How do we compete...?

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
Whitehall, MI
with guys like this:

SKS Stump Grinding: Home

I'm not at all talking bad about him, but in our area, there are a ton of guys like this. How do you guys compete with "that local cheap guy"? Too many customers only seem to care about price. The ones that care about more are getting fewer and farther between.
Read that guys story its some twisted ####. he admits to have beaten his children after joining a cult.
VERY odd, to say the least. I stumbled upon it by googling "stump grinding cost" just out of curiosity. It seems this crop of competition is just like weeds: as soon as one fails, another pops up in its place. There's a service provider for every customer. So in some ways, guys like this help us out by keeping some of the less desirable clientele occupied.
I learned something while reading this post. When describing yourself to customers dont use the child support chasing me to the next tree job analogy. Ever again. Lesson learned.
Well, if you're competing with him, i believe you're no better than he is. Hes just another tree guy trying to make a living. If you offer better, reliable service at a reasonable price; professional attitude, work ethics, manners, knowledge and standards; don't publicize beating your kids and carry a hefty insurance policy, he'll be gone from his tree business the day after he puts a tree through a house and you'll have gained clients instead of wham bam thank you ma'am customers (that are usually the ones you don't want) and a well deserved reputation as the go-to guy for all things arbor.
Well, if you're competing with him, i believe you're no better than he is. Hes just another tree guy trying to make a living. If you offer better, reliable service at a reasonable price; professional attitude, work ethics, manners, knowledge and standards; don't publicize beating your kids and carry a hefty insurance policy, he'll be gone from his tree business the day after he puts a tree through a house and you'll have gained clients instead of wham bam thank you ma'am customers (that are usually the ones you don't want) and a well deserved reputation as the go-to guy for all things arbor.

Well said... Don't compete. Get what you have too. When they call you back because the other guy put a tree threw their house... Charge him more.... "I told you so..." is usually what I say... Experince, Insurance, and Acting Professional. Ive sold more jobs for more then the other guy because I look like a pro and sound like a pro.... Have confindence when you speak wit your customers. Who wants to hire a guy that sounds like it's their first time selling a job. I bring my Insurance Certificate on every job attached to the top of my clip board. Same with my workers comp. Takes awhile to build your name. Good clean service gets your name around.
You guys are still missing the whole pointe of his website with low prices!

hes not really doing work that cheap its a front!! he believes he is getting screwed by the system. so he's advertising that he cuts super cheap so on his tax returns he can pull it off. think outside the box. something like this is going on.

no one grinds a stump for 35$ within 20 miles thats almost 20 in fuel in my rigs its not possible. your upside down. he even shows his taxes and how much he has made on his website saying like under 6g's all year. Its to beat the system. he probably takes a 35$ check and 1500$ in cash so he doesn't have to pay so much child support or whatever.

at 150$ for that big pine he wouldn't be able to afford employees endless the work for 50. cents an hour. and if he did it by himself it would take days. so thats like 40$ a day plus expenses, he would be upside down it isn't even possible.

their is low and then their is just can't happen.
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someone close call and get an estimate. i would i wanna see that guy cut down a 40ft tree for 50$ and still make money. id bet 100$ he won't do it. there is more to that story.
You compete on something other than price. If you really aren't offering anything different from what he is, and he is cheaper then you must expect not to have any business. Thankfully you have a lot more to offer. You just need to market that.

First, realise that hiring a tree service is for most people a once in a lifetime thing. They've got no idea how it works or what it costs, so they fall easy prey to guys with lies. They probably don't even have a friend who's hired a tree service. So take a few minutes to give them the real scoop, not just a price when you quote. I spend about 15 minutes on average at a customers house. Usual drill of being clean cut and wearing a uniform, being prompt and polite. I give them some info on the trees they have, which are good and bad and what they can expect from them. I upsell quite a bit of work this way. I don't give away too much, just enough to showcase my skills. I hilight the things about the job that are difficult or make it more expensive eg "that tree goes out over your house and your roof is made of tile which is old and brittle. Any small stub that hits it will go right through it. Luckily our guys are fully trained and we are familiar with this type of work. I'm going to charge you $1,700 for this tree to allow enough time to carefully lower off the branches and not do damage to your house." etc....

I also carry my company registration, public liability and workers comp as well as my arborist cert. It does make an impression. I make a point of telling the customer that a lot of guys claim to have it but if you ask to see it they wont call you back. Unfortunately a lot of hacks are now making fake certs!

I often throw in something a little extra rather than drop the price. This closes a lot of deals for me. Like if I'm doing a removal and notice they've got a cypress that's going to get big fast, I suggest it might be a good time to hedge it up and keep it under control. Adding something extra means that you're quote doesn't directly compare with the other guys. I also offer to supply free poison if they're not doing the stump. There's a million little things you can do to show your professionalism, and they all add up to your brand value.

Recognise too, that you can't and don't want to win all customers. Some folks plain don't have the money, and some just don't give a crap. Knowing your target market and target service will help you earn more.

For me, I stay away from the lower end of the market for obvious reasons, and also the upper end because I find rich people are a pain. They often expect too much and are difficult to deal with. Some guys specialise in that sort of stuff, and offer white glove treatment - no damage to lawns, manicured gardens etc.

Very well put Shaun,, that is a great way to look at it.... If I was in that guys area I would contract him to drag brush and load logs for 30 bucks a

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