Growing up with Redwood's. Truely God's country.

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I found it on a aol search. I dont know how to copy it. I brought three home from a good ole guy closing down his nursery, above occidental. That will make 3 coast redwood's, and three dawn's in my yard. Hopland isn't Redwood country so I brought the redwood's to me:rockn:
Took a day to realx. Jeanie, and I went up through Anapolis, redwood country, from ther to the coast town of Gualala. Stoppe'd at the Haupt creek bridge in Anapolis, took a few pic's of some nice tree's. Got one pic up so far.
Doe's anybody have a good pic of a mature dawn redwood for me?

They are not big trees like the REDWOODS, but they are very showy as for there trunk structure.
Have 3 2' diameter trees out back of the homestead and the wife and I planted over 500 out back in dads old cattle pasture.
It will be a nice stand for the little one in 25-30 years. The lumber value has increased as they are using it for deck boards and marine crap along the lake here. Amish love to get there paws on it here!!!! Funny 30-40 years ago i was thought to be extinct. Good fall color too.

P.S. if you really like it, do stick cuttings like you would with willows in early spring!
You can get about 30% survivability rate with them buggers. (poor mans propagation!!!)
Thank's for the info Matt. Post up some pic's of the Ohio country if you can. I have never seen it, or the tree's there. I trie'd to post more myself wont go through, only certain time's weird.
I was hoping more people would, post up some more picture's of good tree's Redwood's or not. I would love to see em.
Great story, Norm!

My love, and fascination of Redwood's,and tree's started when I was a little boy. It is now like an addiction. I have spent countless hour's, hiking, while hunting, and just staring at big redwood's in amzement. Easily getting sidetracked. I have read every book I can get my hand's on, about logging, or just redwood tree's, and pic's. I have also spent time driving around, and hiking just trying to find a big one. Alot of time's being there for some other reason, and stumbling upon one or a few by accident. I have never fallen a ol growth, it would be a lifetime experience, so I have thought, but truel'y don't want to or think I would have the heart to. As much as I love the logging book's, and my hat's is off to the guy's who earned there stripe's doing so. It make's me proud to know a few,and share wonderfull storie's, and picture's. I think for me it was life altering, and I wouldn't have grown up the same elsewhere. I never get tire'd of them, and Jeanie, and I while out for a drive with the dog's, have made numerous stop's to look over a awesome giant. For anybody who has never been in Redwood country it is really worth the trip for you, to see the piece's of history, and time that has revolved around them. I am glad some time ago some wonderfull people, realized we neede'd to preserve some. If not I wouldn't have grown up in the same country, and wouldn't have had so many wonderfull experience's:clap:

I saw some big Redwoods from the "skunk train" when I was down your way, between Wilits and Fort Bragg, and was interested to learn that redwoods send up shoots from their stumps. I understand why you'd never think about cutting one down, even though your 2101 would do it. Did you ever see the movie "Sometimes and Great Notion" with Henry Fonda?

Timber hunting is my favourite hunt,too.

Thank's for the compliment Joe. And thank you Jerry for the great picture's. I have been running the wood's, hunting, cutting, and sight seeing for 23 plus year's. Last year with my new pack of dog's who are my family along with my other best friend's. We ran the wood's every weekend on multiple ranche's. Catch and release also. I live up around the reservation by the casino. I earne'd the nickname of three boar's tall, after coming back with 3 big boar's from a day's run with the dog's. It was kind of funny at first, but grew on me, and I was proud. I realized it is not just hunting, but my love for dog's, Nature tree's the outdoor's. It is a way of life that I live by, like a unwritten code.
I was in the rolling hill's, and Oak country, cutting Saturday. I love that too, but misse'd the Redwood's. The perfect country has both!