Go Away Snow!

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Nov 2, 2008
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Montpelier, Ohio
I'm certain I don't have it nearly as bad as many of you but I'm sick of trudging through the snow. Last weekend the wife and I went out to cut a load and what a struggle. We have about 12" on the ground right now and I'm ready for a melt down. Between fighting the truck through the drifts. Tripping over logs covered with snow. Slipping around while loading, etc. It makes it 10 times more difficult than normal. Of course it makes the beer taste 10 times better afterwards though.:)
Last year it would snow then melt. Snow and melt. Never seemed to have a snow more than a week but this year looks like she's gonna stick around.
I know I'm cryin like a little girl aren't I.:cry:

Just a bit of venting. I'm sure you know my pain and I'm sure many of have it WAYYY worse.
I'm certain I don't have it nearly as bad as many of you but I'm sick of trudging through the snow. Last weekend the wife and I went out to cut a load and what a struggle. We have about 12" on the ground right now and I'm ready for a melt down. Between fighting the truck through the drifts. Tripping over logs covered with snow. Slipping around while loading, etc. It makes it 10 times more difficult than normal. Of course it makes the beer taste 10 times better afterwards though.:)
Last year it would snow then melt. Snow and melt. Never seemed to have a snow more than a week but this year looks like she's gonna stick around.
I know I'm cryin like a little girl aren't I.:cry:

Just a bit of venting. I'm sure you know my pain and I'm sure many of have it WAYYY worse.

Actually you have it awhole lot worse than us in mid-Missouri, I have not even had my snow shovel out this year. We had one snow like 1"-2", lasted a few days, and then two dustings. I have been prepared with lots of wood at the stove, some covered with tarps, and 15 cord or so split and piled at the wood lot 400' from the back of the house. I would hate to have to cut wood to heat with during or right after a snow fall. We always try to have a years worth cut and piled at the wood lot, then worst thing we have to do is go to the wood lot and load up.

Good luck, and hope that snow melts up north. We are expecting some snow Sunday night or Monday.
I'm certain I don't have it nearly as bad as many of you but I'm sick of trudging through the snow. Last weekend the wife and I went out to cut a load and what a struggle. We have about 12" on the ground right now and I'm ready for a melt down. Between fighting the truck through the drifts. Tripping over logs covered with snow. Slipping around while loading, etc. It makes it 10 times more difficult than normal. Of course it makes the beer taste 10 times better afterwards though.:)
Last year it would snow then melt. Snow and melt. Never seemed to have a snow more than a week but this year looks like she's gonna stick around.
I know I'm cryin like a little girl aren't I.:cry:

Just a bit of venting. I'm sure you know my pain and I'm sure many of have it WAYYY worse.

We've just had the one blizzard back in early november, and now have "ice drifts" that are remnants of the 10-12 ft drifts from that storm

After it I swore I didnt want to see snow again, but two months without it almost has me ready for another storm...:confused: :jawdrop:
Here in southeast PA the weather is almost perfect. We have had frozen ground for about 2 weeks with very little snow. It makes things great when heading into the woods. No worries about getting stuck in the mud or snow, don't get all wet and you can see everything you are working with. When I worked as a timber cutter we just loved weather like this man could we move some logs with frozen ground and no snow.
yea go away snow we got about 1/8 of an inch the other night :( and theres still spots in my yard in the shade where its hanging around man be glad when its gone:clap:
I'm with you...we all need something to complain about. This seems like the first winter in a long time that we got snow and it stayed for over a month. My main topic to whine about currently is that the ice storm we got back in December has all of the rounds I stacked locked into one big block so whenever I go out to split I have to whack almost everyone with the maul to bust it loose. Come spring when it's a mud pit I'll remember how I tough I had it in the winter.
I am a snowmobiler and I am sick of the snow. It can go away any time. I have spent the last 2 days digging out with a mustang skid loader. Most of my trails through the woods are clear. There is still 10" of snow on the ground and ice beneath that. Very slippery.
I saw on this on the news last night. We got snow…Man, I am going through some wood. It looks like I will be trout fishing with snowshoes this spring.

It's really no surprise that Redfield is over 200" for the year. There have been some big lake effect events up on the "Tug Hill" this year. Carol Yerdon, our weather watcher, has her sights set on 400" for the season. Well, she's more than halfway there. Last year at this time she had 120". Next up, a call to Paul Cardinelli in Fulton. After a fresh 8" of lake effect fluff overnight, he stands at 133" for the season. Syracuse's Hancock Airport record 109" by 5 this evening. That compares to a normal of 59.3" by the 21st of January. Last year was pretty much normal: 59.8" through January 20th.

Rays of hope? I don't have anything significant for you. Over the next 6-10 days, cold air looks to be the rule around here, pretty much confining our potential for a January thaw to the next couple days. Jim Teske dug up something today that says the last time we went through the entire month of January without hitting 40 degrees was 1977! The 90 day outlook is indicating equal chances of warm or cold weather over the next 3 months. La Nina is developing in the tropical Pacific, but it may be too late to have much impact on our weather.

The one thing I cling onto is that we're now in our climatologically coldest time of the year. We already know the daylight is getting more and more each day. The sun always wins.
Everybody needs to quit whining!!!:)
We have had 209 :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:" as of today.
The whining officially starts when the snow melts and the black flies come out……….
i'll join the whining, but on a different note...

we haven't had any rain since august 08.
the last rain we had was basically dew which turned to frost
which dried up as soon as the sun came out.
My daughter will gladly take any snow you want to send down here. We had a couple of inches the other day, and it was sad watching her trying to sled on the stuff. Slide for a bit, hit a dry spot and come to a screeching halt.
Everybody needs to quit whining!!!:)
We have had 209 :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:" as of today.

WOW!! How much snow do you currently have on the ground? Hopefully you melt off alot or 17.4 feet of snow might make life a wee bit difficult!
I'm not complaining, it could be worse but I'm ready for it to be gone. I would like to have about a two week window of frozen ground but no snow. :laugh:
I went on a 135 mile snowmobile trip yesterday from Rome NY and it was fun! You all need to get some winter hobbies the four seasons here in New York breaks up the same old drab routine. I would get bored with life if not for the different seasons. You just need to have a hobby for each. I find spring to be my least favorite. No snow to ride to rainy and cold to cut wood or go boating\biking. Not a lot to do but get the bike\boat\saws etc. ready and put away the sleds.
We have at least a foot on the ground currently.

It is like a sandwich, about a 2" layer of hard crusted stuff, followed by 8" of slippery powder, followed by another 2" of ice. I went to plow out a path to the wood pile with my ATV so I can get some of my stacked wood split. When I hit the bank to start the plowing all 4 wheels fell through that 2" layer and the body got held up while all 4 wheels spun in the 8" layer. :censored:
Tonight I will see if I can shovel a path big enough to get all 4 wheels on the
ground so I can get the momentum needed.

As for the snow, if it wasn't such an inconvenience I wouldn't mind another 4 to 5 feet of it that is as long as it falls in the correct spots that is. Like on the side of the house that is the coldest, or in the back field.
Everybody needs to quit whining!!!:)
We have had 209 :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:" as of today.

over the 200 inch mark here also, but just another normal year. back in I think 94 we ended up with over 400 for the year...was logging then and had to have all the skid trails bulldozed in order to get the wood out! amazing when a 648 JD will just churn up the snow and not move but a few feet a minute.
I try to bank as much snow as I can against the house especially on the north and west sides that face lake superior, really saves on the heat loss! once about everything but the roof is covered the house stays nice and cozy in the frigid temps!

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