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Arboristsite Raconteur
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Newport TN
Today couldnt have gotten any worse.Or maybe I shoudnt say that out loud...

A tree service buddy of mine called and left a voice mail over the weekend, seems that another tree service had been out clearing power lines in his area, and he said that there was some nice red oak stems left behind.No brush to battle, and right along the road.
I loaded up this afternoon, and headed on over there. 150 ft off of the road was two nice pieces of red oak, 24 DBH.As i drove up alongside the pieces, I wondered why the crews knocked them down, they were far enough from the power lines, but hey, I figured they knew what they were doing.I called the tree service, told them where I was at, and asked if it was okay if I took the logs.The guy said they were going to come on out later this week and haul them away, but if I wanted them, go ahead, less for them to worry about.

Hauled the 357 out and started making the chips fly.After my first tank full, I stopped to refuel, load what I had cut, and touch up the chain. Then the cops showed up.Right behind them was the property owner.

Seems that although the logs were in the right of way of the power lines, the stumps where on his property, and he was mad as he11 that the trees had been cut to begin with.I explained to the cops that the tree service had taken the trees because they were interfering with the power lines, but the landowner pointed to trees that were closer to the power lines than the cut trees, and asked "why didnt they cut them also?"
I have no idea why they took these trees, from the size of the logs, I really had my doubts that the canopy would have been into the lines.
I offered the cops my cell phone as well as the number to the tree service, and they called em up.Guy on the phone flat out denied ever giving me the go ahead to take the logs, and insisted that he was the only one that answered the phone that day.
I then showed the cop the history in my cell phone, proving that I had indeed called them a little less than an hour ago.But as the cop pointed out, that did not prove that they had given me permission, and they did not have the legal right to give something away anyway if it didnt belong to them.

then they asked the landowner if he wanted to press charges, and my heart sank when he said he did.then he turned to me and said, "If you haul all of this wood to my house, split and stack it, I wont press charges"

The cop spoke up and mentioned the fact that he could now take both of us to jail, me for theft, and him for extortion since it happened right in his presence.
The guy got pissed, jumped in his truck and took off. the cop kinda grinned, and told me that it was clear that I had meant no harm, thought I was acting within the law, and thought I had the proper permission, although he stressed the fact that ignorance was no excuse.
Since it was starting to rain, we were both eager to get out of there,so I loaded my saws and hauled butt.

From now on, I am sticking to written permission on private land!
Close call.

Wow. That was a bad situation.
I can't figure why the Tree service denied it. Since he's got the permission can't he grant it to you?
Cop was stand up though, huh?
Was he serious about the extortion part or was he trying to lighten the mood of the situation?
Whoah, what a day! :jawdrop:

Thanks for sharing that story and good thinking about showing the call history in your cellphone. Kudos to the cop for quick thinking, too! :clap:

Maybe that tree service may be hearing from the property owner and the police soon? The cynical part of me wonders if the owner played this game before just to get free labor on cutting and stacking firewood.
How could he have gotten you for theft? Nothing left the property.Maybe different in your state. Here all they could have charged you for was trespass.
Wow, glad that didnt end up a lot worse. Somones word should be as good as a handshake or a court document, your word is everything. If they tree company didnt have a right to give that tree away they shoudlnt have told you to take it nor denied they told you to take it.
How about something like attempted theft? Since the rounds were cut and the truck/hauler was there to demonstrate intention to move the rounds. Either way, it could have been much worse than the actual outcome. Yikes!
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A pattern?

You seem to have a real good knack for getting into these kinds of situations and meet all sorts of ornery people. I'm thinking of the old farmer that said he'd prefer to let his logs rot before he let you cut 'em up for firewood.

I enjoy reading your posts, but I think you seem to be a crank magnet. Walk under many ladders or have a black cat shelter down the road from you?

Glad things worked out for you, buddy. And thanks for posting the cautionary tale. :cheers:
Great story....just think of what a great work out you got today including a blood pressure stresser!

Glad to see the cop was cool!
Glad it worked out for least ( with the law)

Seems like you have some exciting times...with some pretty unique people.

Might be something in the

This always come to mind too......"Boy I wonder were these folks are from"

then kind of laugh under my breath.....and then realize

that it takes all walks and talks of life for this place to be AMERICA.....

You seem to have a real good knack for getting into these kinds of situations and meet all sorts of ornery people. I'm thinking of the old farmer that said he'd prefer to let his logs rot before he let you cut 'em up for firewood.

I enjoy reading your posts, but I think you seem to be a crank magnet. Walk under many ladders or have a black cat shelter down the road from you?

Glad things worked out for you, buddy. And thanks for posting the cautionary tale. :cheers:

You left out: In a previous life, Avalancher may have been a destructive tester at a mirror factory. ;)

Sounds like the officer was doing a good job, he could have gone many other less pleasing directions. The landowner could have been a little more grateful though, fewer leaves to cleanup now. :laugh:
Avalancher....go buy a lottery ticket.
Glad it worked out for least ( with the law)

Seems like you have some exciting times...with some pretty unique people.

Might be something in the

:ices_rofl:Someone should propose a new sticky thread with a title like, "The strange tales of Messr. avalancher, Tennessee firewooder."

You could be like the Ernie Pyle of firewooding, a roving reporter chronicling the colorful folk you encounter on the backroads and byways of the rural countryside. :clap:
Exactly. You did nothing to cause the landowner any losses, monitary or otherwise.

I disagree. You try cutting down some old trees on your neighbor's lawn and see what charges they come up with...criminal mischief is just one of several that come to mind.I'm glad you got away unscratched, but we all have to remember that a whole lot of people are incapable of sense when it comes to both trees and property boundaries. I think the cop should get a medal.
yo, one part you mentioned you "loaded what you had cut".......did you at least drive off with that?

hope so, least you got something for your time.
Almost same thing happened to me a week ago but no cops. I called and talked to the people at a underground pipe company and said yes go get it. Pulled up and the wood was cut to manageable size. A woman was looking at me thru the woods. I waved and said hi and they went about thier business. Mind you this is less then a mile from my home. I hauled the pieces up a big azz hill and after 40 minutes had a big load of ash. I stood at the back of the truck wringing wet and catching my breath. The woman came screaming up in a buick and said put it at her house. I chuckled and said yeah sure. She said I am serious you F'in thief. I said "excuse me?" She said that if I did not put it in her driveway she was calling the cops. Told her I called and had permission from Jamie at X. Its in the right of way for the power lines and she must be smoking the wrong end of the pipe if she thinks I am going to even entertain the idea. I went to the truck and grabbed the post it and showed her. She insisted that I stack the wood. I told her it will be a cold day in you know what and that she watched me for 40 minutes to "catch me?" Get real! She finally said she was mad cause Jamie wanted the wood and she was told no. I asked this old bag does she really think I would wave, spend 40 minutes, stack it to the gills on the truck, and then sit and take a breather if I was trying to "Steal" her wood? In the end she appologized and I had a truck full of wood. Amazing, you follow the rules and people still play games. I just left with the truck full.
What a real nice guy. Wanting to press charges unless you split, and stack all the wood for him.

I am not suggesting anything, but you know where he lives. :greenchainsaw:
Best not to back down from these sort of people and just keep moving foreward with the project... unless the cops come then you just show him the paper that says kiss off and your off on your merry way.

But please don't be stealing nobodies wood and make sure you got a green light cause if you have your truck there and they are bringing a rollback that is gonna suck.