GYPO LOGGER: Will the Real Chain Builder Please Grind Up!

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I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, but if the shoe fits then wear it.
Until then, I'll just buck an apple fritter into several serving pieces. Tim Horton's here I come.
Paul, is there any veneeeer in New Brunswick, or did you pulp it all?
He said he cut lots today , so much that Bullock wanted to go home early, but paul has not found that plastic wrapper yet but he is still looking very hard for it
Hi Ed, Ken and Dozer Dan are grinding their teeth in their sleep over that Dolmar. It's too bad that Doug has reduced himself to a heckler. He knows that money doesn't buy happiness, but he's found out it's a great way to be miserable.
so did you get that bush down and i didnot see you online earlier so i take it that you were tapping again
hey iwill be in toronto on tuesday so i will stop by and we can video that 460 that seems to hate to have it's picture taken and a 365 that should make most peoples hair stand on end
the 6400 is 64cc so close to the 4 cu, the 066 that NB logger used was Kenn's as well, the 7900 will be a 5 cu saw .
the 6400 was on alcohol with 20% nitro methane, there is alot more to do to that saw yet, so when i get time i will do more to her and get her screaming
5cu is 81 cc
a cu is just over 16 cc so times by 5 is 81.
not sure how much faster a 7900 will be but i do know that Hunter's 7900 woodsaw is very close to the 6400 on alcohol, so you would think that a 7900 on alcohol should be alot faster and once i put a pipe on it we will see how strong the crank is, i am running a 9 pin on the 6400 so i should be running a 11 pin on the 7900, to be honest i think they may be the hot ticket in the 0to 81 cc class here
Hi Ed, I know that bush like a good friend, I got 6 hrs. into it, 8 thousand feet of Rock Maple. I found the sweet spot on my 72LG, so I am logging and need some Furrrrrrrrrr and some veneeeeeer and a couple of apple frittereeeeers and a large double double.
Quote: Gypo Logger

Its lots of fun to grind our own chains, although I miss freehand round filing.

Round filers are losers, Gypo Logger!
I guess there is alot of loosers out here then cause you hand them a square file and they will think it is for rackers, most out here have never heard of square filing, and from what i have seen on there saws most cannot round file either,

Gypo was that double double to drink or wear, god that most of been hot on the little guy and Bullock had to change bars yesterday to cut that big veneer out east , i think he is using a 60 driver chain now wow now we are logging
another thing Bernie when you travel with Gypo bring a coat cause he likes the window down even when it is cold and if he gets a chance he will turn on tha AC and freeze you out
If it's ten below outside and you turn on the air conditioner, does it act as a heater? I always wondered that.
Anyway, hey Fred, I am trying a new method of thinning my cutters, what do you think of the results.
Gyppo, dont forget to put the washers under the rivet heads like I told you. You dont want the rivets pulling thru. I think restamping them to change the contour is better. Carlton is too hard and breaks. Oregon better!

Hi Frank, I have moved beyond using the washers before I peen the rivets, now I use retaining clips to hold all the pieces together. This way I can use just one race chain for all saws and change the driver count very easily.
Hope this helps,
Where the Heck are my other chains? You have the other 7900 and I want my chains, its been 3-4 weeks and you said you would have them out by now.
Please let me know,
Hi Jarod, sorry for the delay, but I sent them to Ken to get stoned, so you should have them in a few days, and why wouldn't you?
Do you have the white wheels for the Silvey? I'll trade you a chain for 6 of them, ok?
Ha Gypo , Woodland phoned me tonight to see ifyou could sell a bunch of red oak veneer for him, he has got 200 to 220 trees around 38 to 40 inches on the stump, he didnot want to show you when you were out there cause he did not want you moving down to his area and taking all of the veneer in the area