind was blowing softly and I figured a strong gust would cause the tree to fall on its own. I left that tree alone and went to cut some others. I cut until I ran out of gas and started walking back toward the truck to gas and oil up. I was walking past the still standing tree and started feeling like I hadn't finished the job. I decided to walk over and push the tree over. (second mistake) As I was walking toward the tree, I heard a loud crack and saw the tree coming straight for me. I ran sideways, trying to duck under the main branches and the next thing I know, I am waking up and the sun is much lower in the sky. I untangeld myself from the broken tree branches, retrieved my saw and finished walking back to the truck. I decided that was enough for the day and went home.QUOTE]


I can't believe you quit after that. The sun was still up, after all!! JK. Glad you made it ok.
Nothing but wake up calls for me so far *knock on wood*
I was blocking firewood in the woods and hit a branch with the nose and it set the brake off with just inertia of the saw coming back at me. Happened fast enough that I didn't know why the brake was suddenly on...

A couple of times when splitting with the maul I've had a close miss or two when splitting a block on top of another, either from a glancing blow or hitting the front edge of the round and missing the block below. Now I just split on the ground and sharpen the maul after it gets really round.