Gee I wonder why I'm so tired?

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 4, 2007
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This past weekend was the first full weekend of cutting & stacking I've been able to get to this fall. I bet I’ve gotten in about 5 hours of cutting only before this, letting it drop or cutting off rounds. I picked up a loaner splitter (25 ton Faver Rex Jr., after modifications it handles 30” long x 34” round) on Saturday morning and got to work. I had a little help from my boys for a couple of hours each day. Just me, a Stihl 290/20” bar, the splitter, and a lot of back power.

My feet were killing me by noon each day and at 4pm Sunday I’d had enough. The tale of the tape? 4’-6” high, by 9’-0” wide, by 28’-0” long stack nets me 8.8 cord. As the thread title says, no wonder I’m so tired today. That’s the most I’ve done in one weekend since I started this 3 seasons ago.

Pics soon.
nice man, i did some splitting this weekend too. i prolly did a little over a cord but i havent touched the saw or the splitter in a month and im feelin it a little now, you must be sore as hell right about now.

nice man, i did some splitting this weekend too. i prolly did a little over a cord but i havent touched the saw or the splitter in a month and im feelin it a little now, you must be sore as hell right about now.

Not so much sore (other than the bottoms of my feet), but stiff and achy back from bending up & down, lots of bruises in weird places, and of course my left hand where a 500-lb bugger decided to slip & pinch my fingers between it and the splitter wedge. No damage really but scared the bejeebus out of me and the hand is pretty tender today.
still haven't gottn to start spliting yet, did get the splitter fired this past saturday, but the baby wanted to go camping so we set up the tent in the back yard. :D
but every night and this weekend we have to get started...
don't think i will push my self like you did, OUCH that's got to hurt....:(
I cut and split year round, but I will be starting an a$$ kicker tommorow night. Looking forward to beating my body. Nice plug of work you did.
No Pain, No Gain...... Keep up the work, you can reap the rewards this winter !!! Sounds like you had a great outing !!!
First of pics

Pics soon.

These images taken prior to starting this past weekend. I'll take updated ones tonight. I get the wood delivered in (obviously) large sections, most about 9' long. Prior to getting the splitter I cut all large logs into rounds that I can roll over to the OWB. After the splitter I cut the same size logs into 30" long sections that I roll over to the splitter location.
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These images taken prior to starting this past weekend. I'll take updated ones tonight. I get the wood delivered in (obviously) large sections, most about 9' long. Prior to getting the splitter I cut all large logs into rounds that I can roll over to the OWB. After the splitter I cut the same size logs into 30" long sections that I roll over to the splitter location.

What side of EGF are you on? Seems like you are WAY on the edge of town? You must get some nice river woods to cut over there.:clap:
I wish

What side of EGF are you on? Seems like you are WAY on the edge of town? You must get some nice river woods to cut over there.:clap:

I haven't had to search for standing wood yet. As long as I have delivery I'm good to go. I'm on a dead end road about 1/2 mile from the river, about 3 miles south of EGF. I checked with the guy who owns the river land on my road and was told in no uncertain terms to p*ss off. So I've got that going for me.....
Nice wood...and nice dogs :) I have a golden and three shepards...well four if you count the australian shepard...all great dogs!
I haven't had to search for standing wood yet. As long as I have delivery I'm good to go. I'm on a dead end road about 1/2 mile from the river, about 3 miles south of EGF. I checked with the guy who owns the river land on my road and was told in no uncertain terms to p*ss off. So I've got that going for me.....

Gotta love those great neighbors that can't even be friendly turning you down.
Thats not a neighbour, I call that an A$$hole that just happens to live near to you.

Yep. Turnabout is fair play. someday they will need something, and the choice is yours whether to tell them where to go, or kill them with kindness. Nice pics and OWB!
One heckuva wedge on that splitter, more pics of that with some details would be nice.
Nice pile...boy, you are REALLY a flatlander!..No hills at all in those pics! I've started splitting some small stuff for the wood stove, but am still finishing up the CB5036 install....spent the last 3 evenings in the crawl space getting the coil, etc. set up, made for some serious back pain, but it will prepare me for the fall cutting season. We start getting serious with this around the end of Oct. after all the bees and critters go away.
Ain't that the truth

Yep. Turnabout is fair play. someday they will need something, and the choice is yours whether to tell them where to go, or kill them with kindness. Nice pics and OWB!

As I said it's a dead end road, sometimes popular with rowdy kids and I assume poachers, since I was also told that he only lets a small party of friends hunt his land and I've seen an awful lot of hunters coming & going, occasionally with a carcass or two. Since I'm outside at all times of day leading up to and during hunting season (I don't hunt so no skin off my nose), I figured I'd be happy to help keep tabs on who's coming & going for him. Not now - no way!

In my mind I'm doing him a triple favor - keeping his woods clear, watching out for trespassers, and keeping the "good neighbors who watch out for each other" network alive. But to each their own I guess.
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I'm not quite sure how you guys can cut wood in this warm weather. I wont even start up my saw unless its under 30 degrees. Preferrably in the teens, and hate splitting if there isnt snow on the ground. Just too hot otherwise.
More pics

These images taken prior to starting this past weekend. I'll take updated ones tonight. I get the wood delivered in (obviously) large sections, most about 9' long. Prior to getting the splitter I cut all large logs into rounds that I can roll over to the OWB. After the splitter I cut the same size logs into 30" long sections that I roll over to the splitter location.

Thought I'd keep all the pics in one thread. Taken last night - got about 2 cord to stack and another 2-1/2 to cut & stack. Thinking about getting 3 more for good measure to carry over a few cord to season.

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