It has been said that trees are best viewed as Bio-Mechanical Devices, i think that is most true.
>>Really, ALL life is biological, and also as physical items subject to mechanical rules as well.
But trees larger than other life, just presents biologies and mechanix in larger, more magnified proportions!
>>so, the 'Bio-Mechanical Devices' is most true, as most magnified.
>>and allowed longest life , as most in tune to Natural clock and flow of all else!
Leveraging from the educator side of what can present, would read up on Doc Shigo adventures, CODIT, target pruning etc.
Staying to educated base, would also become friends with sine/cosine, leverage and friction.
Would get experience under someone else's wing, more than internet, to develop 'feel' for the mechanix.
Give polished look to tree service, showing faults of misInformation right from tree planting(don't bury the king's crown etc.) and on to include mychorhizae in the sea of soil as base.
>>Absorbing/soft roots about match leaf proportion, woody roots and stems portions about match, remaining 60% is more trunk/branch hardwood i think.
Still have to pay the price of gruntwork, to 'Touch Trees' in this way too, and this can position to where can offer/exercise own biological background at some points, biology and mechanical enlightenment.
>>good truck, willing to work, sober etc. could make it easier to find work; might even lead to some sales at some point with background.
What would this planet be like w/o trees?
w/o their using some of and shading from some of the ultraviolent radiation that batters the planet, or the amount of carbon conversion to usable for all known life as also gives oxygen, from CO2 byproduct!