Full House Chain???

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Mr sawracr was that not you in that video that was on this site ?? long ways from being fast !!!! from what i seen:D i think the guy that put that on said you had a Mr martin chain...
The more I drink , the funner this gets!....... Is that you Tommy?......
Is that you Tommy?......

My brother is back??? Last I heard he is such an arrogant ass he is not allowed on this fine man site.

Leslie Fales :)
Sorry no it is not tommy ... that is just the way i seen the video and i have been looking at these post, and i jsut had to put my 2cents in on this.. and they banned tommy didn't they?
OK, if that was me on the far end of the log......... was that MIKE SULIVAN on the near end?
??? Are you asking me ?? I dont know,, you would know, you were there . i was not...
Here's the times for the Fort Bragg Race you refered to:

1.Jim Taylor 5.98
2.Mike Sullivan 6.25
3.Dennis Cahoon 6.53
4.Mel Lentz 6.66
5.John Rupely 7.00 You're right, "FACTS ARE FACTS!"

And the stock chain race that day? You didn't even qualify! Yeah, I heard you thought you were faster in the wood. I had to laugh when I heard that, because when we went to Placerville a week or two after that, you thought you would "catch up" and win at that race because there would be bigger wood, but you still got your a$$es kicked. Tom and I either won 1st or 2nd in every race, both days. Remember phoning Ken and telling him to come down and watch? Well he saw the "FACTS". So go practice your cold starts, and quit bull$hiting yourselves.
By the way, the video of you being eliminated for the stock chain race qualifier for the Fort Bragg show has already been posted. (Mike Sullivan in the foreground, Jon Rupely/Sawracer in the background.)
Here's a video of you racing at the Placerville show. Is that one of those famous art martin chains? The ones that he does his "undetectable finishing proceedure" to? Looks like you had a little bad luck.
Dennis Thanks for posting those times. It really shows what you professional guys (1st through 4th all Stihl TV Pro's) can do with a good chain and motor aganist my brother. Shame on him for trying to compete. What was he thinking? 5th place why that is shameful! I am thinking of dis-owning him. I see you whipped him by several minutes. The way you have it posted looks like there were only 5 people in the race. Before I call him and ask (and he probably won't tell the truth because he is like Art) could you post the rest of that race, if there were more people? Mike
Great video Dennis. I remember that weekend. I think that was the weekend that Sawracr and his wife put on the Bar-b-que out of their own pockets for all competitors, and I loaned you a 1/2" chain so you could compete Sunday. (Oh I bought the beer too.) Do you remember that? Clown 2
The word is procedure not proceedure. It was only done on the full house chain. It must have worked since you couldn't copy it by looking at it at the 1998 Fort Bragg show. By the way, you didn't even place in that event. How could you?

Art Martin
Hey Rupedoggy, I don't ever remember not saying thank you for a beer or food and you know good and well I have one of the biggest ice chests around and I've shared with you as well. I'm just figuring out how to post video and will share some of me having a bad day also, so be patient! My question was, is that one of those famous art martin chains. Just wanted to know! Dennis
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Thanks for the spelling lesson art, but don't be such a sore loser. Hell, I can remember one year I didn't win one penny at the Fort Bragg show. When the pro's started coming the competion got real tough, and that's why you stopped coming. And why would I want to look at your Full House Chain? I told you it doesn't cut any faster and it's way to much work to build. I wouldn't use it and none of the TimberSport guys I know use it either. Dennis
Just trying to understand....

So let me see if I can wrap my brain around this concept. It would seem that Dennis Cahoon(did I spell that right?,I'm not very good with spelling people's names) contends the only real determining factor in a competitive saw race is the chain, as all other variables such as saw and operator have been eliminated from the equation and couldn't possibly affect the outcome.
Morning Dennis, looks like I had a bit of the old bar problem Eh, no that was not a Art Martin chain but one of mine, the same power unit and chain, but differant bar last year ( from last to second with a tighter bar). Most of the chains I run are mine, as you know George doesn't allow " race chain".
I would have to agree, you do have a big ice chest, but it seems to be filled with that Rocky Mountain Mule P---.
Hope Your Healing OK
Sorry Rich, you should try a Full House chain, no one here could say for sure that, it would or would not work on your saw. Jon
dennis i been around enuff to know we dont know the real reason for your tendency to rip into art..but thats between u and him..id consider it a favor if u could somehow,, get u self to spare us u hostilities.. i ve had things,, needed to be settled between myself and others like that.. i always considered,, if it had to be done .. do it eye to eye in the woods somewhere so u dont have spend time in the pokey..
u got a lot to offer us i think.. but a grudge held is like poison to the holder..and u are coming on like poison..
i know u may be hurtin an such .. i sympathise totally..but
comes a time to just drop it..or the 600lb gorilla gona make so we dont here about the things u know
art u old enuff to know what u gonna do but i bet by now u have learned this kinda crap is just wasted energy.. if u anything like me ,u need all u got for more usefiul purposes..this aint something i enjoy doin..
From what i have seen on these post . Dennis. C has put some great video on here and it seem's he can do stuff too, and from what i have seen on here if you say diffrent then . what you all think is right .. you get mad!!!! I dont know Art or Dennis.. But i would think maybe Dennis is more of a chain and saw guy than Art.. I see were Art has said he would post stuff and never has?? Dennis .C from what i see has put stuff on !!!! so i think you should give him a chance maybe we can all learn from him..
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