"Fitch" (fact or fitchen fiction)

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Aug 29, 2002
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I friend asked me if I knew anything about a product called "Fitch", apparently it is some cataylist product you put in the gas tank of small engines.

I looked it up, they have a web page claiming to improve preformance, reduce emisions, vibration, carbon build up....for a wide variety of small engine aplications including chainsaws.


Anyone know much about this stuff, is there some scientific fact, or is it all just fitchen fiction?

I dropped some into my street bike's gas tank last summer.It wasnt named the same but it is the same stuff.I bought it at the bike shop.
I really havent noticed a big difference in performance.The thing ran great before I put it in so its hard to say either way if it works or not.I'm going to try it in the sled this year.It might be worth a try.
They need to put the word "Synthetic" on their advertisements,
they would have a lot of people "give em a try".

You are so down on " Synthetic "

Just wondered if you'd be in favour of " artificial respiration " if it'd save your hide?

This Fitch product not related to Fitch injection.

Claimes to be a matrix of a metal aloy that catalyticaly breaks some of the higher order hydrocarbon chains found in fuels.

In THEORY it has some meritt because the higher order (more complex hydrocarbons found as a percentage of fuels require substantialy more energy to initiate combustion, release more carbon, and produce a lower net energy.

There are rare scientificly supported occurances that the presents of a element or compound that is not consumed in the reaction aids the reaction by reducing the energy input required to initiate the reaction.

Botom line as every hydro bill will tell you energy is not free, it must come from some where.

Is that the same as "mouth to mouth"? I am game for anything.

As far as synthetic goes, they certainly make some dubious
claims. I think you can put them in the BS file.

Frank, what benefits can be obtained by using synthetic oil mix,
high octane, splitfire plugs, fitch, marvel mystery oil, etc., etc.,
rather than just using fresh fuel with a name brand oil mix,
and just a regular plug, bar oil, or whatever.
Saw failures do not occur because of using clean fresh fuel,
the recommended oil, and a clean air filter. So what possible
benefit could all of these "miracle" or "infomercial" products
give anyone? It just gets a little old wading through this
drivel about these "synthetic" products, these long posts
with all of the data, and so on. A burnt up saw, is just that,
a burnt up saw. Failure was caused by something, but had
nothing to do with whether synthetic oil was used or not. So
I pick fights with these synthetic nut cases.......

You all are starting to speculate and wonder why the "big
dogs" do not join in the disscussion here anymore. It is
because it has deteriorated a bit into silly questions about
this or that, and this synthetic bull is pushed like it is gospel.

My job here is clear, to give you all a hard time. I have done
pissed off the "big dogs" at least once, because I try to bring
a modicum of sanity or reality to this volatile group, and they
usually let me thrash about.
The ongoing synthetic infomercial here is getting a little old
though. It is funny how I stand alone here, but I know dogcrap
when I step in it, and it smells synthetic.
They synthetic debate even is sillier when it comes to 2
cycle engines.
I still have yet to figure out the "magnet" post.
Where is your spirit of human kindness: the purpose of all these wondrous cure-alls is to instill a warm fuzzy feeling upon the user. They soothe the niggling feelings of insecurity. How could you be so callous.....especially with the Christmas upon us!

What is the root of that word? I have studied Latin and Greek
but niggling never reared its ugly head! I am full of the
holiday spirit, just don't light a match.

Scary, very scary. Fish is making sense to me. I agree with most of what he said.
We think "synthetic " is the cure. Of what? If synthetic is in the oil the other maintenance will take care of itself?
Fresh fuel, clean filter and sharp chain and the saw will last as long as possible under USER conditions.

When was the last time you cut wood in a lab anyways?
Yes, I am sure we will be assimilated...........
We cannot resist...............resist.......
There cannot be any dissention.............
We will be one of you...............
Do you mean Luddites? Followers of Ned Ludd?
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Why just semi- syn oils? Are they semi-neo-luddites?
Will the use of a synthetic oil mix give any longer life out of a
saw? I doubt it seriously.
snake oil

Synthetic oil is not an excuse for poor or no maintainance. I've seen more saws die due to lack of maintainance than any other problem. Somehow synthetic oil will not make up for bad maintainance or trenching the earth with your saws. Synthetic oils do not remove dirt from your air filter or make it less likely saw dust will clog the guidebar. They lubricate but they don't do maintainance.
I bought 5 litres of Big Red 2 cycle mix today. George said thats all that will ever be available of this product, so I bought all he had at 2$/ litre, not so much that Im a tight waud, but I think any mix is ok at 32:1. Is Big Red synthetic or a petroleum based oil?
Was hoping it was red but it was green like Stihl.
Although a good picture of Dennis's superb job on the saw, it wasnt the picture I was trying to convey.Here it is. Thanks Dennis.