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Q:-there seems to be a lot of different techniques and equipment combinations, are some good for one job and not for others or is it all down to personal preferance?
Q:- where abouts would you tie a karabina when using it as a Knot tender?
trees are like snowflakes or fingerprints or any other naturally occuring system/structure, they are mostly all the same w/in a set, but each one calls for a slightly different approach. keep up on the various technology and techniques, and each situation will indicate which approach is best :angel:
the furhter you are from your tie-in point the greater range of motion you are allowed. this ultimately translates into a greater # of options you are given to perform the task @ hand.
did someone refer to moving your tie-in w/a pole saw? one of my all-time fav tricks. pole tools are good for lots of things. try using one to balance your self on a limb walk like the tightrope walker @ the circus...
Use that 2 section pole saw to pull yourself out onto a limb to get to the tips. High tie in will let you pedulum out to the target limb.

ok, sorry if I make a small derail but it seems the climbers are pocketing in areas on this site these days and I need a climber to answer a basic question for me. on the note of two tie ins. I have to trim a large (for me anyways) plum tree on Friday, it is about 35 feet tall and perhaps 40 wide. I figure I can "free" climb it (perhaps the term is secured free climb) a ways to get to some of the upper reaches with my 16' zubat and my lopper. I have a saddle with a lanyard and I am curious if I can use a loop runner as a second lanyard?
in the pic the "wires" running through the tree are laundry line. no electric nearby.
Paul, You could use a looprunner for a second tie-in but the easiest way to move around and work the tree will be to run your climbing line through a crotch high in the center then use your lanyard (or looprunner or whatever) for positioning as you move around. The problem with just two lanyards is that if they are both short you don't have the option of simply lowering yourself to the ground.
thanks Justin, I will stare at the pic some more (to plan my TIP and such) and perhaps use my 50' rope to tie in and try to work it.
a_lopa said:
its important to know where to have your point, and what to leave to get the job done.

I agree, some minaimal planning does need to be done prior to entering the tree, and working your way up, taking every limb as you go can be counter productive.

And as Mike pints out, putting too much htought into it wastes time.

There is no replacement for experiance in the whole team, a good ground crew will make the climber shine, and an inexperianced group can make it seem like forever.

The key is learnign how different wood reacts to forces, and how to effeiciently get the optimal size of tree parts down for the crew to remove.

Too small and the climber is workig too much, too big and your waiting too much and the ground over worked.
i'm whacked out just reading these posts on foot locking ,and body thrusting :mad:
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Use your hitch for acending .for removals you want stay tied in twice .when pruning i like to prune on the way up with the pantin and top acender an make sure my my life line is scure,and prune on.MB will help you on removals.nice pick mb. :)
I HAVE a petzl pantin, and tomorrow it will get used if I can find a reason to go up!
Of course it's Friday now and this is probably too late but, Jimmy are talking about climbing and pruning that tree with 2 lanyards and no climbing line? Scampering around with a 16' pole pruner and trying to work 2 lanyards (one of which is a loop runner) is going to be tedious at best.

Use a climbing line. At least make a lanyard out of a piece of line and use the loop runner for foothold or to attach lower device.

Good luck,

Thanks Brock and all. I figured that the two lanyard was probably not the best way to get in and work. I ended up throwing my line up(doubled), climbing my ladder to the top (orchard ladder) while tied in and advancing my prussik, free climbed (secured) about another 10 feet up, secured the prussik, threw the lanyard around another crotch and then hauled up the pole saw and took out a few larger 'adventitious sprouts', lowered the saw, dialed in the figure 8 and slowly regained terra firma. no harm done and there ya go. First time 'climbing' for money. only other few times I have tried it I have been at my parents place in a couple trees in their back yard.
anyhoo, brush dragger didnt show today so I didnt end up getting doen, have to make another trip out there tomorrow, finish pruning an apple, few more branches out of a cherry and then another trip to disposal.
Check out the past thread about DEDA lanyard. The same as 2 lanyards, but ya got the option of a 20 foot lanyard if ya ever need it. I've been using it since I first saw the pics, and you can customize to fit yer taste(i.e. ascender, hitch, prusick, etc.). It is a very safe system, allways tied in. Gotta learn to catch or throw with yer other hand though. :)
I finally received Tree Services mag today, and was reading this thread that was published in it.

I don't know how I feel about it.

It feels not right...

And my name ain't Louisiana. :alien:

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