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the land owner is a real a$$ hat why would he press charges you didn't cut down the trees and you didn't take anything, he could have just asked you to unload. And the tree company guy is one of the biggest pansies ever to pull a move like that:angry:
I disagree. You try cutting down some old trees on your neighbor's lawn and see what charges they come up with...criminal mischief is just one of several that come to mind.I'm glad you got away unscratched, but we all have to remember that a whole lot of people are incapable of sense when it comes to both trees and property boundaries. I think the cop should get a medal.

He did not drop the trees
Thanks for the info about your latest escapade. You always seem to have some good ones. As a LEO in Ohio, my take on your situation from the law end. I would think trespassing and maybe attempted theft AT MOST ( and I wouldn't actually arrest someone for that, just issue a summonings to court) but as always you have to look at the whole picture not just pieces of it. The big picture, and charges associated with the "crime" is always, the intent of the action and subject. You were acting in good faith from a verbal agreement with the tree company. I wonder what the deal is with that tree company? Not cool at all! Good to hear the officer was nice about it, it only takes one to make all of us look bad.
Oh well...the property owner(s) where I've been getting my wood typed a permission letter, signed by all, which I have copies of in both pickups, laminated....very nice of them to do. And it's the only way I'll do it. I can see big problems like this in my 'hood is getting ready to start on a 500kv power line.
If there's a deal or something thats going to go down the crapper, it's bound to be a "third party" one. "This guy said" "My buddy knows" "I got this friend that wants" and on & on.............In writing would always be the best, but at least talking to the actual owner would be good too.
Here is a little more info on the subject.
I called the tree company that took the trees down later yesterday afternoon, and it appears that there was trouble from the get go on those two trees.
When the tree service cut those trees, they were just starting the cutting by taking those two trees down when the landowner pulled up.He accosted the tree guys right after those first two trees hit the ground.Did a lot of yelling at the guys,claiming that those were valuable trees, and had been included in a logging operation bid on that same land. Since he claimed that all those trees where going to be cleared in the next month or so, the guys decided to chip the brush of the two trees and move on down below his property to some others that needed clearing.Thats why the stems where left, the landowner had told the guys that he would haul them with a backhoe up to the landing where they would be loaded and hauled off.That was two weeks ago.

Who at the tree service left me out to dry, I dont know. After explaining what happened yesterday, the guy apologized, and denied ever talking to law enforcement yesterday, and admitted that there was more than one guy who answered the phone, depending on time of day.

I sincerely doubt that the logs would have been worth much if anything for milling, one log had a lot of rot around a big fork in it,and the other log was small with a lot of forks in it.I know for a fact that our local mill isnt taking anything less than 8 footers, and the stem had been cut in several places.
but it does explain why the old guy was upset, I imagine if he really thought I had whacked a good saw log into firewood he had cause to be upset.But, on the flip side, why would he leave what he thought as good saw logs sitting along the road for two weeks?
You seem to have a real good knack for getting into these kinds of situations and meet all sorts of ornery people. I'm thinking of the old farmer that said he'd prefer to let his logs rot before he let you cut 'em up for firewood.

I enjoy reading your posts, but I think you seem to be a crank magnet. Walk under many ladders or have a black cat shelter down the road from you?

Glad things worked out for you, buddy. And thanks for posting the cautionary tale. :cheers:

Well, to be honest with you, I have wondered about that all my life. People seem to pick me out of a crowd, and start some sh1t.
My wife seems to think its just the law of averages.I spend a great deal of time networking with people, and spend easy three days of the week cutting wood somewhere.I drive my pickup everywhere, and always ready to cut wood.Saws stay in the backseat, gas can in the back, and always ready to pounce on something that comes along.As a rule my trailer gets unloaded the second I get home, on the off chance that I will need it at a minutes notice. Because of that, I reckon I talk to a lot of people in a course of a week, often stopping at peoples houses that have a tree down, seeing someone starting a clearing operation, etc.
So, if I run across one cranky guy after talking to 200,then I guess I am just taking my fair share.
I guess maybe I spend too much time in posting about the cranks, maybe I had better level the playing field a bit and start posting about all the good people that I run across!

As a buddy pointed out to me, the economy seems to bring the worst and the best out of people.Some get really cranky, and some get down right nice!
Best not to back down from these sort of people and just keep moving foreward with the project... unless the cops come then you just show him the paper that says kiss off and your off on your merry way.

But please don't be stealing nobodies wood and make sure you got a green light cause if you have your truck there and they are bringing a rollback that is gonna suck.

Trust me, stealing anyones wood has never been and never will be my way of doing things.I have always gotten permission,but up to this point I have never bothered getting it in writing unless its been a paid job.Always relied on a persons word, preferably accompanied by a handshake.
I disagree. You try cutting down some old trees on your neighbor's lawn and see what charges they come up with...criminal mischief is just one of several that come to mind.I'm glad you got away unscratched, but we all have to remember that a whole lot of people are incapable of sense when it comes to both trees and property boundaries. I think the cop should get a medal.

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